1. Which among the following statements is correct about the Prime Minister of India?
- He cannot dismiss any of his ministers.
- He is responsible to the Parliament.
- Prime Minister is the nominal head of the Council of Ministers.
- Prime Minister is the real head of the Council of Ministers.
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Answer: Prime Minister is the real head of the Council of Ministers.
According to Article 74(1) of the Indian Constitution, there shall be a Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President. This provision establishes the parliamentary system of government in India, where real power is vested in the Prime Minister. The President is expected to act in accordance with the advice of the Council of Ministers.
2. Who administers the oath to the Prime Minister of India?
- Chief Justice of India
- President
- A Judge of Supreme Court
- The Speaker
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Answer: President
The President administers the oaths of office and secrecy to the Prime Minister, ensuring that the Prime Minister swears not to communicate or reveal any matters brought under his consideration, except as required for the discharge of his duties as a Union Minister. This oath underscores the principle of confidentiality in the functioning of the Council of Ministers.
3. What is the term of Prime Minister as mentioned in the Constitution?
- 5 Years
- 6 Years
- No fixed term
- None of the above
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Answer: No fixed term
While the Constitution does not fix the term of the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister holds office during the pleasure of the President. This means that the President can remove the Prime Minister from office at any time, as long as it is done following the constitutional process. However, this does not imply that the President can dismiss the Prime Minister arbitrarily.
4. Who decides the salary and allowances of the Prime Minister?
- By Parliament
- By Lok Sabha
- By Rajya Sabha
- By Council of Ministers
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Answer: By Parliament
The salary and allowances of the Prime Minister of India are determined by the Parliament, and they are equivalent to those payable to a Member of Parliament. This emphasizes the principle of financial accountability in the government.
5. Who allocates and reshuffles various portfolios among the ministers?
- The Parliament
- The Lok Sabha
- The Prime Minister
- The Cabinet
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Answer: The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister plays a pivotal role in allocating and reshuffling various ministerial portfolios among the members of the Council of Ministers. Additionally, the Prime Minister can ask a minister to resign or advise the President to dismiss a minister in the case of a difference of opinion, demonstrating his authority in the functioning of the government.
6. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Prime Minister?
1. He recommends persons who can be appointed as ministers by the president.
2. He presides over the meeting of the council of ministers.
3. He can bring about the collapse of the council of ministers by resigning from office.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
- Only 1
- Only 1 & 2
- Only 3
- All of the above
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Answer: All of the above
The Prime Minister recommends individuals for appointment as ministers to the President. The President can appoint only those persons as ministers who are recommended by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister guides, directs, controls, and coordinates the activities of all ministers. Moreover, the Prime Minister can bring about the collapse of the Council of Ministers by resigning from office.
7. Who advises the president with regard to the appointment of important officials like Attorney General of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
- The Council of Ministers
- The Prime Minister
- The Chief Justice of India
- The Union Home Minister
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Answer: The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister also advises the President on the appointment of important officials, such as the Attorney General of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, members of constitutional bodies, and more, which highlights the Prime Minister’s role in shaping the government.
8. Who can recommend the dissolution of the Lok Sabha to the President at any time?
- Prime Minister
- Council of Ministers
- Lok Sabha
- Speaker
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Answer: Prime Minister
The Prime Minister advises the President on matters related to the summoning, proroguing, and dissolution of Parliament. This underscores the Prime Minister’s influence over the legislative functions of the government.
9. The Prime Minister of India does not act as the chairman of which of the following?
- NITI Ayog
- National Water Resources Council
- Inter-State Council
- National Green Tribunal
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Answer: National Green Tribunal
While the Prime Minister does not serve as the chairman of the National Green Tribunal (NGT), he does act as the chairman of various other bodies, including NITI Aayog, National Integration Council, Inter-State Council, National Water Resources Council, and more.
10. Who described the Prime Minister as ‘primus inter pares’ (first among equals) and ‘key stone of the cabinet arch’?
- Herbert Marrison
- Sir William Vernor Harcourt
- H.J. Laski
- Lord Morely
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Answer: Lord Morely
Lord Morely described the Prime Minister as ‘primus inter pares’ (first among equals) and ‘key stone of the cabinet arch.’ He said, “The head of the cabinet is ‘primus inter pares,’ and occupied a position which long as it lasts is one of exceptional and peculiar authority.”
Q11: Who described the Prime Minister as the steersman of the steering wheel of the ship of the state?
1. Jennings
2. H.R.G. Greaves
3. Ramsay Muir
4. Munro
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Ramsay Muir described the Prime Minister as the steersman of the steering wheel of the ship of the state. He was a British historian and thinker who made a significant contribution to the development of liberal political philosophy.
Q12: Which Article states that there shall be a council of ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President?
1. Article 73
2. Article 74
3. Article 75
4. Article 76
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Article 74 of the Indian Constitution establishes the Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at the head. It specifies that the President shall act in accordance with the advice of the Council of Ministers while exercising their functions. This underscores the collective responsibility of the Cabinet to aid and advise the President in governing the country.
Q13: Which Article of the Indian Constitution states that the Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President?
1. Article 72
2. Article 73
3. Article 74
4. Article 75
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Article 75 of the Constitution states that the Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President, and the other ministers shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. It also highlights that the ministers hold office during the pleasure of the President, which means they can be removed at the President’s discretion.
Q14: Which Article makes it obligatory on the Prime Minister to communicate to the President all decisions of the council of ministers relating to the administration of the affairs of the Union?
1. Article 78
2. Article 79
3. Article 80
4. Article 81
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Article 78 mandates that it is the duty of the Prime Minister to communicate to the President all decisions of the Council of Ministers related to the administration of Union affairs and proposals for legislation. This provision ensures transparency and coordination between the executive and the head of state.
Q15: Which of the following persons did not become Prime Ministers after being Chief Ministers of their respective States?
1. Morarji Desai
2. Charan Singh
3. Mayawati
4. Narendra Modi
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The statement regarding six individuals—Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, V.P. Singh, P.V. Narasimha Rao, H.D. Deve Gowda, and Narendra Modi—becoming Prime Ministers of India after serving as Chief Ministers of their respective states highlights the diverse political trajectories that can lead to the country’s highest executive position.
Q16: The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers shall not exceed?
1. 5%
2. 10%
3. 15%
4. 20%
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The Constitution, as amended by the 91st Amendment Act of 2003, sets a limit on the total number of ministers in the Council of Ministers. It specifies that the total number, including the Prime Minister, shall not exceed 15% of the total strength of the Lok Sabha, ensuring that the Cabinet remains a manageable size.
Q17: Which Constitutional amendment stated that a member of either house of Parliament who is disqualified on the ground of defection shall also be disqualified to be appointed as a minister?
1. 91st Amendment Act
2. 93rd Amendment Act
3. 95rd Amendment Act
4. 92nd Amendment Act
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Additionally, the 91st Amendment Act added a provision that disqualifies members of Parliament (both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) from being appointed as ministers if they are disqualified on grounds of defection. This discourages defection and upholds the integrity of the Council of Ministers.
Q18: To whom the Council of Ministers are collectively responsible?
1. The President
2. Lok Sabha
3. The Prime Minister
4. The Rajya Sabha
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Answer: 2
Explanation: According to the Constitution of India, the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha, and the ministers hold office during the pleasure of the President.
Q19: Which Article deals with the duties of the Prime Minister of India?
1. Article 60
2. Article 77
3. Article 78
4. Article 79
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Article 78 of the Constitution of India states that it shall be the duty of the Prime Minister to communicate to the President all decisions of the Council of Ministers relating to the administration of the affairs of the Union and proposals for legislation.
Q20: Which of the following statements are correct with respect to the role of cabinet?
1. It is the highest decision-making authority
2. It is the chief policy formulating body
3. It is the chief coordinator of Central administration
4. All of the above
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Answer: 4
Explanation: All the statements are correct with respect to the role of the cabinet. It is the highest decision-making authority, the chief policy formulating body of the Central government, and the chief coordinator of Central administration.
Q21: Which of the following are correct with respect to Cabinet Committees?
1. They are extra-constitutional in emergence
2. They are of two types-standing and ad hoc
3. They are set up by the Prime Minister
4. Their membership varies from three to eight
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 2 & 3
3. Only 1, 2 & 3
4. All of the above
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Some of the features of Cabinet Committees are: (1) They are extra-constitutional in emergence, (2) They are of two types-standing and ad hoc, (3) They are set up by the Prime Minister, and (4) Their membership varies from three to eight.
Q22: How many Cabinet Committees are functional at present?
1. 6
2. 7
3. 8
4. 9
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Answer: 3
Explanation: At present, 8 Cabinet Committees are functional. The Prime Minister sets them up according to the exigencies of the time and requirements of the situation.
Q23: Which of the following committees are chaired by the Prime Minister?
1. Political Affairs Committee
2. Parliamentary Affairs Committee
3. Economic Affairs Committee
4. Appointments Committee
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 2
3. Only 1, 3 & 4
4. All of the above
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The following committees of the Parliament of India are chaired by the Prime Minister: (1) Political Affairs Committee, (2) Parliamentary Affairs Committee, (3) Economic Affairs Committee, and (4) Appointments Committee. Their number, nomenclature, and composition may vary from time to time.
Q24: Who is the chairman of Parliamentary Affairs Committee?
1. Prime Minister
2. Finance Minister
3. Home Minister
4. Speaker
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The Parliamentary Affairs Committee is chaired by the Union Home Minister. The committee looks after the progress of government business in the Parliament of India and is one of the most important cabinet committees.
Q25: Which of the following is also known as the Super-Cabinet?
1. Political Affairs Committee
2. Economic Affairs Committee
3. Appointments Committee
4. Parliamentary Affairs Committee
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The Political Affairs Committee is often described as a Super-Cabinet and is considered the most powerful committee. It deals with all policy matters pertaining to domestic and foreign affairs of India.