Fundamental Duties, enshrined in Article 51A of the Indian Constitution, outline the moral obligations of citizens towards the nation. Introduced by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, these duties serve to promote a sense of responsibility and encourage active participation in the democratic process.
Understanding Fundamental Duties is essential for every citizen to contribute positively to society and uphold the Constitution. In this article, we present a series of General Knowledge multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Fundamental Duties, designed to enhance your knowledge of these crucial constitutional responsibilities.
1. In which among the following parts of the Constitution of India are enshrined the Fundamental Duties?
- Part III
- Part IIIA
- Part IVA
- Part IV
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Answer: Part IVA
The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 introduced a new part in the Indian Constitution, known as Part IVA, which incorporated Fundamental Duties. These Fundamental Duties were added by inserting a new Article 51A, placed below Article 51. The objective behind this inclusion was to present a code of conduct for citizens to follow, emphasizing their moral and civic responsibilities towards the nation.
2. Which among the following is NOT a fundamental duty of a citizen?
- Respect for the constitution
- Respect for the National Flag
- Respect for the National Anthem
- Respect for the government
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Answer: Respect for the government
While citizens are expected to respect the government and its institutions, this respect is not explicitly listed as a Fundamental Duty. Fundamental Duties primarily pertain to upholding the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of the nation, as well as promoting the spirit of patriotism and the rich heritage of India.
3. Which of the following statements are incorrect with respect to Fundamental Duties?
- They can be promoted only by constitutional methods
- They can be used for interpreting ambiguous statutes
- They can be enforced by writs
- The performance of any particular duty comes within the sphere of constitutional law, which court has to decide
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Answer: They can be enforced by writs
The Fundamental Duties are moral and civic obligations expected from citizens. They cannot be enforced through writs or legal actions. They serve as a guide for citizens to contribute to the well-being and development of the nation.
4. Which one of the following is a part of the Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India?
- To value and preserve the rich heritage of our country
- Separation of judiciary from executive
- Abolition of untouchability
- Free and compulsory education
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Answer: To value and preserve the rich heritage of our country
To value and preserve the rich heritage of our country is the fundamental duty in the constitution.
5. How many Fundamental Duties are there in the Constitution of India?
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
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Answer: 11
Originally, there were ten Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India. The 86th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2002 introduced the 11th Fundamental Duty, which emphasizes providing opportunities for education to one’s child or ward between the ages of six and fourteen years.
6. Which of the following committees is related to Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India?
- Verma Committee
- Sarkaria Commission
- Punchi Commission
- None of the above
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Answer: Verma Committee
The Verma Committee, constituted in 1999, examined the implementation of Fundamental Duties by citizens and identified legal provisions that existed to enforce some of these duties.
7. Which committee recommended for a penalty or punishment for the non-performance of Fundamental Duties?
- Verma Committee
- Sarkaria Commission
- Swaran Singh Committee
- Rajmanar Committee
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Answer: Swaran Singh Committee
The Swaran Singh Committee, which recommended the incorporation of Fundamental Duties in the Constitution, did not suggest penalties or punishments for non-compliance. These duties are primarily moral and civic obligations, and there is no legal sanction against their violation. However, the Parliament has the authority to enforce them through suitable legislation, should it choose to do so.
8. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Fundamental Duties?
1. Some of them are moral duties, while others are civic duties.
2. Parliament is free to enforce them by suitable legislation.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 & 2
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Answer: Both 1 & 2
The Fundamental Duties consist of some moral duties and some civic duties. However, there is no legal sanction against their violation. But the Parliament is free to enforce them by suitable legislation.
9. Which Article of the Indian Constitution contains the list of Fundamental Duties?
- Article 51A
- Article 40
- Article 21
- Article 14
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Answer: Article 51A
Fundamental Duties are listed under Article 51A of the Indian Constitution.
10. How many Fundamental Duties are enshrined in the Constitution of India?
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 15
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Answer: 11
There are 11 Fundamental Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution.