International Day Of Epidemic Preparedness

December 27 marks the annual observance of the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness. The objective is to inspire nations to collaboratively implement effective preventive strategies, fostering collective readiness to address potential pandemics. This occasion serves as a forum for disseminating knowledge on epidemic prevention.

What Is An  Epidemic?

An epidemic refers to the widespread occurrence of a particular infectious disease within a community, population, or geographic area, surpassing what is normally expected. This sudden and excessive increase in the number of cases of the disease can lead to a public health crisis. 

Epidemics can be caused by various factors, including the introduction of a new infectious agent, a change in the virulence of an existing agent, or factors that increase the susceptibility of the population to the disease. The term is often used to describe the rapid and extensive spread of illnesses that may impact a large number of individuals within a relatively short period.

History Of The Day

The International Day of Epidemic Preparedness was established to raise awareness and underscore the importance of global readiness in the face of potential pandemics. The United Nations General Assembly designated December 27th as the annual observance of this day.


The decision to designate a specific day for Epidemic Preparedness was prompted by the increasing recognition of the global threats posed by infectious diseases and the need for coordinated efforts to prevent and manage epidemics. The date was chosen to commemorate the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Field Hospital, which played a crucial role in treating patients during the Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa.

The International Day of Epidemic Preparedness serves as a reminder of the shared responsibility of nations to collaborate on preventive measures, response strategies, and the development of robust healthcare systems. It aims to promote international cooperation and solidarity to effectively address the challenges posed by emerging infectious diseases and to minimize their impact on communities worldwide.

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