1. Who gave the law of conservation of mass?
- Dalton
- Boyle
- Lavoisier
- Berzelius
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Answer: Lavoisier
Antoine Lavoisier formulated the law of conservation of mass, stating that the mass in a closed system remains constant over time, contributing to the foundation of modern chemistry.
2. Rosalind Franklin contributed to which of the following major breakthroughs of science?
- Discovery of Virus
- Discovery of Uranium
- Discovery of DNA Double Helix
- Discovery of Photosynthesis
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Answer: Discovery of DNA Double Helix
Rosalind Franklin’s research on X-ray diffraction played a crucial role in the discovery of the DNA double helix structure.
3. Which of the following scientists is known for using electrolysis to isolate and discover many elements?
- Humphry Davy
- James Burrow
- John Pringle
- Davies Gilbert
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Answer: Humphry Davy
Humphry Davy utilised electrolysis to isolate and discover various elements, making significant contributions to the field of chemistry.
4. Which two elements were discovered by Marie Curie?
- Polonium and Radium
- Radium and Strontium
- Strontium and Radon
- Radon and Polonium
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Answer: Polonium and Radium
Marie Curie is credited with the discovery of the elements polonium and radium, making significant contributions to the field of radioactivity.
5. The principle that equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules when under the same conditions of pressure and temperature was given by?
- Dmitri Mendeleyev
- Jons Jacob Berzelius
- Amedeo Avogadro
- John Dalton
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Answer: Amedeo Avogadro
Amedeo Avogadro formulated Avogadro’s law, stating that equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules under the same conditions, contributing to the understanding of gas behaviour.
6. Which of the following chemists helped to develop the notation for writing chemical formulas?
- Amedeo Avogadro
- Jons Jacob Berzelius
- Marie Curie
- Robert Boyle
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Answer: Jons Jacob Berzelius
Jons Jacob Berzelius played a significant role in developing the notation for writing chemical formulas and contributed to the understanding of chemical elements.
7. Which of the following gases were called Fixed Air by the Scottish physician Joseph Black, which was discovered in the 1750s?
- Oxygen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Methane
- Nitric Oxide
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Answer: Carbon Dioxide
Scottish physician Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide, which he referred to as “fixed air” due to its properties.
8. Who is the author of the book “The Sceptical Chymist” that made a distinction between chemistry and alchemy and marked the beginning of modern Chemistry?
- Oswald Croll
- Edward Dyer
- Georg Brandt
- Robert Boyle
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Answer: Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle, through his book “The Sceptical Chymist,” distinguished between chemistry and alchemy, paving the way for modern chemistry.
9. What is the name of the female from the Mesopotamian Civilization who is also known to be the world’s first recorded chemist?
- Berossus
- Tapputi
- Abba b. Martha
- Gobryas
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Answer: Tapputi
Tapputi, also known as Tapputi-Belatekallim, was a perfume-maker from the Mesopotamian Civilization and is recognized as the world’s first recorded chemist.
10. Important Chemical Scientists
- Amino Acids
- Vitamins
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Answer: Vitamins
Kazimierz Funk (1884 – 1967) was a Polish biochemist and is known for formulating the concept of vitamins.