State Government Governor GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Who has the authority to remove the governor of a state from office?

  1. Legislative Assembly
  2. Parliament
  3. President
  4. Supreme Court

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Answer: President

The Governor of a state in India is a constitutional head and an essential part of the state’s executive system. While the Governor does hold office for a term of five years, as mentioned in the Constitution, it’s important to note that this term is subject to the pleasure of the President, who has the authority to remove the Governor from office at any time. The Governor does not have security of tenure and can be removed by the President without seeking advice from any other authority. This feature ensures that the Governor’s role remains in line with the principles of federalism and the governance structure of the state.

2. For the removal of a Governor from office, who does the President seek advice from?

  1. Council of Ministers
  2. Supreme Court
  3. Chief Minister of the concerned state
  4. None of them

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Answer: None of them

The Governor indeed acts as an agent of the President and serves at the President’s pleasure. This means that the President can remove the Governor from office as an executive act, and this action doesn’t require advice from any other authority. This mechanism is essential to maintain a balance between the federal and unitary aspects of the Indian political system. The Governor’s role is mainly ceremonial, and the real executive authority lies with the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers in the state.

3. To which authority are the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India relating to the accounts of the States submitted?

  1. The President
  2. The Governor
  3. The Parliament
  4. The Chief Minister

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Answer: The Governor

The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG) plays a crucial role in auditing the accounts of both the Union and the states. However, there is a distinction in how the audit reports are handled. Reports related to the accounts of the Union are submitted to the President, who subsequently lays them before each House of Parliament. On the other hand, reports related to the accounts of a state are submitted to the Governor of that state, who, in turn, lays them before the Legislature of the State. This division of responsibilities is a significant aspect of India’s federal structure.

4. Who is the chief executive head of the state?

  1. Chief minister
  2. Governor
  3. President
  4. None of the above

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Answer: Governor

The state executive comprises several key positions, including the Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, and the Advocate General. The Governor is the constitutional head of the state, representing the state within the framework of the Indian Constitution. While the Governor holds a nominal executive position, the real executive authority is exercised by the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers. The Advocate General, on the other hand, is the legal advisor to the state government.

5. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for a Governor?

  1. Article 152
  2. Article 153
  3. Article 154
  4. Article 156

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Answer: Article 153

Article 153 of the Constitution of India mandates the appointment of a Governor for every state in the country. The Governor is the formal head of the state and represents the President at the state level. The role of the Governor is to ensure the state’s governance functions smoothly, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the land.

6. Who referred to the Governor of a state as “federal fireman”?

  1. KT Shah
  2. BR Ambedkar
  3. C Rajagopalachari
  4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

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Answer: C Rajagopalachari

The concept of the Governor as a “federal fireman” was articulated by C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji). This term highlights the view that the Governor’s role is to intervene in the state’s affairs only in case of emergencies or when the state government is unable to function effectively. The Governor’s office should not be used for partisan politics, and the Governor should act as a neutral and non-partisan authority within the state.

7. Which article of the Indian Constitution states that the executive power of the state is vested in the Governor?

  1. Article 152
  2. Article 153
  3. Article 154
  4. Article 155

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Answer: Article 154

Article 154 of the Constitution vests the executive power of the state in the Governor. This means that all executive actions of the state government are taken in the name of the Governor. While the real executive authority rests with the elected Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers, the Governor’s formal approval is necessary for the execution of any state government decision.

8. Which of the following cannot be impeached as per the Indian Constitution?

  1. Chief Justice of India
  2. President of India
  3. Vice President of India
  4. Governor of an Indian State

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Answer: Governor of an Indian State

The Constitution of India does not provide a specific procedure for the removal or impeachment of the Governor from office. The Governor serves at the pleasure of the President, which means the President can remove the Governor from office at any time. The Governor’s term is typically five years, but this term can be cut short if the President deems it necessary. This arrangement allows for flexibility in the appointment and removal of Governors to align with the changing political landscape.

9. What are the qualifications to be appointed as Governor of a state?

  1. Should be a citizen of India
  2. Should not be a resident of the state of which he/she works as Governor
  3. Should have completed the age of 35 years
  4. Only 1 & 3

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Answer: Only 1 & 3

The qualifications for the appointment of a Governor are straightforward. The person must be a citizen of India and should have attained the age of 35 years. These qualifications ensure that the Governor is an Indian citizen with a certain level of experience and maturity.

10. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Governor of a state?

  1. Governor can summon or prorogue the state legislature and dissolve the state legislative assembly
  2. He nominates one-sixth of the members of the state legislative assembly
  3. He is responsible for setting up the State Finance Commission and presenting the commission’s report in the state legislature
  4. District judges are appointed by the Governor

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Answer: He nominates one-sixth of the members of the state legislative assembly

The statement regarding the Governor nominating one-sixth of the members of the state legislative council is incorrect. The Governor does not nominate members of the legislative council. Members of the legislative council are typically elected or nominated based on other criteria.

Q11: Who are parts of the state executive?

1. Governor

2. Chief Minister

3. Advocate General

4. All of the above

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The state executive includes several key positions, as mentioned earlier. The Governor serves as the nominal executive head of the state and is responsible for carrying out various formal functions and duties. The Chief Minister, along with the Council of Ministers, holds the real executive authority in the state. The Advocate General serves as the legal advisor to the state government, providing legal guidance and representing the state in legal matters.

Q12: Which of the following statements are correct about the Governor of the state?

1) The governor is the chief executive head of the state

2) Governor acts independent of the central government

3) One person can be appointed governor only for one state

4) Governor is not a titular head of the state

Choose the right option:

1. 1, 2, 3

2. 2, 3, 4

3. 1, 3, 4

4. 1, 2, 4

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Governor is considered the chief executive head of the state. While the Governor’s role is ceremonial in nature, it is important to uphold the principles of federalism and maintain a constitutional link between the state and the central government. The Governor represents the state and the President at the state level, ensuring the proper functioning of the state’s governance.

Q13: Which constitutional amendment facilitated the appointment of the same person as a governor for two or more states?

1. 1st Constitutional Amendment Act of 1951

2. 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956

3. 4th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1955

4. 6th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 introduced the provision that the same person could be appointed as Governor for two or more states. This amendment aimed to streamline the administrative process and make governance more efficient by appointing a single individual to oversee multiple states. The Governor’s role remains similar across the states they are appointed to, and they represent the President in each state. This amendment has contributed to administrative efficiency in the Indian federal system.

Q14: Which statement about the appointment of the Governor is correct?

1. Governor is not directly elected by the people

2. Governor is not indirectly elected by a specially constituted electoral college

3. Both of them

4. None of them

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Governor is neither directly elected by the people nor indirectly elected by a specially constituted electoral college. Instead, he/she is appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal.

Q15: What are the reasons for the system of appointment of the Governor by the President?

1) Direct election of the governor is incompatible with the parliamentary system

2) It is better to have elaborate arrangements for the election of the Governor

3) It is in national interest to have large voters for the election of the Governor

4) Direct election is less likely to create conflicts between the Governor and the Chief Minister

Choose the right option:

1. 1, 2, 3

2. ) 2, 3, 4

3. 1, 3, 4

4. 1, and 4

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The reasons for the system of appointment of Governor by the President are:

1. Direct election of the governor is incompatible with the parliamentary system in the states.

2. Direct election is more likely to create conflicts between the governor and the chief minister.

3. There is no need to make elaborate arrangements for this election as he/she is just a nominal head.

4. Since the election of a governor is on personal issues, it is not in the national interest to involve a large number of voters in such an election.

5. An elected governor would not be a neutral person as he/she would naturally belong to a party.

6. The election of governor would create separatist tendencies.

7. The system of presidential nomination enables the Centre to maintain its control over the states.

Q16: In which country did the Constituent Assembly model the system of appointment of the Governor by the President?

1. USA

2. Ireland

3. Canada

4. Germany

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Constituent Assembly modelled the system of appointment of the Governor by the President based on the Canadian model. In this model, the Governor of a province (state) is appointed by the Governor-General (Centre).

Q17: What are the qualifications for the appointment of a person as a Governor?

1. He should be a citizen of India

2. He should have completed the age of 45 years

3. He should have served as an MLA

4. He should be at least a graduate

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The qualifications for the appointment of a Governor are straightforward. The individual must be a citizen of India and must have reached the age of 35 years. These qualifications ensure that the Governor is an Indian citizen with a certain level of experience and maturity.

Q18: What are the privileges enjoyed by the office of Governor?

1. He is immune from any criminal proceedings

2. He cannot be arrested or imprisoned

3. Both A and B

4. None

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Answer: 3

Explanation: A Governor enjoys personal immunity from legal liability for their official acts, meaning they are immune from any criminal proceedings during their term of office. Additionally, a Governor cannot be arrested or imprisoned. However, civil proceedings can be instituted against the Governor with regard to their personal acts during their term of office, provided that two months’ notice is given.

Q19: Who administers the oath of office to the Governor?

1. President

2. Prime Minister

3. Chief Minister

4. Chief Justice of the state high court

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The oath of office to the Governor is administered by the Chief Justice of the respective state’s high court. In the absence of the Chief Justice, the senior-most judge of that court available is responsible for administering the oath.

Q20: Which of the following statements are correct regarding the term of the Governor?

1. A governor holds office for a term of five years

2. He can resign by addressing a resignation letter to the Prime Minister

3. He cannot be removed by the President

4. None of these

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The Governor holds office for a term of five years, subject to the pleasure of the President. This means that the Governor’s term can be shorter if the President decides to remove them from office. A Governor can also resign at any time by addressing a resignation letter to the President. This arrangement ensures flexibility in the appointment and removal of Governors to align with the changing political landscape.

Q21: Who can transfer a Governor appointed from one state to another state?

1. President

2. Prime Minister

3. Chief Minister

4. Chief Justice of the high court

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The President is empowered to transfer a Governor appointed to one state to another state for the remaining term. Additionally, the President can make provisions for the discharge of the functions of the Governor in case of unforeseen contingencies not explicitly addressed in the Constitution.

Q22: Which of the following appointments are made by the Governor?

1. He appoints the chief minister and other ministers.

2. He appoints the state election commissioner.

3. He appoints the advocate general of a state.

4. He appoints the chairman of the state public service commission.

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Answer: 4

Explanation: A Governor is responsible for the appointment of the chief minister and other ministers, the state election commissioner, the advocate general of a state, and the chairman and members of the state public service commission.

Q23: What are the powers of the Governor with respect to the state election commissioner?

1. He can remove the state election commissioner

2. He decides the tenure of the office of state election commissioner

3. Both A and B

4. None

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Answer: 2

Explanation: A Governor appoints the state election commissioner and determines the conditions of his service and tenure of the office. However, with regards to the removal from office, the state election commissioner can be removed only on the grounds as that of a judge of a high court.

Q24: In which states does the Governor appoint the Tribal Affairs Minister?

1. Himachal 

2. Uttar Pradesh

3. Jharkhand

4. Arunachal Pradesh

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Answer: 3

Explanation: In the states of Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha, the Governor is responsible for appointing the Tribal Welfare Minister. This appointment aims to address the specific needs and concerns of tribal communities in these states. Bihar was excluded from this provision by the 94th Amendment Act of 2006.

Q25: What action can the Governor take on a bill sent to him after it is passed by the state legislature?

1. Give his assent to the bill

2. Withhold his assent to the bill

3. Return the bill for reconsideration of the state legislature

4. all of the above

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Answer: 4

Explanation: After a bill is passed by the state legislature and is sent to the Governor, he can take the following actions:

(a) Give his assent to the bill

(b) Withhold his assent to the bill

(c) Return the bill (if it is not a money bill) for reconsideration of the state legislature

(d) Reserve the bill for the consideration of the President

Q26: Which of the following statements are correct regarding the promulgation of ordinances in the state?

1. Governor can promulgate ordinances when the state legislature is not in session

2. Governor can withdraw an ordinance anytime

3. Both of them

4. None

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Answer: 2

Explanation: Both of the following statements are correct regarding the promulgation of ordinances in a state:

Governor can promulgate ordinances when the state legislature is not in session: The Governor has the authority to issue ordinances when the state legislature is not in session, provided certain conditions are met. These ordinances have the force of law, similar to legislation passed by the state legislature.

Governor can withdraw an ordinance anytime: The Governor can also withdraw or revoke an ordinance at any time. This gives the Governor the power to modify or repeal an ordinance as circumstances change.

So, the correct answer is Both of them. The Governor has these powers related to the promulgation and withdrawal of ordinances in a state.

Q27: In what situation is the Governor supposed to reserve a bill for the consideration of the President?

1. If it is against the provisions of the Constitution

2. If it endangers the position of the state high court

3. If it deals with compulsory acquisition of property under Article 31A

4. All of the above

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Governor is to reserve the bill for the consideration of the President in the following circumstances:

1. If it is ultra vires, which means it is against the provisions of the Constitution.

2. If it is opposed to the Directive Principles of State Policy.

3. If it is against the larger interest of the country.

4. If it is of grave national importance.

5. If it deals with the compulsory acquisition of property under Article 31A of the Constitution.

6. It is obligatory to reserve a bill if it endangers the position of the state high court.

Q28: Which of the following statements are correct regarding the legislative powers of the Governor?

1. He can summon or prorogue the state legislature

2. He cannot dissolve the state legislative assembly

3. e does not address the state legislature at the commencement of the first session after each general election

4. He nominates one-sixth of the members of the state legislative council

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Answer: 1

Explanation: Following are the legislative powers of the Governor:

1. He can summon or prorogue the state legislature.

2. He can dissolve the state legislative assembly.

3. He addresses the state legislature at the commencement of the first session after each general election and also the first session of each year.

4. He can send messages to houses of the state legislature regarding a bill pending in the legislature.

5. He is responsible for nominating one-sixth of the members of the state legislative council from amongst persons having special knowledge or practical experience in literature, science, art, cooperative movement, and social service.

Q29: Who does the Governor consult for the disqualification of members of the state legislature?

1. Prime Minister

2. Chief Minister

3. Chief Justice of the state high court

4. Election Commission

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Governor consults the Election Commission to decide on the question of disqualification of members of the state legislature.

Q30: Which of the following bills can the Governor not return for reconsideration of the state legislature?

1. Constitutional Amendment Bill

2. Money Bill

3. Ordinary Bill

4. Finance Bill

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Answer: 2

Explanation: After a bill is passed by the state legislature and sent to the Governor, he can return the bill for reconsideration of the state legislature, except for the money bill.

Q31: Which of the following statements are correct regarding the appointments made by the Governor?

1. Appoints an eminent personality to preside over its proceedings when the offices of Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are vacant.

2. Appoints a non-member of the state legislature council to preside over its proceedings when offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman are vacant.

3. Both

4. None

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Governor can appoint any member of the state legislative assembly to preside over its proceedings when both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker positions are vacant. Similarly, the Governor can appoint any member of the state legislative council to preside over its proceedings when both the Chairman and Deputy Chairman positions are vacant. This ensures the continuity of legislative business even in the absence of elected presiding officers

Q32: From which of the areas of special knowledge does the Governor nominate one-sixth of the members of the state legislative council?

1. Literature

2. Cooperative movement

3. Science

4. All of the above

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Answer: 4

Explanation: One-sixth of the members of the state legislative council are nominated by the Governor from among individuals with special knowledge or practical experience in various fields, including literature, science, art, cooperative movement, and social service. This provision enhances the diversity of expertise and experience within the legislative council.

Q33: What are the powers of the Governor with regards to the Money Bill?

1. He can return the Money bill back to the state legislature.

2. Money bills can be introduced in the state legislature without his prior recommendation.

3. Both of them

4. None of them

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The Governor does not have the power to send back a Money bill for reconsideration to the state legislature. However, a Money bill must undergo the process of prior recommendation by the Governor before it can be introduced in the state legislature. Money bills are a special category of bills that deal primarily with taxation and government expenditure.

Q34: What are the financial powers of the Governor amongst the following options?

1. He sees that the Annual Financial Statement is laid before the state legislature.

2. No demand for a grant can be made except on his recommendation.

3. He can make advances out of the Contingency Fund of the state to meet any unforeseen expenditure.

4. All of them

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The financial powers of the Governor include ensuring that the Annual Financial Statement (state budget) is laid before the state legislature. The Governor also plays a crucial role in the financial process by ensuring that no demand for a grant can be made without their recommendation. Additionally, the Governor can authorize advances from the Contingency Fund of the state to meet unforeseen expenditures. Periodically, the Governor constitutes a finance commission to review the financial position of panchayats and municipalities in the state.

Q35: The President of India consults which of the following while appointing the judges of a state high court?

1. Prime Minister

2. Lok Sabha

3. Governor of the concerned state

4. State Legislative Assembly

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The President of India consults the Governor of the concerned state when appointing judges of the state high court. The Governor also plays a role in appointments, postings, and promotions of district judges, and this is done in consultation with the state high court. This ensures that judicial appointments and postings maintain high standards of integrity and competence.

Q36: Who was the first woman to become the Governor of a State in India?

1. Serla Grewal

2. Padmaja Naidu

3. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur

4. Sarojini Naidu

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Answer: 4

Explanation: Sarojini Naidu holds the distinction of being the first woman to become a Governor in India. She served as the Governor of Uttar Pradesh after independence, a significant milestone for women’s participation in high-level governmental roles.

Q37: Which Article of the Constitution of India states that the executive power of the state shall be vested in the governor?

1. Article 154

2. Article 155

3. Article 156

4. Article 157

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Answer: 1

Explanation: Article 154 of the Indian Constitution vests the executive power of the state in the Governor. The Governor exercises this power either directly or through officers subordinate to them, as mandated by the Constitution.

Q38: Which Article states that there shall be a council of ministers with the chief minister as the head to aid and advise the governor?

1. Article 161

2. Article 162

3. Article 163

4. Article 164

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Answer: 3

Explanation: Article 163 of the Constitution establishes a council of ministers headed by the Chief Minister to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise of their functions. The Governor acts on the advice of the council of ministers in most matters, except when they are required to exercise their discretion.

Q39: Which Article of the Indian Constitution states that the council of ministers shall be collectively responsible to the legislative assembly of the state?

1. Article 156

2. Article 158

3. Article 160

4. Article 164

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Answer: 4

Explanation: Article 164 of the Constitution establishes the principle of collective responsibility of the council of ministers to the legislative assembly of the state. This foundational principle is the cornerstone of the parliamentary system of government in the state.

Q40: According to which Constitutional Amendment Act, the ministerial advice has been made binding on the Governor of the state?

1. 42nd

2. 44th

3. 46th

4. None of the above

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The 42nd Amendment of 1976 to the Constitution made ministerial advice binding on the President of India. However, no such provision was made with respect to the Governor. This means that the Governor has more discretion in certain matters compared to the President.

Q41: In which of the following matters does the Governor have constitutional discretion?

1. Reservation of a bill for the consideration of the President.

2. Recommendation for the imposition of the President’s Rule in the state.

3. Seeking information from the chief minister with regard to the administrative and legislative matters of the state.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1

2. Only 1 & 2

3. Only 1 & 3

4. All of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: he Governor exercises constitutional discretion in various situations. For example, the Governor can reserve a bill for the consideration of the President, recommend the imposition of President’s Rule in the state, seek information from the Chief Minister regarding state administrative and legislative matters, and make specific decisions in exceptional cases. Additionally, the Governor has situational discretion in appointing the Chief Minister when no party has a clear majority in the state legislative assembly, in dismissing the council of ministers when it loses the confidence of the legislative assembly, and in dissolving the state legislative assembly if the council of ministers no longer has a majority.

Q42: In which of the following cases does the Governor have situational discretion?

1. Appointment of chief minister when no party has a clear-cut majority.

2. Dismissal of the council of ministers when it cannot prove the confidence of the state legislative assembly.

3. Dissolution of the state legislative assembly even if the council of ministers has a majority.

4. Select the correct option from the codes given below:

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1

2. Only 1 & 2

3. Only 2 & 3

4. All of the above

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Governor has situational discretion in the appointment of chief minister when no party has a clear-cut majority in the state legislative assembly or when the chief minister in office dies suddenly and there is no obvious successor, dismissing the council of ministers when it cannot prove the confidence of the state legislative assembly, and in the dissolution of the state legislative assembly if the council of ministers has lost its majority.

Q43: Which Article deals with the bills reserved by the Governor for the consideration of the President?

1. Article 201

2. Article 202

3. Article 203

4. Article 204

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Answer: 1

Explanation: According to Article 201 of the Constitution, when the Governor reserves a bill for the consideration of the President, the President has the authority to either give assent to the bill or withhold assent. Once the President’s decision is made, the Governor’s role in the enactment of the bill is completed. If the bill is returned by the President for reconsideration by the state legislature and is subsequently passed again, it is presented once more for presidential assent.

Q44: Who has the power to direct the establishment of separate development boards for Vidarbha and Marathwada in Maharashtra?

1. President

2. Prime Minister

3. Governor

4. Chief Minister

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Governor exercises authority in the establishment of separate development boards for Vidarbha and Marathwada in the state of Maharashtra. These boards address the unique development needs and concerns of these regions within the state. This decision is typically made after consultation with the council of ministers led by the Chief Minister.

Q45: Who is the constitutional head of the state?

1. Governor

2. Chief Minister

3. Chief Justice of High Court

4. President

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The Governor is the constitutional head of the state as well as the representative of the Centre, that is, of the President.

Q46: The Governor can make regulations for peace and for ensuring social and economic advancement of the different sections of the population of which of the following states?

1. Maharashtra

2. Manipur

3. Sikkim

4. Assam

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Governor can make regulations for peace and for ensuring social and economic advancement of the different sections of the population for the state of Sikkim. He can act at his discretion in this regard.

Q47: Who appoints the Chief Minister?

1. The Chief Justice of High Court

2. President

3. Prime Minister

4. Governor

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Constitution of India does not contain any specific procedure for the selection and appointment of the Chief Minister of a state. Article 164 of the Constitution only says that the Chief Minister shall be appointed by the Governor.

Q48: In which of the following states, there should be a tribal welfare minister?

1. Bihar

2. West Bengal

3. Telangana

4. Jharkhand

Answer: 4

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Explanation: There should be a tribal welfare minister in the following states: Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha. Initially, this provision was applicable to Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha. The 94th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2006 excluded Bihar from the obligation of having a tribal welfare minister as there are no Scheduled Areas in Bihar now, and the fraction of the population of the Scheduled Tribes is very small.

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Rohit Puri

Rohit Puri is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for knowledge dissemination in India. With a strong background in education, he has dedicated himself to empowering learners through well-researched and insightful content. As the author of engaging blogs on GK Scoop, Rohit focuses on general knowledge, current affairs MCQs, and essential educational topics relevant to the Indian context. His commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of critical issues makes him a trusted resource for students and educators alike. When he’s not writing, Rohit enjoys exploring new ways to enhance learning experiences and inspire curiosity in the classroom.

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