Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

The Vakatakas, Maitrakas, and Mukharis were ancient Indian dynasties that played significant roles in shaping the socio-political landscape of the Indian subcontinent. The Vakatakas, known for their patronage of art and culture, ruled central India during the 3rd to 5th centuries. The Maitrakas, prominent in western India during the 5th to 8th centuries, were known for their maritime activities and trade connections. The Mukharis, ruling in the northern part of India during the 6th to 8th centuries, were pivotal in regional politics.

MCQs with Answers and Explanations:

1. Which Vakataka king is described as a “dvija” in the Ajanta Inscriptions?

  1. Vindhyashakti
  2. Pravarasena
  3. Rudrasena
  4. Prithvisena

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Correct Answer: Vindhyashakti

Vindhyashakti I is known as the founder of the Vakataka dynasty, and in the Ajanta Inscriptions, he is described as a “dvija,” which typically signifies a member of the twice-born castes, referring to his high social status. The inscriptions also commend his military accomplishments, underscoring his early successes in establishing the Vakataka kingdom.

2. Who is considered the second ruler of the Vakataka Dynasty?

  1. Vindhyashakti
  2. Pravarasena
  3. Rudrasena
  4. Prithvisena

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Correct Answer: Pravarasena

Pravarasena, Vindhyashakti’s son, succeeded his father as the second ruler of the Vakataka Dynasty. He is credited with significantly advancing the power and prestige of the Vakatakas, consolidating their rule during his reign. His leadership marked a turning point in the dynasty’s history.

3. Which Vakataka king extended the empire southwards into Vidarbha?

  1. Vindhyashakti
  2. Pravarasena
  3. Rudrasena
  4. Prithvisena

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Correct Answer: Pravarasena

During Pravarasena’s rule, the Vakataka Empire was expanded southwards into Vidarbha and the adjoining regions of the Deccan. This expansion increased the territorial reach and influence of the Vakatakas, making them a more formidable presence in the central and southern parts of India.

4. Which Vakataka king was the father of Gautamiputra, who married the daughter of a Naga king?

  1. Vindhyashakti
  2. Prithvisena
  3. Pravarasena I
  4. Rudrasena

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Correct Answer: Pravarasena I

A key aspect of Pravarasena’s reign was the strengthening of a political alliance between the Vakatakas and the Nagas, another influential dynasty in the Deccan. Pravarasena’s son, Gautamiputra, further solidified this alliance by marrying the daughter of the Naga king, Bhavanaga. This marital alliance played a crucial role in the political landscape of the time.

5. Which Vakataka king took the title of Samrat?

  1. Vindhyashakti
  2. Pravarasena
  3. Prithvisena
  4. Rudrasena

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Correct Answer: Pravarasena

Pravarasena is notably the only Vakataka king who assumed the prestigious title of Samrat, indicating his authority and influence. He was also involved in various sacrificial rituals, including the asvamedha and vajapeya, reflecting the importance of religious ceremonies during his rule.

6. Who is considered the founder of the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch?

  1. Pravarasena
  2. Prithvisena
  3. Vindhyashakti
  4. Rudrasena I

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Correct Answer: Rudrasena I

Rudrasena I, the son of Pravarasena, is considered the founder of the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch. He established his rule from Nandivardhana, located near modern-day Nagpur, and marked a significant chapter in the history of the Vakatakas.

7. Who was the son of Vakataka king Rudrasena I?

  1. Prithvisena I
  2. Rudrasena II
  3. Pravarasena II
  4. Narendrasena

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Correct Answer: Prithvisena I

Prithvisena I, the son of Rudrasena I, succeeded his father and took the reins of the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch. He earned a reputation as a righteous conqueror, drawing comparisons to the epic hero Yudhishthira, signifying his virtuous and principled rule.

8. Which Vakataka king, along with Chandragupta II, defeated the Shaka satraps of Malwa and Kathiawar?

  1. Prithvisena I
  2. Pravarasena II
  3. Rudrasena II
  4. Narendrasena

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Correct Answer: Prithvisena I

During his rule, Prithvisena I formed a strategic alliance with Chandragupta II, one of the most prominent Gupta emperors. Together, they joined forces to defeat the Shaka satraps in the regions of Malwa and Kathiawar, showcasing the collaboration between two powerful dynasties.

9. Who was the son of Prithvisena I, the Vakataka king?

  1. Prithvisena II
  2. Rudrasena II
  3. Rudrasena I
  4. Pravarasena II

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Correct Answer: Rudrasena II

The lineage of Vakataka rulers continued with Rudrasena II, the son of Prithvisena I. However, his reign was tragically short, lasting for just five years. His untimely death left behind three minor sons: Divakarasena, Damodarasena, and Pravarasena.

10. Who ruled the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch after the death of Rudrasena II?

  1. Prabhavatigupta
  2. Pravarasena II
  3. Damodarasena
  4. Divakarasena

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Correct Answer: Divakarasena

After the passing of Rudrasena II, his wife Prabhavatigupta ruled as the regent until 410 CE, effectively governing the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch. Later, Divakarasena, the son of Rudrasena II, ascended to the throne as the ruler of this branch.

Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis Notes for UPSC Exam

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