Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis Notes for UPSC Exam
Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis Notes for UPSC Exam

In the middle of the third century CE, the Vakataka Dynasty took over from the Satavahana Dynasty in the Deccan region. Vindhyashakti was the one who started the Vakataka Dynasty. …

Gupta Art, Architecture Notes for UPSC Exam
Gupta Art, Architecture Notes for UPSC Exam

The Gupta Period: Art and Architecture During the Gupta age, art and architecture showcased rich diversity in features, styles, and designs.  The Gupta rulers were pioneers in creating Hindu cave…

Gupta Empire- Society, Religion, Literature Notes for UPSC Exam
Gupta Empire- Society, Religion, Literature Notes for UPSC Exam

1. Chandalas and Social Distinctions: Fa-Hien, the Chinese traveler, observed Chandalas living outside villages, maintaining distance from upper castes. Chandalas had to announce their arrival to avoid contact and prevent…

Gupta Empire- Political History Notes for UPSC Exam
Gupta Empire- Political History Notes for UPSC Exam

Gupta Empire Around the middle of the 3rd century, the power of the Kushanas and the Satvahanas started to decline after ensuring 200 years of stability in politics and the…

Kushana Empire Notes for UPSC Exam
Kushana Empire Notes for UPSC Exam

Kushans Kushans or Kuei-Shang were one of the five Great Yueh-chi (tribes) principalities. In the 1st century CE, Kujula Kadphises (Kadphises I) brought together these five principalities and founded the…

The Satavahanas Notes for UPSC Exam
The Satavahanas Notes for UPSC Exam

Satavahana Dynasty The Satavahana dynasty began in the middle of the 1st century and lasted until the 3rd century. Although the dynasty's origins are unclear, according to the Puranas, its…

The Shakas Rulers Satrap System Notes for UPSC Exam
The Shakas Rulers & Satrap System Notes for UPSC Exam

The Rise Of Shakas In the 2nd century B.C., a group of nomadic people from Central Asia, known as 'Yueh-chi' or 'Yuezhi,' displaced the Shakas from their homeland, pushing them…

The Indo-Greek rulers Notes for UPSC Exam
The Indo-Greek rulers Notes for UPSC Exam

Indo-Greeks Around 200 BC, the Indo-Greeks made their first moves across the Hindu Kush in a series of invasions.  The Greeks took charge of Bactria, the region just south of…

Shungas Kanvas and Mahameghavahana Notes for UPSC Exam
Shungas, Kanvas and Mahameghavahana Notes for UPSC Exam

Sunga Dynasty The Sunga Dynasty emerged in ancient times after the Mauryan era.  Established by Pushyamitra Sunga, who overthrew the Maurya Dynasty in 185 BCE, it witnessed the rule of…

Mauryan Culture Society and Economy Notes for UPSC Exam
Mauryan Culture, Society and Economy Notes for UPSC Exam

Society and Religion in the Mauryan Era According to Megasthenes and later Greek authors, Indian society during the Mauryan period had seven main groups: thinkers, farmers, hunters and herders, craftsmen…