Maurya Empire- Chandragupta and Bindusara GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

The Maurya Empire, one of ancient India’s most formidable empires, spanned from 322 BCE to 185 BCE. Its rise was marked by strategic conquests, visionary leadership, and significant socio-cultural developments. Two of its pivotal rulers, Chandragupta Maurya and his successor Bindusara, played instrumental roles in shaping the empire’s trajectory. Chandragupta, the founder, laid the foundation for the empire’s expansion, while Bindusara consolidated and expanded its territories further.

10 MCQs with Answers and Explanations:

1. Which of the following observation mentioned by Megasthenes about India is incorrect?

  1. There is abundant gold, silver, copper, and iron in India
  2. There is a well-established caste system in India
  3. There are frequent famines in India
  4. Dionysus has invaded India

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Correct Answer: There are frequent famines in India

India’s historical record suggests that famines were infrequent due to factors such as abundant rainfall, assured crop seasons, and the availability of fruits and edible roots, which contributed to food security in ancient times.

2. Who identified “Sandrokottus” of the Greco-Roman literature with Chandragupta Maurya?

  1. D. R. Bhandarkar
  2. Alexander Cunningham
  3. R. P. Chanda
  4. William Jones

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Correct Answer: William Jones

Wiliam Jones identified “Sandrokottus” from Greco-Roman literature as Chandragupta Maurya. “Sandrokottus” is a Greek name associated with Chandragupta Maurya in Greek texts, indicating historical connections between the Indian emperor and the Hellenistic world.

3. The view that the cotton cloth worn by Indians had a brighter white color than any cotton found elsewhere was recorded by whom?

  1. Alexander
  2. Megasthenes
  3. Nearchus
  4. Pliny

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Correct Answer: Megasthenes

Megasthenes, an ancient Greek historian and diplomat, observed that the cotton cloth worn by Indians had a brighter white color than cotton from other regions. This highlights the advanced state of textile manufacturing and quality in ancient India.

4. Who is the author of ‘Indica’?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Chanakya
  3. Megasthenes
  4. Seleucus

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Correct Answer: Megasthenes

Megasthenes is the author of ‘Indica,’ an account of India. He was an ancient Greek historian and diplomat sent as an ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. His work provides valuable insights into India during that period.

5. Who laid down punishment for a person becoming a mendicant without making adequate provision for a dependent wife and children?

  1. Manu
  2. Yajnavalkya
  3. Kautilya
  4. Narada

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Correct Answer: Kautilya

Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, prescribed punishment for individuals who became mendicants without ensuring adequate provisions for their dependent wives and children. Kautilya’s “Arthashastra” addresses various aspects of governance and social order and was instrumental in the establishment of the Mauryan Empire.

6. Which dynasty maintained diplomatic relations with distant countries such as Syria in the West?

  1. Maurya
  2. Gupta
  3. Pallava
  4. Chola

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Correct Answer: Maurya

During the Mauryan dynasty, Emperor Bindusara and Ashoka the Great maintained diplomatic relations with distant countries, including Syria. Bindusara had friendly relations with the Greek King Antiochus I of Syria, illustrating the empire’s international reach.

7. Who was the Syrian ambassador in the court of Bindusara?

  1. Megasthenes
  2. Dionysius
  3. Deimachus
  4. Amitrochates

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Correct Answer: Deimachus

Deimachus, a Syrian ambassador, was present in the court of Bindusara, the Mauryan emperor. He was sent by the Syrian ruler Antiochus I, further indicating the diplomatic ties between the Mauryan Empire and Syria.

8. Which Greek ruler sent Megasthenes to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

  1. Seleucus Nicator
  2. Antiochus
  3. Ptolemy
  4. Magas

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Correct Answer: Seleucus Nicator

Megasthenes was sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya by the Greek ruler Seleucus I Nicator.

9. The Greek Ambassador Deimachus of Plataea visited the court of which ruler of Magadha?

  1. Dhanananda
  2. Chandragupta Maurya
  3. Bindusara
  4. Ashoka

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Correct Answer: Bindusara

Deimachus of Plataea visited the court of Bindusara or Amitrochates, the son and successor of Chandragupta Maurya. He came as an ambassador sent by Antiochus I, the son of Seleucus Nikator.

10. Who is the author of Devichandraguptam?

  1. Vishakhadatta
  2. Dandin
  3. Bharavi
  4. Kalidas

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Correct Answer: Vishakhadatta

Devichandraguptam is a Sanskrit play written by Vishakhadatta, narrating the story of Gupta King Ramagupta and his brother Chandragupta. It incorporates elements from the 11th-century Persian text Majmal-ut-Tawarikh, showcasing historical narratives in literature.

Maurya Empire- Chandragupta and Bindusara Notes for UPSC Exam

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