British Raj – Viceroys of India [1858-1947] GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Who was the only Viceroy of India to be murdered in office?

  1. Lord Mayo
  2. Lord Auckland
  3. Lord Lawrence
  4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: Lord Mayo

Lord Mayo’s assassination in 1872 was a tragic event in Indian history. He was the only Viceroy of India to be murdered while in office. Lord Mayo was killed by a Pathan convict named Sher Ali while visiting the Andaman Islands. This event highlighted the security challenges faced by British officials in India during that time.

2. Which Viceroy passed the famous Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899)?

  1. Lord Minto
  2. Lord Hardinge
  3. Lord Curzon
  4. Lord Dufferin

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Answer: Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon, who became Viceroy of India in 1899, implemented the Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899). This act put India on the gold standard, a significant monetary reform that established a fixed exchange rate between Indian rupees and British pounds. It aimed to stabilize the Indian economy and enhance British control over the country’s finances.

3. Simon Commission had visited India during the times of which among the following Viceroys?

  1. Lord Irwin
  2. Lord Chelmsford
  3. Lord Willingdon
  4. Lord Wood

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Answer: Lord Irwin

Lord Irwin was appointed as the Viceroy of India in 1926. During his tenure, the British government appointed the Simon Commission in 1927 to review the reforms introduced in the Government of India Act of 1919. The commission was boycotted by Indians because it lacked Indian representation, sparking widespread protests against British rule.

4. Who among the following is known to have started the portfolio system in India?

  1. Lord Dalhousie
  2. Lord Canning
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Sir John Lawrence

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Answer: Lord Canning

Lord Canning introduced the Portfolio system in India in 1859. Under this system, each member of the Governor General’s council was assigned specific departments and responsibilities, making the administration more efficient and organized.

5. Who among the following was the Governor-General who followed a spirited “Forward” Policy towards Afghanistan?

  1. Lord Dufferin
  2. Lord Mayo
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Lord Ellenborough

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Answer: Lord Ellenborough

Lord Ellenborough pursued a “Forward” Policy towards Afghanistan during his viceroyalty. This policy aimed to extend British control over targeted regions through military invasions, annexations, or the establishment of compliant buffer states. It reflected the British Empire’s expansionist agenda in the region.

6. Who among the following was the Viceroy of India at the time of the partition of Bengal (1905)?

  1. Lord Minto
  2. Lord Curzon
  3. Lord Elgin
  4. Lord Chelmsford

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Answer: Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India when the partition of Bengal was announced in 1905. The controversial partition aimed to divide the province of Bengal into two separate entities, West Bengal and East Bengal (now Bangladesh). This move was met with widespread protests and opposition from Indian nationalists and was eventually reversed in 1911.

7. Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 was related to which of the following?

  1. Local administration
  2. Decentralization of power & finances of Central Government & provinces
  3. Both of them
  4. None of the above

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Answer: Both of them

Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 was related to the development of Local Self-Government and decentralization of power and finances of the Central Government and provinces. This resolution aimed to promote local governance and empower provincial governments, marking a step towards decentralization.

8. Sir Edwin Montagu, and the Viceroy, Lord Chelmsford, are related to which of the following?

  1. Government of India Act 1858
  2. Government of India Act 1909
  3. Government of India Act 1919
  4. Government of India Act 1935

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Answer: Government of India Act 1919

Sir Edwin Montagu and Lord Chelmsford are associated with the Government of India Act of 1919. This act introduced significant constitutional reforms in British India, including the expansion of Indian participation in the government through the introduction of diarchy at the provincial level and the establishment of the Central Legislative Assembly.

9.Which of the following Viceroys of India used to write poems with the pen name of “Owen Meredith”?

  1. Lord Northbrook
  2. Lord Lytton
  3. Lord Ripon
  4. Lord Dufferin

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Answer: Lord Lytton

Lord Lytton, who served as Viceroy from 1876 to 1880, was also known by his pen name, “Owen Meredith.” He was a poet and diplomat who wrote poetry during his tenure in India, although he is better remembered for his policies as Viceroy.

10. Identify the famous viceroy of India with the help of the given information:

  1. He introduced Ilbert Bill
  2. He passed the resolution on local self-government
  3. He appointed Hunter commission for educational reforms

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

  1. Lord Mayo
  2. Lord Lytton
  3. Lord Dufferin
  4. Lord Ripon

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Answer: Lord Ripon

Lord Ripon introduced several important reforms during his viceroyalty, including the Ilbert Bill, which aimed to allow Indian judges to preside over cases involving Europeans, and resolutions on local self-government and educational reforms. His tenure marked a period of liberal policy changes in India.

Q11: The tenure of which of the following Viceroys of India is collectively called the Policy of Masterly Inactivity?

1. Lord Elgin

2. Lord Mayo

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Lawrence

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Answer: 4

Explanation: Lord Lawrence’s policy of Masterly Inactivity aimed to avoid unnecessary British involvement in areas where other foreign powers were not intervening. This policy was exemplified in Afghanistan, where British troops and envoys were not sent, and civilian explorers were restricted from entering.

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1 & 2

2. Only 1, 2 & 3

3. Only 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: During the tenure of Lord Curzon:

1.Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905.

2. The Punjab Land Alienation Act was introduced in 1900.

3. A Famine Commission was appointed in 1901.

4. The Imperial Cadet Corps was founded in 1901.

Q13: Consider the following pairs:

1. Lord Curzon – Ancient Monuments Preservation Act

2. Lord Ripon – Famine Code

3. Lord Mayo – Department of Agriculture and Commerce

4. Lord Lansdowne – Durand Commission

Which of the above is/are correct?

1. 1 & 3 Only

2. 2 & 3 Only

3. 2, 3 & 4 Only

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The given pairs are correctly matched as follows:

Lord Curzon – Ancient Monuments Preservation Act

Lord Mayo – Department of Agriculture and Commerce

Q14: Which of the following was/were introduced during the reign of Lord Curzon as Viceroy of India?

1. Imperial Cadet Corps (ICC)

2. Ilbert Bill

3. Ancient Monuments Preservation Act

4. 1, 2 & 3

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: During the reign of Lord Curzon as Viceroy of India, the following were introduced:

1. Imperial Cadet Corps (ICC)

2. Ilbert Bill

3. Ancient Monuments Preservation Act

Q15: Consider the following reforms brought in India with viceroys associated with them:

1. Factory Act 1881 – Lord Ripon

2. Appointment of Hunter Commission to promote Education – Lord Dufferin

3. Arms Act 1879 – Lord Lytton

Which of the above is/are correct?

1. 1 & 3 Only

2. 2 Only

3. 2 & 3 Only

4. 1, 2 & 3

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The following reforms were brought in India with the associated Viceroys:

Factory Act 1881 – Lord Ripon

Arms Act 1879 – Lord Lytton

Q16: Which among the following incidents took place during the viceroyship of Lord Canning?

1. Government of India Act of 1858 passed

2. Indigo revolt

3. Indian Council Act of 1861 passed

4. Famine in the North-Western provinces

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The following incidents took place during the viceroyship of Lord Canning:

Government of India Act of 1858 was passed. Indigo revolt occurred in 1859.

Indian Council Act of 1861 was passed.

The famine in the North-Western provinces happened during the viceroyship of Lord Lytton.

Q17: Who of the following Viceroy of India previously worked as the governor of Jamaica?

1. Lord Canning

2. Lord Mayo

3. Lord Elgin

4. Lord Lawrence

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Answer: 3

Explanation: Lord Elgin, who served as the Viceroy of India from 1862 to 1863, previously worked as the Governor of Jamaica from 1842 to 1846 and Governor-General of the province of Canada from 1847 to 1854.Lord Elgin was the first Viceroy to use Peterhoff, the official residency of Viceroys in Shimla. This residence was a symbol of British colonial authority in India and served as the summer capital for the British administration.

Q18: Queen Victoria’s proclamation was declared during the viceroyship of who of the following?

1. Lord Canning

2. Lord Mayo

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Hardinge I

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Answer: 1

Explanation: Queen Victoria’s proclamation was declared on November 1, 1858, during the viceroyship of Lord Canning. The proclamation transferred the power of the East India Company to the direct control of the British Monarch and established a Secretary of State for India.

Q19: Who was the first Viceroy of India to use Peterhoff, the official residency of Viceroys in India?

1. Lord Mayo

2. Lord Elgin

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: 2

Explanation: Lord Elgin was the first Viceroy to use Peterhoff, the official residency of Viceroys in Shimla. This residence was a symbol of British colonial authority in India and served as the summer capital for the British administration.

Q20: Which Viceroy of India was known as the saviour of India and organiser of victory?

1. Lord Lawrence

2. Lord Elgin

3. Lord Mayo

4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: 1

Explanation: John Lawrence, who served as Viceroy in 1864, earned the titles the saviour of India and organiser of victory due to his exceptional leadership during a tumultuous period. He was an unusual choice for Viceroy since he was a civil servant rather than a career military or political figure. His viceroyalty was marked by his adept handling of various crises, such as the Bhutanese war and the development of critical infrastructure, like the telegraph line from India to Europe.

Q21: The policy of which Viceroy of India is known as the Masterly Inactive Policy?

1. Lord Mayo

2. Lord Elgin

3. John Lawrence

4. Lord Canning

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Answer: 3

Explanation: Sir John Lawrence’s policy of Masterly Inactivity was a strategic approach of non-interference in the internal affairs of countries where no other foreign power was intervening. This policy was notably demonstrated in the case of Afghanistan, where the British chose not to engage directly in the country’s affairs to avoid conflicts with other powers and maintain a relatively hands-off approach.

Q22: Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of John Lawrence?

1. Famine in Odisha

2. Bhutanese war

3. Telegraph line was started between India and Europe

4. The rail line from Ambala to Delhi was constructed

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: During John Lawrence’s viceroyalty, several significant events occurred. These include a famine in Odisha in 1866, the Bhutanese war in 1865, the establishment of a telegraph line between India and Europe in 1865, and the construction of a railway line from Ambala to Delhi in 1869. These events shaped the social, political, and economic landscape of India during his tenure.

Q23: In which year was John Lawrence appointed as the Viceroy of India?

1. 1862

2. 1864

3. 1866

4. 1869

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Answer: 2

Explanation: John Lawrence was appointed as the Viceroy of India in the year 1864, succeeding Lord Elgin.

Q24: Which of the following Viceroys of India started financial decentralization in India?

1. Lord Canning

2. Lord Mayo

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Lawrence

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Answer: 2

Explanation: Lord Mayo, who assumed the role of Viceroy in 1869, initiated financial decentralization in India. In 1870, he introduced the concept of managing departments and provided certain financial resources to the provinces. This marked a significant shift in India’s administrative and financial structure, devolving some power and finances to the local level.

Q25: Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Mayo?

1. First Census was carried out

2. Establishment of the Statistical Survey of India

3. Indian Evidence Act was passed

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2 & 3

4. 1, 2 & 3

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Mayo:

The first census in India was started in 1871.

The establishment of the Statistical Survey of India took place in 1869.

Indian Evidence Act was passed in 1872.

Q26: Arrange chronologically the following Viceroys of India according to the year of their appointment:

1. Lord Canning

2. Lord Mayo

3. Lord Elgin

4. Lord Lytton

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1, 2, 3, 4

2. 1, 3, 2, 4

3. 1, 2, 4, 3

4. 1, 4, 3, 2

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The chronological order of the Viceroys of India is as follows:

1. Lord Canning (1858-62)

2. Lord Mayo (1869-72)

3. Lord Elgin (1862)

4. Lord Lytton (1876-80)The chronological order of Viceroys listed is as follows: Lord Canning (1858-62), Lord Mayo (1869-72), Lord Elgin (1862), and Lord Lytton (1876-80). This provides an overview of the succession of Viceroys during this period of British colonial rule in India.

Q27: Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Lytton?

1. Vernacular Press Act was passed

2. Treaty of Gandamark was signed

3. Dramatic Performance Act was passed

4. Indian National Association was established

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Lytton:

1. Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878.

2. Treaty of Gandamark was signed in 1879.

3. The Dramatic Performances Act was passed in 1876.

4. Indian National Association was established in 1876 by Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose.

Q28: Which Constitutional Amendment Act readjusted the scale of representation in the Lok Sabha?

1. 1st Amendment, 1951

2. 2nd Amendment, 1952

3. 5th Amendment, 1955

4. 7th Amendment, 1956

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The 2nd Amendment Act of 1952 to the Constitution of India readjusted the scale of representation in the Lok Sabha by providing that one member could represent even more than 7,50,000 persons.

Q29: Which Viceroy of India is called the Brilliant Failure?

1. Lord Mayo

2. Lord Lytton

3. Lord Lawrence

4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The viceroyship of Lord Lytton is referred to as a Brilliant Failure due to the malfunctioning of his policies during his tenure as Viceroy of India.

Q30: Which Viceroy of India started the statutory civil service?

1. Lord Northbrook

2. Lord Lawrence

3. Lord Mayo

4. Lord Lytton

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Answer: 4

Explanation: Lord Lytton started the statutory civil service in India.

Q31: Which among the following financial reforms was taken by Lord Lytton?

1. He followed a policy of free trade

2. He took initiatives to continue the financial decentralization policy of Lord Mayo

3. He equalised the salt tax in every part of India

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 only

2. 1 & 3

3. 2 & 3

4. 1, 2 & 3

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: Lord Lytton followed a policy of free trade and equalized the salt tax in every part of India. However, he did not take initiatives to continue the financial decentralization policy of Lord Mayo.

Q32: The First Factory Act was passed during the viceroyship of which of the following?

1. Lord Elgin

2. Lord Ripon

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Lawrence

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The First Factory Act was passed in 1881 during the viceroyalty of Lord Ripon. This act aimed to regulate the working conditions and hours in factories, addressing labor concerns and setting the groundwork for labor reforms in India.

Q33: Which of the following Viceroys of India is known as the Father of Local Self-Government?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Lytton

3. Lord Lawrence

4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: 1

Explanation: Lord Ripon is known as the Father of Local Self-Government for introducing local self-government in India in 1882. This move devolved certain powers to local governments, allowing communities to participate in their own administration.

Q34: The Vernacular Press Act was repealed by which of the following Viceroys?

1. Lord Lytton

2. Lord Ripon

3. Lord Dufferin

4. Lord Northbrook

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Answer: 2

Explanation: The Vernacular Press Act, which curtailed the freedom of the press in India, was repealed in 1881 during Lord Ripon’s viceroyalty. This repeal was seen as a significant step in restoring press freedom in India.

Q35: Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Ripon?

1. The age limit for the civil service was raised to 21

2. The First Factory Act was passed

3. The Vernacular Press Act was repealed

4. The Hunter Commission was appointed for educational reforms

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 3

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Ripon:

1. The age limit for the civil service was raised to 21.

2. The First Factory Act was passed in 1881.

3. The Vernacular Press Act was repealed in 1881.

4. The Hunter Commission was appointed in 1882 for educational reforms.

Q36: In which year was the Ilbert Bill introduced?

1. 1881

2. 1883

3. 1885

4. 1886

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Ilbert Bill was introduced in 1883 during Lord Ripon’s viceroyalty. Named after Sir Courtenay Ilbert, the Law Member of the Government of India, the bill aimed to allow Indian judges to preside over cases involving Europeans. This was a significant move toward judicial equality.

Q37: During the viceroyship of which of the following Viceroys did the Third Anglo-Burmese War take place?

1. Lord Dufferin

2. Lord Lawrence

3. Lord Elgin II

4. Lord Ripon

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Answer: 1

Explanation: The Third Anglo-Burmese War occurred in 1885 during Lord Dufferin’s viceroyalty. It resulted in the annexation of Burma in 1886, expanding British control in the region.

Q38: Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Dufferin?

1. Indian National Congress was established

2. Third Anglo-Burmese war took place

3. The silver jubilee of Queen Victoria was celebrated

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1 & 3

3. 2 & 3

4. 1, 2 & 3

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Dufferin:

1. Indian National Congress was established in 1885.

2. The Third Anglo-Burmese War took place in 1885, and annexation of Burma occurred in 1886.

3. The silver jubilee of Queen Victoria was celebrated on February 16, 1887.

Q39: The Aitchison Commission was set up during the time of which of the following Viceroy?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Dufferin

3. Lord Elgin

4. Lord Lawrence

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Aitchison Commission, also known as the Public Service Commission, was established in 1886 during the viceroyship of Lord Dufferin. The commission was chaired by Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison and played a significant role in shaping the structure and functioning of the public service in British India.

Q40: The Age of Consent Act was signed during the time of which of the following Viceroys?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Lansdowne

3. Lord Elgin II

4. Lord Dufferin

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Age of Consent Act of 1891 was enacted during the viceroyship of Lord Lansdowne. This law raised the age limit for girls within which protection was given to them, prohibiting the marriage of girls under the age of twelve. The act aimed to address issues related to child marriage and protect the rights of young girls.

Q41: The Armies of the Indian States was renamed as the Imperial Service Troops during the tenure of which of the following Viceroys?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Elgin

3. Lord Curzon

4. Lord Lansdowne

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: During Lord Lansdowne’s viceroyalty, the Armies of the Indian States were renamed as the Imperial Service Troops. This change occurred during the period of 1899-1904. The renaming of these troops marked their integration into the broader imperial structure and emphasized their service to the British Empire.

Q42: Which among the following events took place during the tenure of Lord Elgin II?

1.  Khyber Pass was closed by the Afridis.

2. The bubonic plague started in Bombay.

3. The Opium Commission was appointed.

4. Severe famine broke out in UP, Punjab, and Bihar.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: Several significant events took place during the tenure of Lord Elgin II. In 1897, the Khyber Pass was temporarily closed by the Afridis, affecting travel and trade in the region. A bubonic plague outbreak began in Bombay in 1896, posing a public health challenge. In 1893, the Opium Commission was appointed to address issues related to opium production and trade. Additionally, severe famine conditions affected the regions of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Bihar during his viceroyalty.

Q43: Lord Curzon was appointed as the Viceroy of India in which year?

1. 1905

2. 1903

3. 1901

4. 1899

Show Answer

Explanation: Lord Curzon assumed the position of Viceroy of India in 1899 and served until 1905. After his tenure as Viceroy, he held the position of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1919, a significant role in British foreign policy.

Q44: Which of the following was the main purpose of appointing the MacDonell Commission by Lord Curzon?

1. Educational reforms

2. To introduce reformation in famine relief administration

3. To ensure a transparent judicial system

4. To provide a systematic revenue system

Show Answer

Explanation: In 1900, during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty, he appointed the MacDonell Commission. This commission was tasked with recommending measures for the efficient administration of famine relief under the leadership of Antony Patrick MacDonnell. The commission’s report was submitted in 1901, influencing famine relief policies.

Q45: The Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899) was passed during the time of which of the following Viceroys?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Lytton

3. Lord Hardinge II

4. Lord Curzon

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act of 1899 was passed during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty. This act established the rupee ratio and implemented the gold exchange standard, affecting the monetary system in India.

Q46: Calcutta Corporation Act was passed in which year?

1. 1899

2. 1901

3. 1903

4. 1905

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Calcutta Corporation Act was enacted in 1899 during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty and became law in 1900. This act reduced the size of the Calcutta Corporation from 75 to 56, affecting the municipal governance of Calcutta (now Kolkata).

Q47: Indian Universities Act was passed in which year?

1. 1899

2. 1902

3. 1904

4. 1907

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: In 1904, during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty, the Indian Universities Act was passed based on the recommendations of the Raleigh Commission. This act brought about reforms in the functioning and structure of Indian universities, shaping the education system.

Q48: The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act was passed in which year?

1. 1899

2. 1901

3. 1904

4. 1907

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act was passed on March 18, 1904, during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty. This act empowered the Archaeological Survey of India to restore and preserve ancient monuments of historical and cultural significance.

Q49: The Partition of Bengal was announced on which date?

1. 19th July 1905

2. 19th April 1905

3. 16th May 1905

4. 16th October 1905

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Partition of Bengal was announced on July 19, 1905, during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty. It was declared to be implemented on October 16, 1905. The partition led to significant political and social changes in the region and sparked widespread opposition and protests, ultimately resulting in the reunification of Bengal in 1911.

Q50: Which among the following events took place during the time of Lord Curzon?

1. North-West Frontier Province was established.

2. All India Muslim League was established.

3. Agitation against the partition of Bengal.

4. Foundation stone of Victoria Memorial Hall was laid.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1 & 4

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the time of Lord Curzon:

1. North-West Frontier Province was established in 1901.

2. All India Muslim League was established in 1906 in Dhaka with its first leader, Agha Khan.

3. Agitation against the partition of Bengal started in 1906.

4. The foundation stone of Victoria Memorial Hall was laid on 4th January 1906 by King George V. It was later opened in 1921.

Q51: Who among the following was the secretary of state for India when the Morley-Minto Act was passed?

1. John Morley

2. William Gladstone

3. George Hamilton

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Morley-Minto Act, officially known as the Indian Councils Act of 1909, was passed during the viceroyship of Lord Minto II, with John Morley serving as the Secretary of State for India. This act introduced certain reforms related to legislative representation and allowed for increased Indian participation in the legislative process.

Q52: Which among the following incidents took place during the time of Lord Minto II?

1. Surat split of Congress

2. All India Muslim League established

3. Agitation against the partition of Bengal

4. Foundation stone of Victoria Memorial Hall was laid

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1 & 4

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the time of Lord Minto II:

1. Surat split of Indian National Congress took place in 1907.

2. All India Muslim League was established in 1906 in Dhaka with its first leader, Agha Khan.

3. Agitation against the partition of Bengal had been ongoing since 1906.

4. The foundation stone of Victoria Memorial Hall was laid in 1906 (4th January) by King George V. It was opened in 1921.

Q53: King George V came to India during the viceroyship of which of the following?

1. Lord Hardinge I

2. Lord Hardinge II

3. Lord Ripon

4. Lord Chelmsford

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: King George V’s visit to India in 1911, during Lord Hardinge II’s viceroyalty, was a significant occasion marked by a grand durbar. During this event, the decision to transfer the capital from Kolkata to Delhi was announced, leading to the development of New Delhi as the new capital.

Q54: A bomb was thrown at Lord Hardinge II in which of the following years?

1. 1912

2. 1913

3. 1915

4. 1923

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: On December 23, 1912, during Lord Hardinge II’s viceroyalty, a bomb was thrown at him as he was entering Delhi, causing severe injuries. The conspiracy behind this attack was organized by Rash Behari Bose, reflecting the political tensions of the time.

Q55: Which among the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Chelmsford?

1. Gandhiji returned from South Africa.

2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place.

3. Montagu Chelmsford Reforms passed.

4. Third Anglo-Afghan war was fought.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 2 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Chelmsford:

Gandhiji returned from South Africa in the year 1915 (9th January).

Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in 1919 (13th April).

Montagu Chelmsford Reforms were passed in 1919 based on the Montagu Declaration.

The Third Anglo-Afghan war was fought from 6th May to 8th August 1919.

Q56: Arrange chronologically the following events during the viceroyship of Lord Chelmsford:

1. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

2. Montagu Chelmsford Reforms passed

3. All India Khilafat Conference at Delhi headed by Gandhiji

4. August Declaration of Sir Edwin S. Montagu

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1, 2, 3, 4

2. 4, 2, 1, 3

3. 1, 3, 2, 4

4. 4, 3, 2, 1

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The events during the viceroyship of Lord Chelmsford took place in the following chronological order:

1. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre – 13th April 1919.

2. All India Khilafat Conference at Delhi headed by Gandhiji – 24th November 1919.

3. Montagu Chelmsford Reforms passed – 1919 (On the basis of the August Declaration of Sir Edwin S. Montagu).

4. August Declaration of Sir Edwin S. Montagu – 20 August 1917.

Q57: Which among the following military reforms taken by Lord Curzon are correct?

1. The native regiments were reconstructed by Lord Kitchener.

2. Infantries and cavalries were constructed with more Moplahs, Gurkhas, and


3. Royal Navy took over the Indian Defense.

4. Imperial Cadet Corps was started.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 2 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The following military reforms were taken during the time of Lord Curzon:

The native regiments were reconstructed by Lord Kitchener, providing them with better guns and necessary equipment.

Infantries and cavalries were constructed with more Moplahs, Gurkhas, and Punjabis.

Royal Navy took over the Indian Defense in 1903.

Imperial Cadet Corps was not started during Lord Curzon’s tenure.

Q58: In which year was the Indian Universities Act passed?

1. 1899

2. 1902

3. 1904

4. 1907

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Indian Universities Act was enacted in 1904 during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty. This act was implemented based on the recommendations of the Raleigh Commission, affecting the structure and governance of Indian universities.

Q59: During which year was the Calcutta Corporation Act established?

1. 1899

2. 1901

3. 1903

4. 1907

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Calcutta Corporation Act was put into effect in 1899 under Lord Curzon’s administration. This act reduced the size of the Calcutta Corporation from 75 to 56 members, impacting municipal governance in Calcutta.

Q60: During the viceroyalty of which individual was the Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899) passed?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Lytton

3. Lord Hardinge II

4. Lord Curzon

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act of 1899 was enacted during Lord Curzon’s viceroyalty. This act established a rupee ratio and introduced the gold exchange standard, significantly influencing India’s monetary system.

Q61: On what date was the Partition of Bengal officially announced?

1. 19th April 1905

2. 16th May 1905

3. 19th July 1905

4. 19th July 1906

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Partition of Bengal was announced on July 19, 1905, under Lord Curzon’s governance, with its implementation scheduled to begin on October 16 of the same year. The partition sparked widespread protests and was ultimately revoked in 1911 during Lord Hardinge II’s tenure.

Q62: Which events occurred during Lord Curzon’s tenure?

1. Establishment of the North-West Frontier Province

2. Death of Queen Victoria

3. Passage of Kolkata Corporation Law

4. Revocation of the Partition of Bengal

Choose the correct option:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1 & 4

3. 1, 2 & 3

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: During Lord Curzon’s administration, several notable developments took place. The North-West Frontier Province was established in 1901, and it was later renamed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2010. Queen Victoria passed away on January 22, 1901. The Kolkata Corporation Law was enacted in 1899. The controversial Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905 under Lord Curzon but was revoked in 1911 during Lord Hardinge II’s tenure.

Q63: Who served as the Secretary of State for India when the Morley-Minto Act was enacted?

1. John Morley

2. William Gladstone

3. George Hamilton

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Morley-Minto Act, officially the Indian Councils Act of 1909, was enacted during Lord Minto II’s viceroyalty. John Morley served as the Secretary of State for India at the time. This act introduced certain legislative reforms, increasing Indian participation in the legislative process.

Q64: Which of the following events took place during Lord Minto II’s term?

1. Split of the Indian National Congress at Surat

2. Establishment of the All India Muslim League

3. Agitation against the partition of Bengal

4. Laying of the foundation stone for Victoria Memorial Hall

Choose the correct option:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1 & 4

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: During Lord Minto II’s rule, several significant events occurred. The Surat split of the Indian National Congress took place in 1907. The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906 in Dhaka, with Agha Khan as its first leader. Agitation against the partition of Bengal began in 1906. Additionally, the foundation stone for Victoria Memorial Hall was laid on January 4, 1906, by King George V, and the memorial was officially opened in 1921.

Q65: During the viceroyship of which individual did King George V visit India?

1. Lord Hardinge

2. Lord Hardinge II

3. Lord Ripon

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: King George V’s visit to India occurred in 1911 during Lord Hardinge II’s viceroyalty. This visit was marked by a grand durbar, during which the decision to transfer the capital from Kolkata to Delhi was announced.

Q66: In which year was a bomb thrown at Lord Hardinge II?

1. 1912

2. 1913

3. 1915

4. 1923

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: On December 23, 1912, while Lord Hardinge II was entering Delhi, a bomb was thrown at him, causing severe injuries. Rash Behari Bose was responsible for orchestrating this conspiracy, reflecting the political tensions of the time.

Q67: Which of the following events occurred during Lord Hardinge II’s viceroyalty?

1. Delhi became the capital of India

2. Komagata Maru incident

3. Separation of Bihar and Orissa from Bengal Presidency

4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s passing

Select the correct option:

1. 1 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: Under Lord Hardinge II’s administration, Delhi was officially designated as India’s capital in 1911. The Komagata Maru incident unfolded in 1914, and on March 22, 1912, Bihar and Orissa were separated from the Bengal Presidency. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a prominent Indian nationalist leader, passed away during Lord Hardinge II’s viceroyalty.

Q68: Which of the following incidents transpired during Lord Chelmsford’s tenure?

1. Gandhi’s return from South Africa

2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre

3. Montagu Chelmsford Reforms

4. Third Anglo-Afghan war

Select the correct option:

1. 2 & 4

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1915, marking a significant moment in India’s struggle for independence. The infamous Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred in 1919. The Montagu Chelmsford Reforms were enacted in 1919, based on the Montagu Declaration. The Third Anglo-Afghan war took place from May 6 to August 8, 1919.

Q69: Arrange the following events chronologically during Lord Chelmsford’s viceroyalty:

1. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

2. Montagu Chelmsford Reforms passed

3. All India Khilafat Conference at Delhi led by Gandhi

4. August Declaration of Sir Edwin S. Montagu

Choose the correct order:

1. 1, 2, 3, 4

2. 4, 2, 1, 3

3. 1, 3, 2, 4

4. 4, 3, 2, 1

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The August Declaration of Sir Edwin S. Montagu was issued on August 20, 1917, setting the stage for subsequent constitutional reforms. The Montagu Chelmsford Reforms, based on this declaration, were passed in 1919. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, a tragic event, unfolded on April 13, 1919. An important political development was the All India Khilafat Conference held on November 24, 1919, in Delhi, with Mahatma Gandhi leading the conference.

Q70: During whose viceroyalty did the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII, visit India?

1. Lord Hardinge II

2. Lord Ripon

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Chelmsford

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: In 1922, during the visit of the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII) to Bombay, Lord Chelmsford was the viceroy. The Indian National Congress chose to boycott the visit as part of the Non-Cooperation Movement, which was a significant event in India’s struggle for independence.

Q71: During whose viceroyalty was the Hilton Young Commission appointed?

1. Lord Lawrence

2. Lord Hardinge II

3. Lord Reading

4. Lord Minto II

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Hilton Young Commission, established in 1920, was tasked with reforming Indian currency and finance. This occurred during Lord Reading’s viceroyalty.

Q72: Who was the viceroy when simultaneous Civil Service Examinations were conducted in England and India?

1. Lord Reading

2. Lord Lawrence

3. Lord Lytton

4. Lord Cornwallis

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Simultaneous Civil Service Examinations were held in England and India in 1923, reflecting administrative and governance practices during Lord Reading’s tenure.

Q73: Who was the viceroy when the Chauri Chaura incident occurred?

1. Lord Chelmsford

2. Lord Reading

3. Lord Irwin

4. Lord Hardinge II

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Chauri Chaura incident, which occurred on February 5, 1922, was a significant event during Lord Reading’s viceroyalty. In response to this incident, Mahatma Gandhi withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement, indicating the complex dynamics of the independence struggle.

Q74: Which of the following events took place during Lord Reading’s viceroyalty?

1. Establishment of Visva-Bharati University

2. Kakori Conspiracy

3. Founding of the Communist Party of India

4. Passing of C.R. Das

Select the correct option:

1. 1 & 2

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: Several other notable events took place during this period, including the founding of Visva-Bharati University in 1921, the Kakori Conspiracy in Uttar Pradesh in 1925, the establishment of the Communist Party of India on December 25, 1925, in Kanpur, and the passing of C.R. Das in 1925 in Darjeeling.

Q75: Which viceroy abolished the Devadasi System?

1. Lord Hardinge II

2. Lord Irwin

3. Lord Reading

4. Lord Chelmsford

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: Lord Reading, during his viceroyalty, abolished the Devadasi System in 1925. This system had previously considered women as married to deities, and its abolition was a significant social reform.

Q76: Which of the following incidents took place during Lord Irwin’s viceroyalty?

1. Establishment of Indian School of Mines

2. Arrival of Simon Commission in Bombay

3. Commencement of the Meerut conspiracy case

4. Chittagong armory raid

Select the correct option:

1. 2 & 3

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian School of Mines was founded in 1926. The Simon Commission reached Bombay on February 3, 1928, and the Meerut conspiracy case began in 1929, concluding in 1933. The Chittagong armory raid occurred on April 18, 1930, reflecting various facets of political and social developments during this period.

Q77: Who was the viceroy of India when the Communal Award was announced?

1. Lord Willingdon

2. Lord Ripon

3. Lord Irwin

4. Lord Linlithgow

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Communal Award, proclaimed on August 16, 1932, by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, aimed to introduce separate electorates for various communities. This event occurred during the viceroyalty of Lord Willingdon, and it had implications for India’s political landscape.

Q78: Immediately before becoming the Viceroy of India, where did Lord Willingdon serve as the Governor?

1. Bombay

2. Madras

3. Both Bombay and Madras

4. Bengal

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: Lord Willingdon served as the Governor of Bombay from 1913 to 1917 and later as the Governor of Madras from 1919 (April 10). He assumed the position of Viceroy of India from 1931 to 1936, overseeing various developments in the lead-up to India’s independence.

Q79: Which of the following events occurred during Lord Willingdon’s viceroyalty?

1. Establishment of the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun

2. Signing of the Poona Pact

3. Third Round Table Conference

4. Passing of the Government of India Act

Select the correct option:

1. 2 & 3

2. 1, 2 & 4

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian Military Academy was established in Dehradun in 1932, reflecting a focus on training and preparing Indian military personnel. The Poona Pact, signed between B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi, took place on September 24, 1932, and it had significant implications for the political representation of marginalized communities.

Q80: Which Round Table Conference occurred during Lord Willingdon’s viceroyalty?

1. 1 only

2. 1 & 3

3. 2 & 3

4. 1, 2 & 3

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The First Round Table Conference was held in 1930 during Lord Irwin’s viceroyalty. The Second and Third Round Table Conferences took place in 1931 and 1932, respectively, while Lord Willingdon was the Viceroy of India.

Q81: During whose viceroyalty did earthquakes strike Bihar and Quetta?

1. Lord Hardinge II

2. Lord Willingdon

3. Lord Ripon

4. Lord Wavell

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The earthquakes in Bihar and Quetta occurred in 1934, while Lord Willingdon was serving as the Viceroy of India. These devastating earthquakes had a significant impact on the affected regions.

Q82: Before becoming the Viceroy of India, in which position did Lord Linlithgow serve?

1. Chairman of the Royal Commission on Indian Agriculture

2. Chairman of the Joint Select Committee of Indian Constitutional Reforms

3. Assistant of drafting of the Government of India Act, 1935

4. All of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: Lord Linlithgow assumed the role of Viceroy of India from 1936 to 1943. Prior to his viceroyalty, he held several important positions, including Chairman of the Royal Commission on Indian Agriculture (1926) and Chairman of the Joint Select Committee of Indian Constitutional Reforms (April 1933 to November 1934). He played a crucial role in assisting in drafting the Government of India Act, 1935, which laid the foundation for India’s constitutional structure.

Q83: Which Viceroy of India issued the Deepavali Declaration?

1. Lord Irwin

2. Lord Wavell

3. Lord Ripon

4. Lord Mountbatten

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Lord Irwin served as the Viceroy of India from 1926 to 1931. On October 31, 1929, he declared the British intention to grant Dominion status to India. This declaration, popularly known as the Deepavali Declaration, aimed to address Indian demands, although it did not explicitly promise Dominion status.

Q84: Who was the Viceroy of India when the Cripps Mission was sent to India?

1. Lord Ripon

2. Lord Linlithgow

3. Lord Wavell

4. Lord Mountbatten

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Cripps Mission arrived in India on March 23, 1942, with proposals for framing the Indian Constitution. Lord Linlithgow was the Viceroy of India at that time, and Sir Stafford Cripps led the mission. These proposals played a crucial role in shaping India’s path to independence.

Q85: Arrange the following key events that occurred during Lord Linlithgow’s viceroyalty in correct order:

1. Establishment of Forward Bloc

2. Pakistan Resolution by Muslim League

3. Observance of the Day of Deliverance

4. Departure of Subhash Chandra Bose from India

Choose the right option

1. 1, 2, 3, 4

2. 4, 1, 3, 2

3. 1, 3, 2, 4

4. 4, 3, 1, 2

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Forward Bloc was established on June 22, 1939, as a political party advocating for India’s independence. The Day of Deliverance observed by the Muslim League on December 22, 1939, marked a significant moment in the lead-up to the demand for Pakistan. The Pakistan Resolution was passed during the Lahore Conference on March 23, 1940, further solidifying the call for a separate Muslim state. Subhas Chandra Bose, a prominent leader, left India on January 17, 1941, seeking international support for India’s independence struggle.

Q86: Who was the Viceroy of India when the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny occurred?

1. Lord Wavell

2. Lord Linlithgow

3. Lord Minto II

4. Lord Mountbatten

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny, a significant event in India’s struggle for independence, occurred on February 18, 1946. Lord Wavell served as the Viceroy of India during this period, from 1943 to 1947.

Q87: Who held the record for being the longest-serving Viceroy of India?

1. Lord Minto II

2. Lord Wavell

3. Lord Linlithgow

4. Lord Willingdon

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: Lord Linlithgow’s viceroyalty from 1936 to 1943 was the longest among all Viceroys, spanning seven years, a period marked by various significant developments in India’s history.

Q88: Who was the first individual to hold the position of Secretary of State for India?

1. Lord Stanley

2. Viscount Cranborne

3. Lord George Hamilton

4. Lord Pethick-Lawrence

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Lord Stanley was the first Secretary of State for India, serving from August 2, 1858, to June 11, 1859, overseeing the transition of power from the East India Company to the British Crown.

Q89: Who was the last person to hold the position of Secretary of State for India?

1. Lord Stanley

2. Viscount Cranborne

3. Lord George Hamilton

4. Lord Pethick-Lawrence

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: Lord Pethick-Lawrence held the role of Secretary of State for India from August 3, 1945, to April 17, 1947, during a crucial period in India’s move towards independence.

Q90: Who was the final British Viceroy of India?

1. Lord Linlithgow

2. Lord Wavell

3. Lord Mountbatten

4. Lord Willingdon

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: Lord Mountbatten was the last British Viceroy of India, serving from February 21, 1947, to August 15, 1947. He continued as the Governor-General of India until June 21, 1948, overseeing the process of India’s transition to independence and the partition into India and Pakistan.

Q91: Which of the following incidents occurred during Lord Wavell’s viceroyalty?

1. Discussion of the C.R. Formula between Gandhi and Jinnah

2. Royal Indian Navy Mutiny

3. INA trial

4. First conference of the Constituent Assembly

Select the correct option:

1. 1 & 3

2. 1, 2 & 3

3. 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The C.R. Formula discussion took place in 1944, contributing to the political discourse and negotiations during the lead-up to India’s independence. The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny occurred on February 18, 1946, reflecting growing unrest and demands for change. The INA (Indian National Army) trial took place between November 1945 and May 1946, involving soldiers who had fought alongside the Japanese during World War II.

Q92: Who was the first and last Indian Governor-General of independent India?

1. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari

2. Chittaranjan Das

3. Surendranath Sen

4. Rajendra Prasad

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Answer: 1

Explanation: Chakravarti Rajagopalachari served as both the first and last Indian Governor-General of free India. His term began on June 21, 1948, and ended on January

Q93: With which viceroy is the June 3 plan associated?

1. Lord Minto II

2. Lord Wavell

3. Lord Linlithgow

4. Lord Mountbatten

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The June 3 plan, also known as the Mountbatten Plan, was devised by Lord Mountbatten in 1947. This plan proposed the division of India into two dominions, India and Pakistan, and played a pivotal role in the partition and the eventual creation of two independent nations.

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