1. Who founded the Tughlaq dynasty?
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
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Answer: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq is indeed considered the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty, which ruled the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century. He was the first Sultan of the dynasty. It is worth noting that Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq is also recognized as the first Sultan to take the title of “Ghazi,” which means “Slayer of Infidels,” as part of his royal title.
2. Which Tughlaq sultan founded the city of Tughlaqabad?
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
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Answer: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
The city of Tughlaqabad, known today as Tughlaqabad Fort, was indeed founded by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq in 1321. However, this city was abandoned in 1327 due to various factors, including water scarcity and other practical issues.sha.
3. Which of the following kings died due to the collapse of a wooden structure?
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
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Answer: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty, is traditionally believed to have died due to the collapse of a wooden structure. While the exact circumstances surrounding his death may be debated, this is the commonly accepted historical account.
4. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq ruled the Delhi sultanate during which of the following periods?
- 1125-51 CE
- 1225-51 CE
- 1325-51 CE
- 1025-51 CE
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Answer: 1325-51 CE
Mohammad Bin Tughlaq, also known as Jauna Khan, did indeed rule the Delhi Sultanate from 1325 CE to 1351 CE. His reign is known for various administrative and policy innovations and challenges.
5. Ibn Batuta visited India during the reigns of which of the following kings?
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Abu Bakr Shah
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
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Answer: Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
Ibn Batuta, a renowned Moroccan explorer and scholar, visited India during the reign of Mohammad Bin Tughlaq. He arrived in India in 1334 CE and served as a Qazi (judge) at Delhi for eight years, during which he had the opportunity to observe and document various aspects of the Delhi Sultanate.
6. The new department Diwan-e-Amir-Kohi started by Mohammad Bin Tughlaq was related to which of the followings?
- Agriculture Market
- Price Control
- Military Affairs
- Diplomatic Affairs
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Answer: Agriculture Market
Mohammad Bin Tughlaq introduced several administrative measures, including the establishment of a new department called Diwan-e-Amir-Kohi, which was related to agriculture. He also launched a scheme of takkavi loans to support farmers and agricultural activities.
7. Which of the following kings appointed Khan-i-Jahan Maqbal as wazir?
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Abu Bakr Shah
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
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Answer: Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Firoz Shah Tughlaq, who succeeded Mohammad Bin Tughlaq, did appoint Khan-i-Jahan Maqbal, a Telugu Brahmin, as the wazir (prime minister) during his rule.rij Bhasha.
8. Which of the following sultans led a campaign against Jajnagar?
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
- Abu Bakr Shah
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Answer: Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Firoz Shah Tughlaq did lead a campaign against Jajnagar in modern Odisha as part of his territorial expansion efforts.
9. Who translated some of the 1300 manuscripts looted by Firuz Shah Tughlaq from the Jwalamukhi temple from Sanskrit into Persian?
- Arizuddin Khan
- Ibn Batuta
- Fakhruddin
- Minhaj-us-Siraj
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Answer: Arizuddin Khan
Arizuddin Khan translated some of the 1300 Sanskrit manuscripts that Firuz Shah Tughlaq had looted from the Jwalamukhi temple into Persian under the title “Dalail-i-Firoz-Shahi.” This reflects Firuz Shah’s interest in cultural preservation and promotion.
10. Which of the following sultans prohibited Muslim women from going to worship at the grave of saints?
- Abu Bakr Shah
- Ghiyaddin Tughlaq Shah II
- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
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Answer: Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Firoz Shah Tughlaq indeed introduced various policies related to religion and taxation. He prohibited Muslim women from going to worship at the graves of saints and took measures against certain heretical Muslim sects. He also imposed Haque-i-Sharb or Hasil-i-Sharb, a water/irrigation tax.
Q11: The tax called Haque-i-Sharb or Hasil-i-Sharb imposed by Firoz Tughlaq was on what of the followings?
1. Trade of Commodities
2. Pilgrimage by Non-Muslims
3. Irrigation
4. Marriage by Non-Muslims
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Answer: 3
Explanation: During Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s reign, the land tax, known as Kharaj, was fixed at 10% of the produce. Zakat was the alms given by Muslims, and Khams was the term for 20% of spoils of war.
Q12: During the reign of Firoz Shah Tughlaq, Kharaj was fixed at how much percentage of produce?
1. 5%
2. 10%
3. 15%
4. 20%
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Diwan-i-Bandagan was the department responsible for managing slaves during Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s rule. The officer in charge of this department was known as the Wakil-i-dar. Firoz Shah increased the number of slaves by capturing defeated soldiers and young individuals during wars.
Q13: Diwan-i-Bandagan was the department of which of the following?
1. Revenue
2. Military Affairs
3. Ceremonies
4. Slaves
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Diwan-i-Bandagan was the department of slaves. The officer in charge of this department was the Wakil-i-dar. Firoz Shah Tughlaq increased the number of slaves by capturing defeated soldiers and young persons during wars.
Q14: During the Delhi Sultanate, who established a new department called Diwan-i-Khairat?
1. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
2. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
3. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
4. Nasiruddin Muhammad
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Firoz Shah Tughlaq established a new department called Diwan-i-Khairat, which was the Department of Charity. It was created to take care of orphans and widows. Firoz Shah Tughlaq also established free hospitals like Dar-ul-Shafa and marriage bureaus for poor Muslims.
Q15: Futuhat-e-firozshahi was written by which of the following?
1. Barani
2. Khwajja Abdul Malik Islami
3. Baduani
4. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
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Answer: 4
Explanation: Firoz Shah Tughlaq indeed wrote a small autobiography titled Futuhat-e-Firozshahi, providing insights into his life and reign.
Q16: Which of the following was the author of ‘Tarikh-i-Firoz Shah’ and ‘Futwa-i-Jahandari’?
1. Barani
2. Khwajja Abdul Malik Islami
3. Baduani
4. None of the above
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Firoz Shah Tughlaq patronized scholars like Barani, a famous historian who wrote ‘Tarikh-i-Firoz Shah’ and ‘Futwa-i-Jahandari.’ Firoz Shah Tughlaq also wrote his autobiography, Futuhat-e-Firozshahi.
Q17: Who wrote Futah-Us-Sulatin?
1. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
2. Khwajja Abdul Malik Islami
3. Barani
4. None of the above
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Khwajja Abdul Malik Islami wrote Futah-Us-Sulatin. He was patronized by Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
Q18: During the reign of which of the following kings did Timur invade India?
1. Nasiruddin Muhammad
2. Abu Bakr Shah
3. Muhammad Khan
4. Daulat Khan
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Timur, the Turco-Mongol conqueror, invaded India in 1398 CE during the reign of Nasiruddin Muhammad, marking a significant historical event in Indian history.