Suspected Spy Whale Found Dead

Hvaldimir, the beluga whale suspected of being a Russian spy, was found dead off Norway's coast.

Spy Whale Hvaldimir Found Dead

Hvaldimir's body was discovered floating near the town of Risavika, raising questions about his death. –

Mysterious Discovery Near Risavika

In 2019, Hvaldimir appeared in Norway with a GoPro harness labeled "Equipment of St Petersburg."

First Spotted with Russian Gear

The beluga's close approach to humans led to speculation that he was trained by the Russian military.

Speculation of Spy Training

Locals named him Hvaldimir, a play on the word "whale" and President Vladimir Putin's name.

Named After President Putin

 Marine Mind, a group tracking Hvaldimir, found no visible injuries on his body, leaving the cause of death unknown.

Unexplained Death

Hvaldimir's body has been prepared for a necropsy to determine the cause of his unexpected death.

Awaiting Necropsy Results

At around 15 years old, Hvaldimir was relatively young; belugas can live up to 60 years. –

Young for a Beluga Whale

Beluga whales rarely venture this far south; Hvaldimir's presence in Norwegian waters was unusual.

Rare Sighting in Norwegian Waters

Russia has a history of training marine animals like dolphins for military purposes, but denies spy whale programs.

Russia's History with Marine Mammals


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