On December 25th, China appointed New Navy Chief Rear Admiral Hu Zhongming as the new leader of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), taking over from Admiral Dong Jun. This change in command comes at a time of growing tensions between China and its neighboring countries over disputed areas in the East and South China Seas.
Background of Hu Zhongming
There’s not much information available about Hu’s naval career. He joined the PLA in 1979 and reportedly commanded a submarine, earning his crew a top merit award in 2013. In 2008, Hu prevented a major accident during tests of a new submarine model. These details suggest he has significant experience in submarine warfare.
China’s Navy Strength and Hu’s Role
China boasts the world’s largest navy by the number of vessels. Hu now leads three main fleets: the North Sea Fleet, East Sea Fleet, and South Sea Fleet.
The South Sea Fleet has expanded its presence in the disputed South China Sea, while the East Sea Fleet would likely be involved in conflicts near Taiwan or Japan. China’s navy frequently conducts joint exercises with Russia.
Regional Impact of Hu’s Appointment
Hu takes charge as China employs more assertive “gray-zone” tactics in territorial disputes, especially in the South China Sea. This has led to incidents with neighboring countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia.
China is also extending its naval activities into the Indian Ocean, causing concern for India. Tensions with Taiwan have heightened, with over 50 warships from China and Russia operating in the Indo-Pacific, raising alarms.
Potential Political Considerations
Some experts suggest that Hu’s selection might be based more on political loyalty than professional skills. His predecessor, Dong Jun, had three years left before reaching the standard retirement age.
Recent abrupt replacements of top military officials in China indicate President Xi Jinping’s focus on consolidating loyalty to himself and the Chinese Communist Party. Political allegiance appears to weigh more than professional experience in recent leadership appointments within the PLA.