Astronomy – Universe, Constellations & Galaxies, Stars GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Which among the following two gases contribute to the beginning of the formation of stars?

  1. Hydrogen & Nitrogen
  2. Hydrogen & Helium
  3. Hydrogen & Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen & Helium

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Answer: Hydrogen & Helium

The formation of stars is explained by the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium, which are the primary elements that contributed to the formation of stars.

2. Which among the following is the Brightest star?

  1. Sirius
  2. Alpha Centauri
  3. Proxima Centauri
  4. Polaris

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Answer: Sirius

Sirius is the brightest star, also known as the dog star or officially Alpha Canis Majoris. It is in the constellation Canis Major and is a binary star dominated by a luminous main sequence star, Sirius A.

3. Which among the following was the first comet to be observed by a manned spacecraft?

  1. Comet Kohoutek
  2. Halley’s Comet
  3. Comet Borrelly
  4. Kreutz Sungrazers

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Answer:  Comet Kohoutek

Comet Kohoutek was first sighted on 7 March 1973 by Czech astronomer Lubo? Kohoutek. It was observed by the crews of Skylab 4 and Soyuz 13, making it the first comet to be observed by a manned spacecraft.

4. The constellation in Indian Mythology called “Sapta Rishi” is coterminous with which among the following?

  1. Orion
  2. Scorpio
  3. Ursa Major
  4. Ursa Minor

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Answer:  Ursa Major

In ancient Indian astronomy, the asterism of the Big Dipper, which is part of the constellation of Ursa Major, is called Saptarishi. It has 7 stars representing seven rishis.

5. Next to the sun, which is the nearest star to the earth?

  1. Alpha Centauri
  2. Orion
  3. Ursa Major
  4. Sirius

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Answer: Alpha Centauri

The sun is nearly 150,000,000 kilometres (150 million km) away from the Earth. The next nearest star to the earth is Alpha Centauri, which is at a distance of about 4.367 light-years from the Earth.

6. Expanding Universe hypothesis is also known as:

  1. Nebular theory
  2. Big Bang theory
  3. Steady state theory
  4. None of the above

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Answer: Big Bang theory

The Big Bang theory talks about the expanding universe. The model describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of extremely high density and high temperature.

7. Which of the following is the value of the Hubble constant?

  1. 73 kilometres per second per megaparsec
  2. 75 kilometres per second per megaparsec
  3. 77 kilometres per second per megaparsec
  4. 69 kilometres per second per megaparsec

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Answer: 73 kilometres per second per megaparsec

The Hubble constant represents the expansion rate of the universe. Currently, the best-measured value of the Hubble constant is about 73 kilometres per second per megaparsec.

8. What is the index of refraction for a perfect vacuum?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 1.5
  4. 0.5

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Answer: 2. (1)

The index of refraction for perfect vacuum is 1. Light can change speed and direction when it goes through different materials. All materials that transmit light have a property called the index of refraction.

9. Theory of special relativity was developed by:

  1. Einstein
  2. Newton
  3. Galileo
  4. Laplace

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Answer: Einstein

Einstein proposed the theory of special relativity in the year 1905, which includes the famous equation E=mc?.

10. Who among the following formulated Nebular theory?

  1. Laplace
  2. Newton
  3. Kepler
  4. Ptolemy

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Answer: Laplace

Nebular theory was formulated by Laplace, which describes the formation of the Sun and solar system.

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