Constitutional and Legislature Developments GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Which of the following acts of British India strengthened the Viceroy’s authority over his executive councils by substituting the “portfolio” or departmental system for Corporate Functioning?

  1. Indian Councils Act 1861
  2. Government of India Act 1858
  3. Indian Councils Act 1892
  4. Indian Councils Act 1909

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Answer: Indian Councils Act 1861

The Indian Councils Act of 1861 was a significant legislative development during British rule in India. It introduced the concept of a cabinet-like executive council, functioning on the portfolio system. This change allowed council members to manage specific government departments, similar to the modern cabinet system. It was a step toward introducing a more representative form of governance.

2. Which act required the title of the Governor-General of India in Council to be changed as the Governor-General of India?

  1. Charter Act of 1833
  2. Government of India Act 1858
  3. Indian Councils Act 1909
  4. Charter Act of 1813

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Answer: Government of India Act 1858

The Government of India Act 1858 marked a major turning point in India’s colonial history. It abolished the rule of the East India Company and transferred the authority and control over India to the British Crown. It also replaced the title “Governor-General of India in Council” with “Governor-General of India,” signifying the direct rule of the British Crown over India. This act established the Secretary of State for India and a 15-member India Council in London to assist in governing India.

3. Which among the following acts had a separate preamble?

  1. Government of India Act 1919
  2. Indian Councils Act 1909
  3. Indian Councils Act 1904
  4. Indian Councils Act 1892

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Answer: Government of India Act 1919

The Government of India Act 1919 introduced significant reforms aimed at gradually introducing responsible government in India. It included a separate Preamble that outlined the objective of establishing responsible government and introduced the concept of dyarchy at the provincial level. Under dyarchy, certain subjects were to be administered by elected Indian ministers, while others remained under the control of British officials.

4. Consider the following features of the Government of India Act 1935:

  1. Provision for Federation of India
  2. Compulsory accession to Federation of India
  3. Partial Reorganization of provinces
    Which among the above features hold correct?
  1. 1 only
  2. 1 & 2
  3. 2 & 3
  4. 1 & 3

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Answer: 1 & 2

The Government of India Act 1935 was another vital piece of legislation that aimed to provide a comprehensive framework for governing British India and the princely states. It proposed an All India Federation, combining British Indian territories and princely states, and made it obligatory for provinces to accede to this federation. However, it did not encompass a significant reorganization of provincial boundaries.

5. In the proposed federal polity of the Government of India Act 1935, how many members had to be elected on a communal basis for the Upper House of the bicameral legislature at the center?

  1. 156
  2. 150
  3. 104
  4. 125

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Answer: 150

The upper house of the legislature established under the Government of India Act 1935 was known as the Council of States. It consisted of 260 members, with 156 representing the provinces and 104 representing the native states. Of the 156 provincial members, 150 were to be elected on a communal basis, reflecting the diverse communities and interests in British India.

6. Which among the following was the first attempt to regulate the affairs of the English East India Company in India?

  1. Regulating Act 1773
  2. Charter Act of 1833
  3. The Regulating Act of 1784
  4. Charter Act of 1813

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Answer: Regulating Act 1773

The Regulating Act of 1773 was the first significant attempt by the British Parliament to regulate the affairs of the East India Company in India. It aimed to address issues related to the governance and administration of British India, including matters like revenue collection and judicial matters.

7. Which of the following acts created the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William?

  1. The Regulating Act 1773
  2. Indian Councils Act 1861
  3. Dundas Bill of 1783
  4. Charter Act of 1833

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Answer: The Regulating Act 1773

The Regulating Act of 1773 also led to the establishment of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William, Calcutta. This marked the beginning of the formal judicial system in British India and established the court as the highest court of appeal for matters in Bengal.

8. The East India Company was deprived of the monopoly of trade with India except Tea Trade by which among the following acts?

  1. The Charter Act of 1813
  2. The Charter Act of 1833
  3. The Charter Act of 1853
  4. Government of India Act 1858

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Answer: The Charter Act of 1813

The Charter Act of 1813 played a crucial role in transforming the nature of trade and governance in India. It ended the East India Company’s monopoly over trade in India, except for the exclusive control of the tea trade. This act opened up Indian trade to other British companies and laid the groundwork for a more competitive trading environment.

9. By which among the following acts did the East India Company lose its monopoly of trade with China?

  1. The Charter Act of 1813
  2. The Charter Act of 1833
  3. The Charter Act of 1853
  4. Government of India Act 1858

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Answer: The Charter Act of 1833

The Charter Act of 1833 was significant in terminating the East India Company’s monopoly over trade with China. It marked a shift in British India’s trading policies, allowing for more open and competitive trade practices.

10. Introduction of provincial autonomy is related to which of the following acts?

  1. The Government of India Act, 1858
  2. The Government of India Act, 1909
  3. The Government of India Act, 1919
  4. The Government of India Act, 1935

Show Answer

Answer: Brij


Q11: Which act provided for a High Commissioner who resided in London, representing India in Great Britain?

1. Government of India Act 1858

2. Government of India Act 1909

3. Government of India Act 1919

4. Government of India Act 1935

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1919 included provisions for a high commissioner, stationed in London, who represented India in Great Britain. This role was introduced to facilitate communication and cooperation between India and the British government and provide a voice for Indian interests in London.

Q12: Which act was known as the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act 1919?

1. Indian Arms Act

2. Pitts India Act

3. Ilbert Bill

4. Rowlatt Act

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Rowlatt Act, enacted in 1919, was officially titled the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act. This act was highly controversial and curtailed civil liberties by empowering the British government to detain individuals without trial. Mahatma Gandhi referred to it as a Black Act due to its repressive nature, leading to widespread protests and the Rowlatt Satyagraha against the act.

Q13: What changes were made to India’s governance by Government of India Act 1858?

1. Governor-General was to be called the Viceroy

2. Office of Secretary of State for India was created

3. A highly centralized administrative structure was created

4. A federal court was established

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1

2. Only 1 & 2

3. Only 1, 2 & 3

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1858 marked the end of the East India Company’s rule in India. It introduced the title of Viceroy for the head of government, established the Secretary of State for India in London, and centralized the administrative structure. This act marked a transition from the company’s rule to direct British rule over India under the authority of the British Crown.

Q14: Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the Government of India Act, 1919?

1. It had a separate Preamble.

2. It made a provision for the classification of the central and provincial subjects.

3. It divided the central subjects into reserved and transferred categories.

4. 1 and 2 Only

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1919 marked a significant milestone in India’s constitutional development. It introduced self-governing institutions in India, creating central and provincial legislatures. While the act classified subjects into central and provincial categories, it did not further divide central subjects into reserved and transferred subjects. It introduced the concept of Dyarchy, a system in which provincial subjects were categorized as reserved or transferred, with governance responsibilities split between the Governor in Council and elected Indian ministers.

Q15: Who was the First Finance Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in India?

1. Sir Archdale Wilson

2. Sir William Jones

3. James Wilkins

4. James Wilkins was the First Finance Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in India. He joined in 1859 and played a crucial role in bringing financial reforms.

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Answer: 3

Explanation: James Wilkins served as the First Finance Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in India. He began his tenure in 1859 and played a crucial role in implementing financial reforms during British rule in India, contributing to fiscal management and revenue generation.

Q16: Under the system of Dyarchy, the spheres of the various provincial subjects were divided into?

1. Reserved Subjects and Concurrent Subjects

2. Reserved Subjects and Transferred Subjects

3. Vested Subjects and Residual Subjects

4. General Subjects and Concurrent Subjects

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: Dyarchy was a critical feature of the Government of India Act 1919. Under this system, provincial subjects were divided into two categories: reserved and transferred. Reserved subjects were administered by the Governor in Council, primarily consisting of British officials, while transferred subjects were administered by the Governor with the assistance of Indian ministers. This system aimed to provide Indians with a share in the administration of their provinces.

Q17: What were the key features of the Government of India Act 1919?

1. Introduction of Dyarchy in the Executive Government of the Provinces

2. Introduction of Separate Communal Electorates for Muslims

3. Devolution of Legislative Authority by the Centre to Provinces

4. Expansion and Reconstruction of the Central Provincial Legislatures

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1 & 2

2. Only 1, 3 & 4

3. Only 2, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1919 expanded legislative councils in India and restructured the governance system by introducing Dyarchy at the provincial level. However, it did not introduce separate communal electorates for Muslims as that provision came later, in the Government of India Act 1935, following discussions and demands by various communities.

Q18: Via the Government of India Act 1935, the following territorial adjustments were made:

1. Burma was separated from India

2. Orissa was separated from Bihar

3. Sind was separated from Bombay

4. North West Frontier Province was raised to the status of a governor’s province

Select the correct statements from the codes given below:

1. Only 1 & 2

2. Only 1, 2 & 3

3. 1, 2, 3 & 4

4. Only 1 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1935 brought about significant changes in the constitutional framework of India. This act led to the separation of Burma from India, the creation of two new governor’s provinces (Orissa separated from Bihar and Sind separated from Bombay), and the elevation of the North West Frontier Province to the status of a governor’s province. These changes redefined the administrative and political landscape of British India.

Q19: Which of the following was/were the provisions of the Government of India Act 1935?

1. A responsible government at the centre

2. A weak centre and strong provinces

3. A Bill of Rights, which was later replaced by Fundamental Rights

4. Diarchy at the Centre

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

1. Only 1, 2 & 3

2. Only 2, 3 & 4

3. Only 3 & 4

4. Only 2 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1935 introduced several key features, including provincial autonomy, responsible government at the center, and the provision for a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was later replaced by the Fundamental Rights under the Indian Constitution. Notably, this act did not reintroduce Diarchy at the central level, as that system was primarily associated with the Government of India Act 1919 and provincial administration.

Q20: Which of the following is/are correct statements about Crown Representative, which came into existence after the Government of India Act 1935?

1. Only 1

2. Only 2

3. Both 1 & 2

4. Neither 1 nor 2

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Crown Representative was a significant figure in the administration of India during the colonial period. This individual was not subordinate to the Viceroy and exercised their functions through various agencies, including the Political Department, Local Residents, and Political Agents. They were responsible for managing relations between the British government and the princely states.

Q21: Government of India Act 1935 derived material from which of the following?

1. Only 1

2. 1 & 2

3. 1, 2 & 3

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1935 was informed by various sources, including the Simon Report, discussions at the Third Round Table Conference, and the White Paper of 1933. These inputs and reports played a crucial role in shaping the provisions and framework of the act.

Q22: Which of the following are correct about Indian Councils Act, 1909?

1. 1 & 2 Only

2. 1, 2 & 4 Only

3. 2, 3 & 4 Only

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian Councils Act of 1909 brought about several important changes in India’s legislative councils. It expanded the councils by introducing indirectly elected members, established separate and discriminatory electorates for different communities, allowed for the admission of two Indians to the councils of the Secretary of State for India, and admitted one Indian each to the Executive Councils of the Governor-General and Governors.

Q23: Consider the following statements about the Government of India Act 1935:

1. The membership of the Central Legislative Assembly and the Council of State was increased

2.  Provincial autonomy was introduced into the province

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1. 1 Only

2. 2 Only

3. Both 1 & 2

4. Neither 1 nor 2

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1935 made several significant changes to the legislative structure. Both statements about this act are correct. It increased the membership of the Central Legislative Assembly and the Council of State. It also introduced provincial autonomy, allowing provinces to act as autonomous units of administration.

Q24: Consider the following statements about the Charter of 1753:

1. Charter Act of 1770 made the provision for the post of Governor-General of India

2. Act re-established the Mayor’s Court

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1. 1 Only

2. 2 Only

3. Both 1 & 2

4. Neither 1 nor 2

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Charter Act of 1773 did not establish the post of Governor-General of India. However, it re-established the Mayor’s Court in India, which was a significant development in the colonial judicial system.

Q25: Consider the following statements about the Indian Councils Act 1892:

1. The Act established the provision of including indirectly elected members to the legislative council

2. members of the legislative councils were authorized to ask questions with respect to discussions on the Budge

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1. 1 Only

2. 2 Only

3. Both 1 & 2

4. Neither 1 nor 2

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: Both statements about the Indian Councils Act of 1892 are correct. This act introduced the provision for including indirectly elected members in the legislative councils. Members of the legislative councils were also authorized to ask questions related to discussions on the budget, enhancing transparency and accountability in governance.

Q26: Which Act of the British Parliament took away the exclusive right of the East India Company to trade in India?

1. Regulating Act of 1773

2. Pitt’s India Act of 1784

3. Charter Act of 1813

4. Charter Act of 1833

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Charter Act of 1813 is historically significant for taking away the exclusive right of the East India Company to trade in India, thereby opening Indian trade to all British subjects. This act transformed the trade dynamics in India.

Q27: Which act clearly distinguished between the commercial and political functions of the East India Company?

1. Charter Act of 1813

2. Pitt’s India Act of 1784

3. Charter Act of 1833

4. Charter Act of 1853

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Pitt’s India Act of 1784 was a crucial piece of legislation that separated the commercial and political functions of the East India Company. The Court of Directors managed commercial affairs, while a new body called the Board of Control was responsible for overseeing political matters, establishing the system of double government.

Q28: Which act during British India provided a financial grant for the encouragement of Indian literature and promotion of science?

1. Amendment Act of 1781

2. Charter Act of 1813

3. Charter Act of 1833

4. Charter Act of 1853

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Charter Act of 1813 not only allowed missionaries to travel to India but also provided a financial grant for the encouragement of learned natives of India and the promotion of scientific knowledge among Indians. This marked a significant step in supporting education and knowledge dissemination in India.

Q29: Which Act during British India abolished the monopoly of the East India Company in tea trade with China?

1. Charter Act of 1813

2. Charter Act of 1833

3. Charter Act of 1853

4. Government of India Act of 1858

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark in India’s constitutional history. It abolished the East India Company’s monopoly in the tea trade with China and limited the company’s role to political functions, contributing to the company’s transformation from a trading entity to a political administrator.

Q30: Which Act abolished the East India Company and transferred the powers of the government, territories, and revenues to the British Crown?

1. Charter Act of 1853

2. Government of India Act, 1858

3. Indian Councils Act of 1861

4. Indian Councils Act of 1892

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Government of India Act 1858, also known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the rule of the East India Company and transferred its powers to the British Crown. It marked a significant shift in governance, establishing the Secretary of State for India and introducing the title Viceroy while centralizing administrative structures under direct British rule.

Q31: Which act gave recognition to the ‘portfolio system’ introduced by Lord Canning in 1859?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1861

2. Indian Councils Act, 1892

3. Government of India Act, 1858

4. None of the Above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Indian Councils Act of 1861 played a crucial role in recognizing and formalizing the portfolio system initiated by Lord Canning. Under this system, members of the Viceroy’s council were designated as in-charge of specific government departments, granting them the authority to issue final orders on behalf of the council for matters within their assigned departments. This streamlined decision-making and administration in British India.

Q32: Under which act, the legislative council was given the power of discussing the budget in the British Indian Parliament?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1861

2. Government of India Act, 1858

3. Indian Councils Act, 1892

4. Government of India Act, 1909

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Indian Councils Act, 1892, increased the functions of legislative councils and gave them the power to discuss the budget and address questions to the executive

Q33: The Indian Councils Act of 1909 is associated with one major change that propagated the British agenda of divide and rule. What was that change?

1. Decentralization of power

2. Introduction of separate electorates

3. Increase in the size of the legislative council

4. Retention of the official majority in the central legislative council

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Indian Councils Act of 1909 introduced the concept of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the idea of separate electorates. This policy allowed Muslims to elect their own representatives separately from other communities. While intended to address the concerns of various religious groups, it sowed the seeds of communalism, which ultimately contributed to the partition of India in 1947.

Q34: Which of the following acts introduced the principle of constitutional autocracy?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1891

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Independence of India Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1935 significantly redefined the governance structure in India. It vested executive authority in the provinces in the Governors and, at the central level, in the Governor-General on behalf of the Crown. This act introduced the principle of constitutional autocracy, emphasizing the power of the executive authorities.

Q35: Which act provided for the establishment of the Public Service Commission?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1909

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Independence of India Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1919, introduced the establishment of a Public Service Commission in India. A central public service commission was formed in 1926 with the responsibility of recruiting civil servants, marking a critical development in the administrative apparatus of British India.

Q36: Which act abolished dyarchy in the provinces and introduced provincial autonomy in its place?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1909

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1935, introduced provincial autonomy, allowing provinces to act as autonomous units of administration within their defined spheres. This move granted provinces more control over their affairs and allowed them to have governments with ministers who were responsible to the provincial legislatures, fostering a sense of self-governance.

Q37: The residuary powers under the Government of India Act, 1935 were given to whom?

1. Secretary of State

2. Governor-General / Viceroy

3. Central Legislature

4. British Monarch

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1935, designated the Governor-General or Viceroy as the sole authority to decide on residual matters. Residuary powers were given to the Governor-General or Viceroy in the federation established under the act. This meant that matters not specifically allocated to provincial or central governments were to be decided at the highest executive level.

Q38: Via which of the following acts, Burma got separated from India?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1961

2. Government of India Act, 1909

3. Government of India Act, 1919

4. Government of India Act, 1935

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: Burma’s separation from India was one of the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935. The act also resulted in the reorganization of the administrative divisions, leading to the formation of new governor’s provinces, including the carving out of Sindh from the Bombay Presidency and the separation of Bihar and Orissa.

Q39: Who was the Vice President of the executive council formed during the interim government in 1946?

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

2. C. Rajagopalachari

3. KM Munshi

4. Jawaharlal Nehru

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The announcement of the interim government on August 24, 1946, was a crucial step in India’s transition to independence. Lord Mountbatten served as the President of the executive council, while Jawaharlal Nehru held the position of Vice President of the executive council. This interim government played a pivotal role during the period leading up to India’s independence.

Q40: Independence of India Act was the result of which of the following plans/pacts?

1. Mountbatten Plan

2. Lucknow Pact

3. Delhi Manifesto

4. Delhi Pact

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: On June 3, 1947, Lord Mountbatten, the Viceroy of India, introduced the partition plan, known as the Mountbatten Plan. The plan was accepted by both the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, marking a critical step toward Indian independence. The plan led to the eventual partition of India and the creation of India and Pakistan on August 15, 1947.

Q41: Which of the following is incorrect about the Indian Independence Act?

1. It provided for the partition of India

2. It abolished the office of Viceroy

3. Freedom to princely states to join the Dominion of India or the Dominion of Pakistan or to remain

4. British monarch retained his right to veto bills for a certain period

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: The statement about the British monarch retaining the right to veto bills for a certain period is incorrect. The Indian Independence Act, 1947, abolished the British monarch’s right to veto bills or request the reservation of certain bills for approval after the act came into effect.

Q42: Which act provided for the establishment of a Reserve Bank of India?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1909

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Indian Independence Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1935, introduced the provision for the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India was officially formed on April 1, 1935, and played a critical role in controlling the currency and credit of India.

Q43: Which act provided the right to vote to women?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1909

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Indian Independence Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1919, provided limited voting rights for women. Only women meeting specific income criteria could be enfranchised by provinces if they chose to do so. However, women were not allowed to contest elections, and their voting rights were conditional.

Q44: Which committee was formed for the determination of the boundary of India and Pakistan?

1. Hartog committee

2. Radcliffe committee

3. Zakir Hussain committee

4. Lee commission

Show Answer

Explanation: The boundaries between India and Pakistan were determined by a boundary commission led by Sir Cyril Radcliffe. Pakistan included the provinces of West Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, East Bengal, North-Western Frontier Province, and the district of Sylhet in Assam. These boundary demarcations contributed to the creation of two separate nations.

Q45: Who held the portfolio of External Affairs and Commonwealth relations in the first cabinet of free India?

1. Jawaharlal Nehru

2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

4. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Jawaharlal Nehru, as the first Prime Minister of independent India, held the portfolios of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations. Additionally, he was responsible for the portfolio of Scientific Research, marking his roles and responsibilities in the first cabinet of free India.

Q46: Which act discontinued the appointment to civil services and reservation of posts by the Secretary of State?

1. Independence of India Act, 1947

2. Government of India Act, 1935

3. Government of India Act, 1919

4. None of the Above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Indian Independence Act, 1947, included provisions for the discontinuation of civil services and the reservation of posts by the Secretary of State. However, civil servants appointed before August 15, 1947, were entitled to enjoy the benefits they were previously entitled to.

Q47: Which act of British India was one of the main sources of the Constitution of India?

1. Government of India Act, 1919

2. Indian Councils Act, 1909

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Indian Independence Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act, 1935, served as a significant source of inspiration for the Constitution of India. Several provisions of the Indian Constitution, including the federal structure, dyarchy at the center, distribution of powers between the center and states, and the establishment of a federal court, were drawn from this act, shaping the constitutional framework of the newly independent nation.

Q48: On which date was the resolution for giving effect to the Constitution of India adopted?

1. 21st March 1946

2. 22nd January 1946

3. 20th February 1947

4. 22nd January 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: On January 22, 1947, the Constituent Assembly adopted a resolution for the Constitution of India unanimously. The resolution, which set the stage for India’s constitutional development, had been presented by Jawaharlal Nehru on December 13, 1946, marking a crucial step towards drafting and adopting the Indian Constitution.

Q49: Which act during British India gave the power to the President to issue ordinances?

1. Government of India Act, 1919

2. Government of India Act, 1909

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. Indian Independence Act, 1947

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The power of the President to promulgate ordinances without the legislative council’s permission in British India was inspired by Section 42 of the Government of India Act, 1935. Ordinance-making authority was a significant feature of India’s governance and allowed the executive to enact laws when the legislature was not in session.

Q50: Who was the first Governor General of Bengal?

1. William Bentinck

2. Warren Hastings

3. Lord Cornwallis

4. Sir John Shore

Show Answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: The Regulating Act of 1773 played a pivotal role in shaping the governance structure of British India. Under this act, the Governor of Bengal was designated as the first Governor-General of Bengal, with Lord Warren Hastings serving as the first person to hold this position. The act was a foundational piece of legislation in India’s colonial history.

Q51: Who was appointed by Warren Hastings as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

1. Sir Elijah Impey

2. Sir Maurice Gwyer

3. Sir Osborne Smith

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: Sir Elijah Impey was appointed by Warren Hastings as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Calcutta. His tenure in this role lasted for two years, after which he resigned. The establishment of a Supreme Court in Calcutta marked a significant development in the administration of justice during British colonial rule.

Q52: By the Charter Act of 1793, the trade monopoly of the Company was extended for how many years?

1. 15

2. 5

3. 20

4. 24

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: The Charter Act of 1793 extended the trade monopoly of the East India Company for an additional twenty years. The act also placed responsibility on the Company for paying the salaries of the staff and members of the Board of Control, further consolidating the Company’s influence over India’s governance and trade.

Q53: Who was not part of the council when Lord Canning nominated three Indians to his legislative council?

1. Raja of Benares

2. Maharaja of Patiala

3. Sir Dinkar Rao

4. All were in the council

Show Answer

Answer: 4

Explanation: In 1862, Lord Canning, the then Viceroy of India, nominated three Indians to his legislative council. The Raja of Banaras, the Maharaja of Patiala, and Sir Dinkar Rao were prominent figures who joined the council. Their appointment marked a step towards including Indian representation in the legislative process.

Q54: Which act provided for separate representation of presidency corporations, chambers of commerce, universities, and zamindars?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1909

2. Government of India Act, 1919

3. Government of India Act, 1935

4. None of the above

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: The Indian Councils Act of 1909 introduced several key provisions, including the separate representation of presidency corporations, chambers of commerce, universities, and zamindars. The act also established the separate electorate for Muslims, a significant development in India’s electoral and political system.

Q55: Which of the following was the term of the system of Dyarchy in provinces?

1. 1918-25

2. 1919-48

3. 1921-37

4. 1921-48

Show Answer

Answer: 3

Explanation: Dyarchy in provinces was introduced by the Government of India Act of 1919 and came into effect in 1921. Dyarchy involved dividing the administration into reserved and transferred subjects, with some being under the control of the Governor and others under ministers. This system lasted until 1937 when it was abolished under the Government of India Act of 1935.

Q56: Muddiman Committee was appointed in which year?

1. 1924

2. 1926

3. 1930

4. 1935

Show Answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: In the year 1924, the Muddiman Committee was appointed by the Government of India. Sir Alexander Muddiman was the Chairman of the committee. The committee investigated the issue of Dyarchy, which was introduced by the Government of India Act of 1919.

Q57: Who among the following are the Indian members of the Muddiman Committee?

1. Sir Sivaswami Aiyar

2. Sir Tejbahadur Sapru

3. Dr. R P Paranjape

4. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 1 & 3

2. 2 & 3

3. 1, 2 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Indian Members of the Muddiman Committee were Sir Sivaswami Aiyar, Sir Tejbahadur Sapru, Dr. R P Paranjape, and Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Q58: Which of the following acts abolished the dyarchy in provinces?

1. Government of India Act of 1858

2. Government of India Act of 1919

3. Government of India Act of 1935

4. None of the above

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Answer: 3

Explanation: Dyarchy in Provinces was introduced by the Government of India Act of 1919. It was abolished by the Government of India Act of 1935, and dyarchy at the center was introduced.

Q59: Which among the following about the Government of India Act of 1935 are correct?

1. 1 & 3

2. 1 & 4

3. 1, 2 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 4

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The Government of India Act of 1935 had far-reaching implications for the constitutional framework of British India. It contained 321 sections and 10 Schedules, recommending the establishment of the Federal Court, abolishing the India Council of the Secretary of State, introducing responsible government in provinces, and suggesting the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India, which was subsequently established in 1935.

Q60: As per the Government of India Act of 1935, the residuary power was given to who of the following?

1. Legislative Assembly

2. Secretary of State for India

3. Viceroy of India

4. The Emperor of India

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Answer: 3

Explanation: The Government of India Act of 1935 divided the power between the Centre and the provinces. The Federal List was for Centres, the Provincial List was for the provinces, and the residuary power was given to the Viceroy.

QQ61: Which among the following is/are the discretionary powers of the Governor as per the Government of India Act of 1935?

1. Appointment and dismissal of ministers

2. Appointment of members of the Provincial Public Service Commission

3. Issuing of two types of Ordinances

4. Authority to suspend the constitution

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

1. 3 only

2. 1 & 3

3. 1, 3 & 4

4. 1, 2, 3 & 41

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Answer: 4

Explanation: The discretionary powers of the Governor as per the Government of India Act of 1935 are: Appointment and dismissal of ministers, Appointment of members of the Provincial Public Service Commission, Issuing of two types of Ordinances (i. At any time ii. When the Legislature is not in session), and Authority to suspend the constitution (Section 93 of the act).

Q62: Who of the following opined the Government of India Act of 1935 as the Charter of Slavery?

1. Dadabhai Nouroji

2. Jawahar Lal Nehru

3. C.R. Das

4. Motilal Nehru

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Answer: 2

Explanation: Jawahar Lal Nehru termed the Government of India Act of 1935 as the Charter of Slavery due to the special powers vested in the Governor-General.

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