British Raj – Viceroys of India [1858-1947] GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Who was the only Viceroy of India to be murdered in office?

  1. Lord Mayo
  2. Lord Auckland
  3. Lord Lawrence
  4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: Lord Mayo

Lord Mayo’s assassination in 1872 was a tragic event in Indian history. He was the only Viceroy of India to be murdered while in office. Lord Mayo was killed by a Pathan convict named Sher Ali while visiting the Andaman Islands. This event highlighted the security challenges faced by British officials in India during that time.

2. Which Viceroy passed the famous Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899)?

  1. Lord Minto
  2. Lord Hardinge
  3. Lord Curzon
  4. Lord Dufferin

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Answer: Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon, who became Viceroy of India in 1899, implemented the Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899). This act put India on the gold standard, a significant monetary reform that established a fixed exchange rate between Indian rupees and British pounds. It aimed to stabilize the Indian economy and enhance British control over the country’s finances.

3. Simon Commission had visited India during the times of which among the following Viceroys?

  1. Lord Irwin
  2. Lord Chelmsford
  3. Lord Willingdon
  4. Lord Wood

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Answer: Lord Irwin

Lord Irwin was appointed as the Viceroy of India in 1926. During his tenure, the British government appointed the Simon Commission in 1927 to review the reforms introduced in the Government of India Act of 1919. The commission was boycotted by Indians because it lacked Indian representation, sparking widespread protests against British rule.

4. Who among the following is known to have started the portfolio system in India?

  1. Lord Dalhousie
  2. Lord Canning
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Sir John Lawrence

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Answer: Lord Canning

Lord Canning introduced the Portfolio system in India in 1859. Under this system, each member of the Governor General’s council was assigned specific departments and responsibilities, making the administration more efficient and organized.

5. Who among the following was the Governor-General who followed a spirited “Forward” Policy towards Afghanistan?

  1. Lord Dufferin
  2. Lord Mayo
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Lord Ellenborough

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Answer: Lord Ellenborough

Lord Ellenborough pursued a “Forward” Policy towards Afghanistan during his viceroyalty. This policy aimed to extend British control over targeted regions through military invasions, annexations, or the establishment of compliant buffer states. It reflected the British Empire’s expansionist agenda in the region.

6. Who among the following was the Viceroy of India at the time of the partition of Bengal (1905)?

  1. Lord Minto
  2. Lord Curzon
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Lord Chelmsford

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Answer: Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India when the partition of Bengal was announced in 1905. The controversial partition aimed to divide the province of Bengal into two separate entities, West Bengal and East Bengal (now Bangladesh). This move was met with widespread protests and opposition from Indian nationalists and was eventually reversed in 1911.

7. Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 was related to which of the following?

  1. Local administration
  2. Decentralization of power & finances of Central Government & provinces
  3. Both of them
  4. None of the above

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Answer: Both of them

Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 was related to the development of Local Self-Government and decentralization of power and finances of the Central Government and provinces. This resolution aimed to promote local governance and empower provincial governments, marking a step towards decentralization.

8. Sir Edwin Montagu, and the Viceroy, Lord Chelmsford, are related to which of the following?

  1. Government of India Act 1858
  2. Government of India Act 1909
  3. Government of India Act 1919
  4. Government of India Act 1935

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Answer: Government of India Act 1919

Sir Edwin Montagu and Lord Chelmsford are associated with the Government of India Act of 1919. This act introduced significant constitutional reforms in British India, including the expansion of Indian participation in the government through the introduction of diarchy at the provincial level and the establishment of the Central Legislative Assembly.

9.Which of the following Viceroys of India used to write poems with the pen name of “Owen Meredith”?

  1. Lord Northbrook
  2. Lord Lytton
  3. Lord Ripon
  4. Lord Dufferin

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Answer: Lord Lytton

Lord Lytton, who served as Viceroy from 1876 to 1880, was also known by his pen name, “Owen Meredith.” He was a poet and diplomat who wrote poetry during his tenure in India, although he is better remembered for his policies as Viceroy.

10. Identify the famous viceroy of India with the help of the given information:

  1. He introduced Ilbert Bill
  2. He passed the resolution on local self-government
  3. He appointed Hunter commission for educational reforms

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

  1. Lord Mayo
  2. Lord Lytton
  3. Lord Dufferin
  4. Lord Ripon

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Answer: Lord Ripon

Lord Ripon introduced several important reforms during his viceroyalty, including the Ilbert Bill, which aimed to allow Indian judges to preside over cases involving Europeans, and resolutions on local self-government and educational reforms. His tenure marked a period of liberal policy changes in India.

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