Indus Valley Civilization GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

Embark on a historical journey with our Indus Valley Civilisation GK MCQs blog. Challenge your knowledge, unravel fascinating answers, and delve into the mysteries of one of the world’s oldest civilisations. Explore intriguing questions, gain insights, and enhance your understanding of the Indus Valley’s rich cultural heritage.

1. Which of the following sites provides evidence of maritime trade during the Harappan era?

  1. Kalibangan
  2. Harappa
  3. Mohen-jo dero
  4. Lothal

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Answer: Lothal

Lothal is a small mature Harappan settlement located near the Gulf of Khambat in Dhalka taluk of Ahmadabad in Gujarat. It was first excavated in 1957 by S R Rao. Notable structures at Lothal include a dockyard, warehouse, workshop for manufacturing stone beads, evidence of shell working, rice husk, and a cemetery.

2. Where were terracotta female figures discovered among the following Harappan sites?

  1. Kot Diji
  2. Khirasara
  3. Mohenjo-daro
  4. Kot Bala

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Answer: Mohenjo-daro

In Mohenjo-daro, they found clay statues that looked like women. Mohenjo-daro is in Pakistan and was one of the biggest cities in the Indus Valley Civilization. They found many important things there, like a big bath, a big storage building, a bronze dancing girl, a statue of a man with a beard, clay toys, a seal with a bull on it, a seal with a figure like a god, three special cylinder seals, and a piece of woven cloth.

3. Why was Indus Valley Civilization Non-Aryan?

  1. it had an agricultural economy
  2. it extended up to the Narmada Valley
  3. it was urban
  4. it has a pictographic script

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Answer:  it was urban

One reason the Indus Valley Civilization is different from the Aryan people is that it was mostly about cities. Their cities, like Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, were very well planned and had good infrastructure.

4. With which people Indus Valley Civilization traded?

  1. Romans
  2. Parthians
  3. Chinese
  4. Mesopotamians

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Answer:  Mesopotamians

The Indus Valley people traded with the Mesopotamians, who lived in a place that’s now Iraq, parts of Syria, Turkey, and Iran.

5. What material did people of Indus Valley use to build their houses?

  1. stone
  2. wood
  3. pucca bricks
  4. all of these

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Answer: pucca bricks

In the Indus Valley, they made strong bricks from baked clay. They used these bricks to build strong houses and other things in their old cities.

6. The dockyard of which one of the following civilizations was uncovered at Lothal?

  1. Mesopotamian
  2. Persian
  3. Indus Valley Civilization
  4. Egyptian

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Answer: Indus Valley Civilization

Lothal, which is in Gujarat, India, was a big city and port in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. They had a dockyard there, which shows they did a lot of things with boats.

7. The Harappan Civilization was discovered in which year?

  1. 1935
  2. 1942
  3. 1901
  4. 1921

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Answer: 1921

They found the Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, in 1921. It was an ancient society known for having well-planned cities and clever ways to manage water.

8. Which of the following Indus Valley sites is not located in India?

  1. Khirasara
  2. Loteshwar
  3. Chanhudaro
  4. Farmana

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Answer: Chanhudaro

Chanhudaro is an old place from the later part of the Indus Valley Civilization. It’s 130 kilometers south of Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan.

9. Where was the Great Granary found in the Indus Valley civilization?

  1. Surkotada
  2. Lothal
  3. Mohenjodaro
  4. Harappa

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Answer: Mohenjodaro

They found a big storage building called the Great Granary in Mohen-jo Daro. Harappa had six smaller granaries.

10. What is the style of script used in the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Brahmi
  2. Not deciphered yet
  3. Boustrophedon
  4. Pictographic

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Answer: Boustrophedon

In the Indus Valley Civilization, they wrote in a special way. They wrote from right to left in one line and then from left to right in the next.

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