We don't know Shakespeare's exact birth date, but he was baptized on April 26, 1564.
There are seven years in Shakespeare's life (1585-1592) where we don't know where he was.
Shakespeare was not just a playwright, but also an actor and poet.
Shakespeare made up over 1,700 words we still use today, like "eyeball" and "bedroom."
Shakespeare partly owned this famous theater where his plays were performed.
He wrote 154 sonnets, which are poems about love, beauty, and life.
Shakespeare's writing gave us sayings like "All that glitters is not gold" and "Break the ice."
The Globe Theatre burned down in 1613 during a play when a cannon shot went wrong.
Shakespeare's works are translated into every major language and are performed more than any other playwright's.
We still don't know for sure how Shakespeare died in 1616, which adds to the mystery of his life.