Mosquitoes spread deadly diseases like malaria and dengue fever. They cause more human deaths than any other animal.
Tsetse flies in Africa spread sleeping sickness, a serious disease that can be fatal if not treated.
Fleas spread the bubonic plague in the 14th century, killing millions. They can still carry diseases today.
These bugs spread Chagas disease through their bites, causing serious illness and thousands of deaths each year.
Bee and wasp stings can cause deadly allergic reactions in some people. Most people only experience pain and swelling.
"Murder hornets" kill honeybees and can be dangerous to humans with allergies. They are known for their large size and painful sting.
Fire ants sting painfully, causing burning and blisters. Some people can have deadly allergic reactions to their stings.
These caterpillars have venomous bristles that cause severe reactions like bleeding and kidney failure. Rarely, they can be fatal.
Locust swarms destroy crops, causing famines and deaths. They gather in huge numbers after dry and wet spells.
Blister beetles cause skin blisters with their toxin. They can kill horses but are usually not deadly to humans unless eaten in large amounts.