1. Kabir was a disciple of which among the following saints?
- Ravidas
- Ramananda
- Jaydeva
- Sukhanada
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Answer: Ramananda
Kabir was a renowned mystic poet and saint, known for his significant contributions to the Bhakti movement of northern India. He was a disciple of Ramananda, who is considered the first Bhakti saint and the founder of the Bhakti Movement in the region. Kabir’s teachings emphasized monotheism and advocated the worship of an abstract, formless God who is one for all. His poetry and devotional verses continue to be revered and have had a lasting impact on Indian spirituality and culture.
2. manuscript titled “Sarab Gutaka” is ascribed to which among the following mystics?
- Bhagat Pipa
- Surdas
- Bhagat Trilochan
- Bhagat Namdev
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Answer: Bhagat Pipa
Bhagat Pipa was a 14th-century mystic poet and saint associated with the Bhakti movement. He abdicated his throne as the Rajput King of Gagaraungarh to follow a spiritual path. Bhagat Pipa is credited with the composition “Sarab Gutaka,” a significant manuscript in Bhakti literature that reflects his spiritual journey. His beliefs evolved from Shaivism and Sakta traditions to ultimately embracing Vaishnavism under the guidance of Ramananda. He later preached Nirguni (attributeless) beliefs.
3. Who among the following is considered to be the teacher of Amir Khusro?
- Moinuddin Chishti
- Baba Farid
- Nizamuddin Auliya
- Bakhtiyar Kaki
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Answer: Nizamuddin Auliya
Amir Khusro, a prominent poet and musician of the medieval era, is considered a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya, a famous Sufi saint of the Chishti Order. Amir Khusro’s association with Nizamuddin Auliya played a crucial role in shaping his poetic and musical works. He is known for his contributions to Sufi poetry and qawwali music.
4. Who among the following composed Ananga?
- Kabir
- Gyaneshwar
- Tukaram
- Raidasa
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Answer: Gyaneshwar
Gyaneshwar was a Maratha saint known for his devotional work and commentaries on religious texts. “Ananga” is a reference to one of Gyaneshwar’s important works. He is considered a revered figure in the Bhakti tradition for his philosophical insights and devotion to the divine.
5. Surdas was a disciple of which among the following?
- Ramanujacharya
- Ramananda
- Vallabhacharya
- Gyaneshwar
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Answer: Vallabhacharya
Surdas, the 16th-century blind Hindu devotional poet and singer, was indeed a disciple of Vallabhacharya, a leading figure in the Bhakti movement. Surdas is celebrated for his devotional lyrics in praise of Lord Krishna.
6. Which legendary Sufi saint of the Chishti order was popularly known as ‘Chirag-e-Dehlavi’ (Chirag of Delhi)?
- Nizamuddin Auliya
- Nasiruddin Mahmud Chirag-Dehlavi
- Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
- None of the above
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Answer: Nasiruddin Mahmud Chirag-Dehlavi
Shaikh Nasiruddin Mahmud Chirag-e-Delhi was a 14th-century mystic poet and Sufi saint of the Chishti Order. He was widely recognized as the “Illuminated Lamp of Delhi” due to his spiritual teachings and contributions to Sufi literature.
7. The Sanskrit poetry of the 11th-century poet Jayadeva became the basis of which dance form?
- Odissi
- Bharatnatyam
- Kathak
- Manipuri
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Answer: Odissi
Jayadeva, known for his Sanskrit poetry, particularly his work “Gita Govinda,” played a pivotal role in the development of the classical Indian dance form known as Odissi. The themes and verses of “Gita Govinda” continue to be a significant source of inspiration for Odissi dancers.
8. Which of the following Bhakti saints/poets was monotheist?
- Surdas
- Tulsidas
- Raskhan
- Kabir
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Answer: Kabir
Kabir was a monotheist Bhakti saint, advocating the worship of an abstract form of God, who is one for all.
9. Which of the following are Silsilas of Sufism?
- Chishti
- Kadri
- Soharvardi
- Nakshbandi
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Answer: Nakshbandi
The Silsilas of Sufism mentioned are Chishti, Kadri, Soharvardi, and Nakshbandi.
10. The Nathpanthis, Siddhacharas, and Yogis advocated salvation through what?
- Meditation
- Knowledge
- Sacrifices
- Self-effort
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Answer: Meditation
The Nathpanthis, Siddhacharas, and Yogis advocated salvation through meditation.
Q11: What is the correct meaning of the Doctrine of Fana of the Sufi mystics?
1. Inflaming the fire of love to achieve ecstasy
2. Communication with God
3. Transcendental meditation to achieve God
4. Annihilation of human attributes through Union with God
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Fana means to die before one dies, a concept highlighted by famous Sufi saints such as Rumi and later by Sultan Bahoo. It signifies the annihilation of human attributes through union with God)
Q12: Which of the following saints of the Bhakti Movement initially adopted Saguna/Vaishnavism but later preached Nirguni beliefs of life?
1. Raidas
2. Gusainji
3. Bhagat Pipa
4. Vallabhacharya
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Bhagat Pipa was a 14th-century Rajput King of Gagaraungarh, who abdicated the throne to become a mystic poet and saint of the Bhakti movement. He initially followed Shaivism and Sakta traditions but later adopted Vaishnavism as a disciple of Ramananda and finally preached Nirguni beliefs of life.
Q13: Consider the following differences between Sagun and Nirguna Bhakti:
1. While Saguna Bhakti is with attributes, Nirguna Bhakti is without attributes.
2. While Kabir was an exponent of Nirguna Bhakti, Mirabai was an exponent of Saguna Bhakti.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. 1 Only
2. 2 Only
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Both statements are correct. Saguna Bhakti involves worshiping the divine with attributes, while Nirguna Bhakti emphasizes worshiping the formless and attributeless aspect of God) Kabir was associated with Nirguna Bhakti, and Mirabai was associated with Saguna Bhakti.
Q14: Identify the dance form with the help of given information:
1. It started as a ritual dance form in the latter part of the Bhakti movement.
2. The dance is accompanied by musical compositions called borgeets.
3. This dance form was once the domain of celibate male monks but is now performed by male as well as female dancers.
Select the correct answer from the options given below:
1. Sattriya
2. Yakshagana
3. Kuchipudi
4. Mohiniyattam
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The given features are of the Sattriya dance form. Sattriya was introduced in the 15th century a)d) by the great Vaishnava saint and reformer of Assam, Mahapurusha Sankaradeva)
Q15: Pushti Marg:
1. was founded by Shankaracharya)
2. gave a great base to Krishna Bhakti.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. 1 Only
2. 2 Only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Pushti Marg, a devotional tradition within Vaishnavism, was indeed founded by Vallabhacharya, emphasizing devotion to Lord Krishna.
Q16: On which of the following ‘Bhakti Cult’ laid emphasis?
1. Idol worship
2. Universal brotherhood
3. Devotion to God
4. None of these
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The Bhakti movement, whether through saints like Kabir or Mirabai, laid strong emphasis on devotion to God, transcending religious boundaries and societal hierarchies. It promoted universal brotherhood, unity, and love through devotion to religious concepts.
Q17: Who among the following Bhakti leaders used the medium of dance and songs (Kirtans) to make one feel the personal presence of God near him?
1. Shankaradeva
2. Chandidasa
3. Jnanadeva
4. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a Bengali Hindu mystic and saint, was a proponent of Achintya Bheda Abheda and Gaudiya Vaishnavism. He used dance and devotional songs known as Kirtans to create an atmosphere of divine presence and to foster love and devotion to God.
Q18: Who among the following was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message?
1. Dadu
2. Kabir
3. Ramananda
4. Tulsidas
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Ramananda, a Bhakti saint, is known as the first to use vernacular Hindi for the propagation of his message. He used the language to communicate his teachings and made them accessible to a wide audience, irrespective of caste or social background.
Q19: Which of the following are also variously known as fuqara and dervish?
1. Followers of Sufism
2. Followers of Hinduism
3. Followers of Bhakti movement
4. Followers of Jainism
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The terms fuqara and dervish are used to refer to the followers of Sufism. These terms signify their commitment to a life of poverty and humility as they seek spiritual enlightenment and union with God.
Q20: The Sufi philosophy is primarily based on the concept of which of the following?
1. Unity with the beloved
2. Unity with God
3. Unity with the universe
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Sufism is primarily based on the concept of tawhid, signifying the unity and oneness with God. Sufis yearn for personal union with God and believe that fulfilling God’s will should be an act of love rather than mere duty.
Q21: In Sufi philosophy, the term Wali refers to which of the following?
1. Teacher
2. Beloved
3. Friend
4. Servant
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Every Sufi aspires to be a Wali, which translates to a friend or patron in Sufi terminology, signifying a saint. The Sufi belief is that fulfilling God’s will should be an expression of love rather than mere obligation. This deep devotion to God is central to Sufism.
Q22: What was the spiritual way of life adopted by individual Sufis in the ninth and tenth centuries came to be known as?
1. Tariqah
2. Haqiqah
3. Tasawwuf
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: A spiritual way of life adopted by individual Sufis in the ninth and tenth centuries came to be known as Tariqah. The first stage of mystic concepts appeared as a reaction to the worldliness of the early Umayyad period)
Q23: With reference to Sufism, which of the following terms refers to divine proximity?
1. Qurbat
2. Ruh
3. Hulul
4. Fana
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The ideas central to the theory of Sufism are of ruh (soul), qurbat (divine proximity), and hulul (infusion of the divine spirit), Ishq (divine love), and Fana (self-annihilation).
Q24: Which of the following statements are correct about Sufism?
1. Sufism represents the inward or esoteric, mystical side of Islam.
2. Sufis believed that God is Mashuq and Sufis are the Ashiqs.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Sufism is the inward or mystical dimension of Islam, emphasizing the personal and spiritual relationship with God. Sufis view God as the beloved (Mashuq) and themselves as the lovers (Ashiqs) who hold God as the supreme beauty. They advocate deep admiration and love for God, often seeking direct spiritual experiences.
Q25: Sufis came to India from which of the following countries?
1. Tibet
2. Persia
3. Afghanistan
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 1 & 3
3. Only 2 & 3
4. 1, 2 & 3
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Sufis came to India from regions such as Persia, Afghanistan, and Central Asia following the establishment of Turkish rule in northern India during the early 13th century. Their teachings and practices significantly influenced the spiritual and cultural landscape of the Indian subcontinent.
Q26: The Chisti Order was established in India by which of the following saints?
1. Nizamuddin Auliya
2. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
3. Ibrahim Qanduzi
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The Chisti Order in India was founded by Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, a Persian preacher and mystic from Sistan who settled in Ajmer around 1206 CE. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti’s teachings played a pivotal role in the dissemination of Sufi wisdom in the region.
Q27: Which of the following gives information regarding the ancestry of Muinuddin Chishti?
1. Fawaid-al-Fuad
2. Siyar-al-Arijin
3. Khair-al-Majalis
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Information regarding Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti’s ancestry is available in the Suhrawardi text Siyar-al-Arijin, which was compiled several centuries after his death. While this text provides some details, historical accuracy can be uncertain.
Q28: Who constructed a mausoleum over the grave of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti?
1. Khwaja Hussain Nagauri
2. Hamiduddin Nagauri
3. Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq
4. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Following the death of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti in 1235 CE, his mausoleum was constructed in Ajmer. In the 15th century, Khwaja Hussain Nagauri added to the site, further enhancing its significance as a place of reverence for Sufis and devotees.
Q29: Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki came to Delhi during the reign of which of the following rulers?
1. Allaudin Khilji
2. Iltutmish
3. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, a leading disciple of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, visited Delhi in 1221 CE. He received a warm welcome and patronage from Sultan Iltutmish, contributing to the spread of Sufi teachings in the Delhi region.
Q30: Early Sufi mystic Rabia al-Adawiya was from which of the following modern countries?
1. Iran
2. Iraq
3. Lebanon
4. Afghanistan
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Rabia al-Adawiya, also known as Hazrat Bibi Rabia Basri or Rabia Basri, was an early Sufi mystic from Basra in Iraq. She is highly revered in Sufism and is one of the most respected female saints in Sufi tradition.
Q31: Which of the following is regarded as the oldest Sufi in the Indian subcontinent who established himself in north India?
1. Rabia al-Adawiya
2. Al Hujwiri
3. Al-Junaid
4. Bayazid Bastami
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Al Hujwiri, known as Data Ganj Bakhsh, is considered one of the oldest Sufi saints in the Indian subcontinent. He established himself in North India and is prominently associated with Lahore. His teachings have significantly influenced Sufi mysticism.
Q32: The Chisti presence in Delhi was established by which of the following saints?
1. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
2. Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq
3. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
4. Iltutmish
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The presence of the Chisti Order in Delhi was solidified by Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, a disciple of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki migrated to Delhi from Transoxiana, contributing to the expansion of the Chisti Sufi tradition in the region.
Q33: Which of the following was the first in the four Sufi Silsilah to be established in the Indian subcontinent?
1. Chisti
2. Suhrawardi
3. Qadiriyahs
4. Naqshbandis
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The Chisti order was the first in the four Sufi Silsilah (orders) to be established in the Indian subcontinent. The other three prominent Sufi orders are Suhrawardi, Qadiriyahs, and Naqshbandis.
Q34: Which of the following was the center of activities of the various Sufi orders?
1. Khanqah
2. Dargah
3. Silsilahs
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The khanqah or hospice was the center of activities of the various Sufi orders. These khanqahs were led by the shaikh, pir, or murshid (teacher), and the disciples (murids) lived with the shaikh.
Q35: ‘Zikr’ involved which of the following?
1. Repeated recitation of a devotional formula in praise of Allah.
2. Gathering where musical instruments were played)
3. Ecstatic dancing.
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Zikr’ involves the repeated recitation of a devotional formula in praise of Allah. Originally a simple recitation of the Quran, it evolved into an elaborate ritual often practiced collectively, believed to lead to spiritual bliss and union with God.
Q36: Which of the following was rewarded with the office of Shaikh ul Islam by Iltutmish?
1. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
2. Khwaja Hussain Nagauri
3. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
4. Nizamuddin Auliya
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki was offered the prestigious office of Shaikh ul Islam by Sultan Iltutmish but declined the honor, reflecting his humility and devotion to Sufi ideals
Q37: Which of the following spoke about the doctrine of wahdat al-wujud or the unity of being that had a profound influence on Sufi thought worldwide?
1. Al Hujwiri
2. Al-Junaid
3. Ibn al-Arabi
4. None of the above
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Answer: 3
Explanation: In the late 12th and early 13th centuries, Andalusian Sufi Ibn al-Arabi introduced the concept of wahdat al-wujud, or the unity of being, which had a profound influence on Sufi thought worldwide. This concept emphasizes the unity and interconnectedness of all existence.
Q38: Which of the following founded the Order of the Whirling Dervishes in the thirteenth century?
1. Jalauddin Rumi
2. Abul Fazl
3. Bahauddin Zakariya
4. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Jalauddin Rumi, a prominent Sufi mystic and poet, founded the Order of the Whirling Dervishes in the 13th century. Born in Afghanistan, he is revered for his spiritual and poetic teachings. His disciples referred to him as ‘Mevlana,’ signifying their regard for him as their leader. The Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes engage in a dance as a form of worship, seeking ecstatic, trance-like states to connect with God.
Q39: Which of the following was also known as ‘Mevlana’?
1. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
2. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
3. Jalauddin Rumi
4. Nizamuddin Auliya
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Jalauddin Rumi’s disciples called him ‘Mevlana,’ which means our leader, and from here, the Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes took their name. Today, the Whirling Dervishes use dance as worship, reaching ecstatic trance-like states to communicate with God)
Q40: ‘Ziyarat’ refers to which of the following?
1. To observe tolerance
2. Practice of visiting tombs
3. Repentance over bad deeds
4. Surrender to achieve salvation
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Ziyarat refers to the practice of visiting the tombs of revered Sufi saints, and it has emerged as a significant form of ritual pilgrimage in Sufism. Many Sufis believe in the occurrence of miracles at the tombs of saints.
Q41: ‘Beshara’ refers to which of the following?
1. Who are not bound by the Sharait law
2. Surrender to achieve salvation
3. Non-acceptance of what was not given freely
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: These terms are related to the practice of adhering to Islamic law. ‘Beshara’ signifies those who are not bound by Sharait law, indicating individuals who may not strictly follow traditional Islamic legal standards. In contrast, ‘Ba-shara’ refers to those who follow Islamic law diligently. ‘Vara’ denotes non-acceptance of what was not given freely, potentially reflecting principles of voluntary and unconditional giving.
Q42: Family of which of the following Sufi mystics was originally from Bukhara?
1. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
2. Shaikh Nizamuddin
3. Nizamuddin Auliya
4. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
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Answer: 2
Explanation: After the passing of Fariduddin Masud, popularly known as Baba Farid Ganj-i Shakar, in 1271 CE, he was succeeded by Shaikh Nizamuddin, who hailed from Delhi and whose family originally had roots in Bukhara. After Shaikh Nizamuddin’s death in 1325 CE, Khwaja Rafiuddin Harun, the son of his nephew, succeeded him as the sajjada nashin, continuing the Sufi lineage.
Q43: Shaikh Nizamuddin was succeeded by which of the following?
1. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
2. Rafiuddin Harun
3. Nizamuddin Auliya
4. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
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Answer: 2
Explanation: After the passing of Shaikh Nizamuddin in 1325 CE, his disciple, Khwaja Rafiuddin Harun, who was the son of his nephew, succeeded him as the sajjada nashin. Additionally, Nasiruddin Mahmud, popularly known as Chiragh-i-Delhi, became the spiritual successor of Shaikh Nizamuddin.
Q44: Which of the following sultans converted the grave of Shaikh Nizamuddin into a shrine with a mosque?
1. Iltutmish
2. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
3. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
4. None of the above
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Shaikh Nizamuddin died in 1325 CE, and according to his last wishes, his grave lay in a forested area, which was later converted into a shrine with a mosque by Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
Q45: Who was the spiritual successor of Shaikh Nizamuddin?
1. Nasiruddin Mahmud
2. Rafiuddin Harun
3. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
4. Nizamuddin Auliya
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Answer: 1
Explanation: After the death of Shaikh Nizamuddin in 1325 CE, he was succeeded by Khwaja Rafiuddin Harun. But the spiritual successor of Shaikh Nizamuddin was Nasiruddin Mahmud, popularly known as Chiragh-i-Delhi.
Q46: Who was also popularly known as Chiragh-i-Delhi?
1. Nizamuddin Auliya
2. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
3. Rafiuddin Harun
4. Nasiruddin Mahmud
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Nasiruddin Mahmud, known as Chiragh-i-Delhi, was born in Awadh. At the young age of 25, he became a practicing Sufi and succeeded Shaikh Nizamuddin as a spiritual leader. His teachings and spiritual influence had a lasting impact in the region.
Q47: The Chishti order took firm root in the Deccan because of which of the following saints?
1. Rafiuddin Harun
2. Gesu Daraz
3. Nasiruddin Mahmud
4. Sayyid Yadullah
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The Chishti order took firm root in the Deccan because of Gesu Daraz’s presence in Gulbarga) He was born in Delhi in 1321, and Gesudaraz moved to Deccan along with his father when Muhammad bin Tughlaq ordered the general migration.
Q48: During the reign of which of the following kings did Gesu Daraz arrive in Gulbarga?
1. Firoz Shah Bahmani
2. Ahmed Shah Wali Bahmani
3. Ala-ud-Din Ahmed Shah Bahmani
4. Nizam Shah Bahmani
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Answer: 1
Explanation: After the death of his father in Daulatabad, Gesu Daraz, who was 16 years old, returned to Delhi, where he joined the spiritual discipline of Shaikh Nasir-ud-din Chiragh. He arrived in Gulbarga during the reign of Sultan Firoz Shah Bahmani.
Q49: Which of the following was the spiritual successor of Gesu Daraz?
1. Sayyid Yadullah
2. Shaikh Piyara
3. Kamaluddin Biyabani
4. Sulaiman Mandavi
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Due to the presence of Gesu Daraz in Gulbarga, the Chishti order took firm root in the Deccan. Sayyid Yadullah, who was the grandson of Gesu Daraz, became his spiritual successor.
Q50: Which of the following received political favor, lucrative appointments, and material comforts?
1. Chisti Order
2. Firdausia Sufis
3. Suhrawardi Sufis
4. None of the above
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Suhrawardi Sufis were known to receive political favor, lucrative appointments, and material comforts, often associating with the political elites of the land. This engagement with the ruling class allowed them to have a notable presence and influence in various regions.
Q51: Which of the following statements are correct about the followers of the Bhakti movement?
1. They condemned polytheism and believed in one god)
2. They also denounced all forms of idolatry.
3. They greatly emphasized the fundamental unity of all religions.
1. Only 1
2. Only 1 & 2
3. Only 2 & 3
4. 1, 2 & 3
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The followers of the Bhakti movement condemned polytheism and strongly believed in a single God. They rejected all forms of idolatry and emphasized the fundamental unity of all religions, promoting the idea that devotion to God transcends religious boundaries.
Q52: Which of the following was originally a follower of Ramanuja?
1. Ramananda
2. Tulsidas
3. Kabir
4. Guru Nanak
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Ramananda, a 15th-century spiritual leader, initially followed the teachings of Ramanuja. Born in Allahabad, he voiced his concerns against the growing formalism in the orthodox religious practices. He founded a new school called Vaishnavism, based on the principles of love and devotion. Ramananda revered Lord Rama as the object of bhakti and introduced the worship of Lord Ram and Sita. His legacy had a profound influence on the development of the Ram cult in North India.
Q53: Which of the following founded a new school of Vaishnavism based on the gospel of love and devotion?
1. Ramanuja
2. Kabir
3. Ramananda
4. Tulsidas
Show Answer
Answer: 3
Explanation: Ramananda raised his voice against the increasing formalism of the orthodox cult. He also founded a new school called Vaishnavism, which was based on the gospel of love and devotion.
Q54: Which of the following is identified as the founder of the Ram cult in north India?
1. Kabir
2. Ramananda
3. Guru Nanak
4. Dadu Dayal
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Ramananda looked upon Ram as the object of bhakti and not Vishnu. He worshiped Ram and Sita, and later he came to be identified as the founder of the Ram cult in north India)
Q55: Whose verses are found in the Sikh holy scripture, Adi Granth?
1. Ramananda
2. Guru Nanak
3. Tulsidas
4. Kabir
Show Answer
Answer: 4
Explanation: Kabir, a renowned 15th-century Bhakti poet and saint, was one of the most prominent disciples of Ramananda. His verses are revered and can be found in the Sikh holy scripture, the Adi Granth. Kabir’s objective was to promote harmony and reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims through his spiritual teachings.
Q56: Bijak is the best known of the compilations of the compositions of which of the following Bhakti saints?
1. Ramananda
2. Tulsidas
3. Guru Nanak
4. Kabir
Show Answer
Answer: 4
Explanation: The Bijak is one of the most well-known compilations of Kabir’s compositions. As a Bhakti poet and saint, Kabir’s work aimed to bridge the gap between Hindus and Muslims, emphasizing unity and devotion to the divine.
Q57: Who was the first Sikh Guru and founder of Sikhism?
1. Guru Gobind Singh
2. Guru Angad
3. Guru Nanak
4. Guru Hargovind
Show Answer
Answer: 3
Explanation: Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was the first Sikh Guru. He was a Nirguna Bhakti Saint, social reformer, and was born in the village of Talwandi, now known as Nankana. Guru Nanak’s teachings laid the foundation for Sikhism and emphasized the worship of one God.
Q58: Dadu Dayal belonged to which of the following regions?
1. Gujarat
2. Rajasthan
3. Kerala
4. Bihar
Show Answer
Answer: 1
Explanation: Dadu Dayal was a prominent representative of the Nirguna Sant traditions in Northern India. He was a saint from Gujarat and spent a significant part of his spiritual life in Rajasthan.
Q59: Which of the following set up ashrams known as ‘Thambas’?
1. Dadupanthis
2. Nathpanthis
3. Kabirpanthis
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The followers of Dadu Dayal, known as Dadupanthis, established ashrams known as ‘Thambas’ in Rajasthan. Dadu Dayal’s teachings and the community of Dadupanthis played a crucial role in the propagation of the Nirguna Sant tradition in the region.
Q60: Akbar is believed to be the follower of which of the following bhakti saints?
1. Kabir
2. Ramanuja
3. Guru Nanak
4. Dadu Dayal
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Dadu Dayal is believed to have been found floating on the river Sabarmati and was raised by an affluent businessman, making him a foster son. It’s also a historical belief that Emperor Akbar was one of his followers, attracted by his teachings.
Q61: The followers of the Krishna cult founded the Radha Ballabhi sect under which of the following?
1. Tulsidas
2. Hari Vamsa
3. Sur Das
4. Chaitanya
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Answer: 2
Explanation: In approximately 1585 CE, the followers of the Krishna cult established the Radha Ballabhi sect under the leadership of Hari Vamsa Vallabacharya. Vallabacharya, a popular Bhakti saint, played a crucial role in popularizing the Krishna Bhakti cult in the early 16th century.
Q62: Which of the following is the author of Sursagar?
1. Jayadeva
2. Surdas
3. Tulsidas
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Surdas, a prominent Bhakti poet, is the author of Sursagar in Brajbhasha. This composition is replete with verses celebrating the charm of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha. Surdas, like Mirabai, was a follower of Vallabacharya’s teachings.
Q63: Which of the following popularized the Sankirtan/Kirtan system?
1. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
2. Narsingh Mehta
3. Saint Tyagaraja
4. Tulsidas
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a renowned saint, ascetic Hindu monk, and social reformer of Bengal, played a significant role in popularizing the Krishna cult in the 16th century. He also promoted the Sankirtan/Kirtan system as a means of devotional worship.
Q64: Which of the following composed the famous Pancharatna Kritis?
1. Tyagaraja
2. Narsingh Mehta
3. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
4. Vallabacharya
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Saint Tyagaraja was a prolific composer of Carnatic music, creating thousands of devotional compositions, primarily in Telugu, in praise of Lord Rama. His most famous works include the Pancharatna Kritis, which remain integral to the Carnatic music tradition.
Q65: Which of the following popularized the Chisti order in Bijapur?
1. Miranji Shams al Ushshaq
2. Kamaluddin Biyabani
3. Shaikh Piyara
4. Sayyid Yadullah
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The Chishti order took firm root in the Deccan because of Gesu Daraz’s presence in Gulbarga) Miranji Shams al Ushshaq, who was the disciple of Kamaluddin Biyabani, popularized the Chisti order in Bijapur.
Q66: After the migration of Gesu Daraz to the Deccan, which of the following places emerged as new centers of the Chisti order?
1. Malwa
2. Gujarat
3. Bengal
4. 1, 2 & 3.
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The Chishti Sufis were referred to as the ulema-i-duniya in the Deccan. After the migration of Gesu Daraz to the Deccan, the states that emerged as new centers of the Chisti order were Malwa, Gujarat, Bengal, and the Deccan.
Q67: Which of the following saints founded the Sabiri branch of the Chisti order?
1. Makhdurn Alauddin Ali
2. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
3. Muhibbullah Allahabadi
4. Salim Chishti
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Makhdurn Alauddin Ali Sabir, a close relative of Farid uddin Masud (Baba Farid Ganj-i Shakar), tried to revive the Chisti order in northern India) This branch is known as the Sabiri branch.
Q68: Which of the following was the most prominent king of the Sabiri branch of the Chisti order?
1. Miranji Shams al Ushshaq
2. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
3. Shaikh Piyara
4. Sayyid Yadullah
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Answer: 2
Explanation: One of the most well-known saints of the Sabiri branch of the Chisti order was Abdul Quddus Gangohi, who, along with other Sufis, revived the old glory of the Chishtis in the North.
Q69: Which of the following taught yoga to his disciple Sulaiman Mandavi?
1. Miranji Shams al Ushshaq
2. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
3. Shaikh Piyara
4. Sayyid Yadullah
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Abdul Quddus Gangohi, the most prominent saint of the Sabiri branch of the Chisti order, was deeply interested in yoga and is reported to have taught it to his disciple Sulaiman Mandavi, in return for lessons in Quranic recitation.
Q70: Which of the following texts informs about the fascination of Abdul Quddus Gangohi for yogic philosophy?
1. Siyar al ariftn
2. Iqtibas al anwar
3. Rushd Nama
4. None of the above
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Abdul Quddus Gangohi wrote extensively on Sufism, and out of his 18 known works, only 10 have survived) His work Rushd Nama informs about his fascination for yogic philosophy.
Q71: Muhibbullah Allahabadi, who wrote commentaries on the concept of wahdat ul wujud, was contemporary of which Mughal King?
1. Akbar
2. Jahangir
3. Shah Jahan
4. Aurangzeb
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Muhibbullah Allahabadi received the title of Shaikh-i-Kabir because of his learning and mastery over metaphysics. He advocated the concept of wahdat ul wujud and wrote commentaries on it in Arabic and Persian during the reign of Emperor Akbar.
Q72: Which of the following Sufi Saint was patronized by the rulers of the Sur dynasty?
1. Sayyid Yadullah
2. Salim Chishti
3. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
4. Nizamuddin Auliya
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Salim Chishti, who lived during Emperor Akbar’s reign, was a descendant of Baba Farid) He was patronized by the rulers of the Sur dynasty, and after their fall, Salim once again embarked on a religious journey to foreign lands.
Q73: Which of the following saint received the title of Shaikh-i-Kabir?
1. Sayyid Yadullah
2. Muhibbullah Allahabadi
3. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
4. Miranji Shams al Ushshaq
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Muhibbullah Allahabadi, a great Sufi saint of the Sabiri branch of the Chisti order, received the title of Shaikh-i-Kabir, which means the great Shaikh because of his learning and mastery over metaphysics.
Q74: Which of the following became part of the mystic circle of the Pakpattan shrine?
1. Makhdurn Alauddin Ali
2. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
3. Muhibbullah Allahabadi
4. Salim Chishti
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Salim Chishti, a descendant of Baba Farid, lived during the reign of Emperor Akbar. His family migrated from Punjab to Sikri, where he became part of the mystic circle of the Pakpattan shrine.
Q75: Jahangir was born as a special blessing received by Akbar from which of the following saint?
1. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
2. Makhdurn Alauddin Ali
3. Salim Chishti
4. Muhibbullah Allahabadi
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Answer: 3
Explanation: According to historical records, the Mughal prince Salim, who later came to be known as Jahangir, was born as a special blessing received by Akbar from the saint Salim Chishti. In gratitude, Akbar built a magnificent city in Sikri and shifted his capital there.
Q76: Which of the following was the spiritual successor of Nur Qutb i Alam?
1. Shah Manjhan
2. Abdul Quddus Gangohi
3. Muhibbullah Allahabadi
4. Salim Chishti
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Sultan Ahmad became part of the mystic circle of Nur Qutb i Alam, who was the grandson of Makhdum Jahaniyah, a Sufi saint from South Asia) The spiritual successor of Nur Qutb i Alam was Shah Manjhan.
Q77: Which of the following was the only Suhrawardi saint who lived during the reign of Sikandar Lodi?
1. Hajji Abdul Wahhab Bukhari
2. Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
3. Makhdum Jahaniyah
4. Salim Chishtiq
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Answer: 1
Explanation: By the sixteenth century, the Suhrawardi order declined and remained confined only to Kashmir and Punjab) The only Suhrawardi saint who lived during the reign of Sikandar Lodi in Delhi was Hajji Abdul Wahhab Bukhari.
Q78: Which of the following saints founded the Suhrawardi order?
1. Hajji Abdul Wahhab
2. Suhrawardi
3. Makhdum Suhrawardi
4. Bahauddin Suhrawardi
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The Suhrawardi order was founded by Shihabuddin Suhrawardi in Baghdad and was established in India by Bahauddin Zakariya) The Suhrawardis, unlike the Chistis, accepted maintenance grants from the Sultans.
Q79: The Suhrawardi order was popularized in Kashmir by which of the following saint?
1. Makhdum Jahaniyah
2. Makhdum Hamzah
3. Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
4. Bahauddin Zakariya
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Makhdum Hamzah Kashmiri popularized the Suhrawardi order in Kashmir. He was not in favor of Shia influence in Kashmir and made constant efforts to weaken it. Baba Dawud Khaki Suhrawardi was the most eminent disciple of Makhdum Hamzah Kashmiri.
Q80: Which of the following composed the famous text Wird al Muridin?
1. Saba Dawud Khaki
2. Suhrawardi
3. Makhdum Hamzah
4. Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Baba Dawud Khaki Suhrawardi, a prominent disciple of Makhdum Hamzah Kashmiri, is renowned for composing the famous text Wird al Muridin. This work serves as a biography of Makhdum Hamzah, written in verse.
Q81: Before joining the Suhrawardi order, which of the following lived in the company of Gorakhnath?
1. Makhdum Hamzah
2. Saba Dawud Khaki
3. Suhrawardi
4. Shaikh Hasan
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Shaikh Hasan was a notable Sufi saint of the Suhrawardi order who lived during the 16th and 17th centuries in Lahore, which is in present-day Pakistan. Before embracing the Suhrawardi order, he spent time in the company of the yogi Gorakhnath.
Q82: Which of the following tried to bring about moderation between Islamic law and the concept of wahdat-ul wujud?
1. Nizamuddin Firdausi
2. Saba Dawud Khaki
3. Suhrawardi
4. Shaikh Hasan
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The Firdausia Sufis evolved from the Suhrawardi branch and were mainly found in Bihar. The order was popularized by Shaikh Harfuddin Yahya, a disciple of Nizamuddin Firdausi. He sought to promote moderation between Islamic law (Shariah) and the concept of wahdat-ul wujud.
Q83: Which of the following established the Qadiri order?
1. Shah Nimatullah Wali
2. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
3. Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
4. Shah Nurullah
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The Qadiri order, well-known in Punjab, was founded by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani in the mid-15th century during the Mughal rule. Qadiris are recognized as orthodox Sufis who strictly adhered to the Shariah law.
Q84: The early Qadiris formed their hospices in the Deccan under the patronage of which of the following Bahmani sultan?
1. Firoz Shah Bahmani
2. Ahmed Shah Wali Bahmani
3. Ala-ud-Din Ahmed Shah Bahmani
4. Nizam Shah Bahmani
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The Qadiris were orthodox Sufis and zealously followed the Shariah law. The early Qadiris formed their hospices in the Deccan under the patronage of the Bahmani sultan, Ala-ud-Din Ahmed Shah Bahmani.
Q85: The Bahmani sultan Ahmad Shah was a great patron of which of the following cultural traditions?
1. Persian
2. Turkish
3. Arab
4. All of the above
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The Bahmani sultan Ahmad Shah was a great patron of Persian, Turkish, and Arab cultural traditions. Ahmad Shah Wali Bahmani invited many Sufis from Persia to his new capital of Bidar in the Deccan.
Q86: Which of the following sultan built a new town of Nimatabad?
1. Firoz Shah Bahmani
2. Ala-ud-Din Ahmed Shah Bahmani
3. Nizam Shah Bahmani
4. Ahmed Shah Wali Bahmani
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Answer: 4
Explanation: According to Ferishta, Ahmed Shah persuaded the famous Qadiri saint of Persia, Shah Nimatullah Wali, to send his grandson, Shah Nurullah, to his court. Ahmad Shah built a new town of Nimatabad in honor of the saint’s grandfather.
Q87: Where did Habibullah and Muhibullah establish a Qadiri khanaqa at?
1. Gulbarga
2. Mysore
3. Bidar
4. Nimatabad
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Ahmad Shah married his daughter to Nurullah and also built a new town of Nimatabad in honor of the saint’s grandfather. Nurullah’s brothers, Habibullah and Muhibullah, established a Qadiri khanaqa at Bidar.
Q88: Who among the following was the successor of Shaikh Ibrahim Multani?
1. Sayyid Muhammad Halabi Uchhi
2. Ibrahim Makhdumji
3. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
4. Mir Muhammad Miyan Mir
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Habibullah and Muhibullah, who were the brothers of Shah Nurullah, established a Qadiri khanaqa at Bidar, which emerged as an important Qadiri center in India) Other famous Qadiris of Bidar were Shaikh Ibrahim Multani and his son and successor, Ibrahim Makhdumji.
Q89: The Punjab branch of the Qadiris was founded by which of the following saint?
1. Ibrahim Makhdumji
2. Sayyid Muhammad Halabi Uchhi
3. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
4. Mir Muhammad Miyan
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Answer: 2
Explanation: During the mid-15th century, another branch of the Qadiris was established in Punjab) It was founded by Sayyid Muhammad Halabi Uchhi, who was a descendant of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Q90: Sultan Hussain Mirza became the disciple of which of the following saint?
1. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
2. Mir Muhammad Miyan
3. Sayyid Muhammad Halabi Uchhi
4. Ibrahim Makhdumji
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Sayyid Muhammad Halabi Uchhi visited India when he was young and lived for a while in Lahore and Nagore. When he visited India again in 1482 CE, he settled in Uchh, where Sultan Hussain Mirza became his disciple.
Q91: Who among the following led the earliest Bhakti Movements in India?
1. Brahmins in Varanasi
2. Alvar and Nayanar saints in Tamil Nadu
3. Untouchables in Maharashtra
4. Saints in Sindh and Punjab regions
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The earliest Bhakti movements in India were led by Alvar and Nayanar saints of Tamil Nadu. Between the 7th and 9th centuries, a new religious movement came into prominence led by Nayanars and Alvars who came from all sections of society, including untouchable castes like Pulaiyar and Panars.
Q92: The Naalayira Divya Prabandham is an anthology of the compositions created during Bhakti Movement by:
1. Nayanar saints
2. Alvar Saints
3. Basavanna
4. Srikrishna of Guruvayur
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Nalayira Divya Prabandham is a collection of 4,000 Tamil verses sung by 12 Alvar saints and compiled by Nathamuni during the 9th – 10th centuries. They are in praise of Narayana (Vishnu) and his many forms, sung by Alvars at sacred shrines called Divya Desams. Nalayira Divya Prabandham was described as the Tamil Veda and claimed the text was as important as the four Vedas.
Q93: Who among the following is counted first among the list of the Nayanar saints?
1. Sundarar
2. Tiru Neelakanta
3. Iyarpagaiar
4. Ilayankudi Maranar
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Sundarar (other names – Chuntarar, Chuntaramurtti, Nampi Aruran, Tampiran Tolan) was the poet of the Tamil Shaiva Siddhanta tradition and lived in the eighth century. He is counted as the first among all the 63 Nayanar saints.
Q94: Who among the following was one of the women Nayanar saints?
1. Eripatha
2. Kannappa
3. Anaya
4. Karaikkal Ammaiyar
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Karaikkal Ammaiyar, earlier named Punitavati, was one of the Tamil Shaivite saints. She was married to a merchant, but her ardent devotion to Lord Shiva conflicted with her duties as a wife, and she thus chose to move out of the marriage, thereby denouncing the patriarchal norms.
Q95: Among the following, who was not a Bhakti Saint?
1. Nagarjuna
2. Tukaram
3. Tyagaraja
4. Vallabhacharya
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Nagarjuna (c) 150 – c) 250 CE) is widely considered one of the most important Mahayana philosophers. The rest three are Bhakti Saints.
Q96: Which of the following broke the orthodox Brahmanical framework that worked as one of the factors behind the rise of Bhakti cult in Northern India?
1. Caste System
2. Scientific Temper
3. Turkish Conquest
4. Rise of Jainism and Buddhism
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The popular Bhakti movement in Northern India took shape after the Turkish conquest because the dominance of the Rajput-Brahman alliance was broken, and it gave way to nonconformist movements, anti-caste, and anti-Brahmanical ideologies.
Q97: Who was the only female Alvar saint?
1. Thirumalisai
2. Nammalvar
3. Madhurakavi
4. Andal
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Andal or Godadevi is the only female among the 12 Alvar saints. She was active in the 8th century and is credited with great Tamil works Thiruppavai and Nachiar Tirumozhi. A women’s group of South India called Goda Mandali is inspired by Andal. Andal herself is known as a beloved of Lord Vishnu.
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