1. Indian Police is governed through which of the following act?
- Police Act of 1861
- Police Act of 1871
- Police Act of 1881
- Police Act of 1891
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Answer: Police Act of 1861
The Indian Police system is predominantly governed by the Police Act of 1861, which has its roots in the statutes of the post-mutiny era. This act laid the foundation for the organization and functioning of the police force in India.
2. Foujdari Thanas was established in which of the following year?
- 1773
- 1774
- 1775
- 1776
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Answer: 1775
Foujdari Thanas were established in 1775 as a means to enhance law and order in large districts. Additionally, a number of “Chowkies” (small police stations) were set up in interior areas to extend the reach of the police force.
3. The Faujdari system was abolished in which of the following year?
- 1775
- 1781
- 1809
- 1810
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Answer: 1781
The Foujdari system, introduced in 1775, was abolished in 1781 during the tenure of Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General of India. Instead, the responsibility of police functions was transferred to judges of the Civil Courts.
4. Which of the following Governor-Generals took the administration of criminal justice out of the hands of the Deputy Governor?
- Warren Hastings
- Lord Cornwallis
- The Lord Amherst
- The Lord Minto
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Answer: Lord Cornwallis
Lord Cornwallis played a pivotal role in reorganizing the administration of criminal justice. He took control of criminal justice from the Deputy Governor, who often held a Zamindar position, making it more independent.
5. Lord Cornwallis established four courts of the circuit at which of the following places?
- Calcutta
- Dacca
- Murshidabad
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
- Only 1 & 2
- Only 2 & 3
- Only 1
- 1, 2 & 3
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Answer: 1, 2 & 3
Lord Cornwallis’s reforms included the establishment of four Circuit Courts, located in Calcutta, Dacca, Murshidabad, and Patna. Each court was presided over by two judges, assisted by two Kazis and two Muftis.
6. A Select Committee was appointed by the Court of Directors in which of the following year?
- 1810
- 1812
- 1813
- 1816
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Answer: 1813
In 1813, a Select Committee appointed by the Court of Directors examined the state of the police in the Bengal Presidency. The committee’s report exposed issues of corruption among Daroghas (local police officers) and inadequacy in safeguarding the public.
7. The police administration of which of the following powers is found from the report of Mount Stuart Elphinstone?
- The Marathas
- The Mughals
- The Vijaynagar Empire
- None of the above
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Answer: The Marathas
The Marathas had a notable police administration system. This is documented in Mount Stuart Elphinstone’s report when he served as the Commissioner of the Deccan.
8. In which year the office of the Superintendent of Police was abolished?
- 1816
- 1829
- 1834
- 1837
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Answer: 1829
In 1816, Superintendents of Police were directed to submit annual reports on subsidiary police establishments to magistrates. However, this office was abolished in 1829.
9.Which of the following introduced the Royal Irish Constabulary model of the police force?
- Sir Robert Barker
- Richard Smith
- Sir Charles Napier
- None of the above
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Answer: Sir Charles Napier
Sir Charles Napier, who annexed the Sind Province in 1843, introduced the Royal Irish Constabulary model for the police force. This model created a self-contained and separate police organization.
10. In 1837, which of the following reintroduced the post of Superintendent of Police to look after the police work and for taking effective measures for the introduction of an improved police?
- Bengal government
- Madras government
- Delhi government
- Bombay government
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Answer: Bengal government
In 1837, the post of Superintendent of Police was reinstated by the Bengal government, marking an attempt to enhance police work and improve law and order management.
Q11: Which of the following features are correct regarding the Royal Irish Constabulary model of the police force?
1. The province was under a Captain of police who was responsible to the Chief Commissioner.
2. The rural police were responsible for guarding treasuries, goals or headquarters and escort of prisoners.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Neither 1 & 2
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Answer: 3
Explanation: Under the Royal Irish Constabulary model, the province was overseen by a Captain of Police, who reported to the Chief Commissioner. Rural police were primarily responsible for guarding treasuries, jails, or headquarters and escorting prisoners.
Q12: In which of the following years, the post of Superintendent of Police was combined with the Collector of Taxes, and the post of Darogas was abolished?
1. 1803
2. 1804
3. 1805
4. 1806
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Answer: 4
Explanation: In 1806, the post of Superintendent of Police was merged with the Collector of Taxes, and the post of Darogas was eliminated.
Q13: In 1816, which of the following regulation was passed that retained the basic ingredients of the indigenous village police system?
1. Madras Regulation XI
2. Madras Regulation XIII
3. Madras Regulation XIV
4. Madras Regulation XIX
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Madras Regulation XI of 1816 retained several aspects of the indigenous village police system. District Magistrates took on the responsibilities previously held by Judges, and the powers of a District Magistrate were transferred from the Judge to the Collectors.
Q14: In Bombay Presidency, after various experiments, a post of Lieutenant of Police was created in which of the following years?
1. 1875
2. 1877
3. 1879
4. 1881
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Answer: 3
Explanation: In Bombay Presidency, a Lieutenant of Police was established in 1879 after several experiments. Later, this designation was changed to Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Q15: Which of the following statements are correct regarding Regulation I of 1892?
1. A Head Constable was to be appointed to discharge the duties of the executive head of the Police.
2. Superintendent of Police was to be appointed to exercise control and deliberative powers as distinct from executive authority.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Neither 1 & 2
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Answer: 3
Explanation: As per Regulation I of 1892, a Head Constable was appointed to serve as the executive head of the police force, while a Superintendent of Police was appointed to oversee control and deliberative powers as distinct from executive authority.
Q16: Which of the following statements are correct regarding the Mofussil police force, which was organized on a large scale after the Maratha war in 1817?
1. It consisted of three elements, the village police, the stipendiary district police, and certain irregular corps.
2. The Collector and District Magistrate were the head of the entire police organisation in the district.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Neither 1 & 2
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Answer: 3
Explanation: The Mofussil police force, established on a large scale after the Maratha War in 1817, comprised three key elements: village police, stipendiary district police, and irregular corps. The Collector and District Magistrate held the top position in the entire police organization within a district.
Q17: On 17th August 1860, the Government of India appointed a Police Commission composed of four members of the Civil Service, under the Chairmanship of which of the following?
1. M.H. Courts
2. H. Bruce
3. R. Temple
4. S. Wauchope
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Answer: 1
Explanation: On August 17, 1860, the Government of India appointed a Police Commission chaired by M.H. Courts, which comprised four members of the Civil Service. This commission aimed to examine and reform the police system in India.
Q18: Which of the following Acts aimed for a single unified police force in every province and to use it to keep the people of the country effectively under control?
1. Act of 1858
2. Act of 1861
3. Act of 1882
4. Act of 1909
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The Police Act of 1861 had two primary objectives: the establishment and administration of a unified police force in every province under strict magisterial control, and using the police force to effectively maintain control over the Indian population.
Q19: Which of the following set up a new Police Commission in 1902?
1. Lord Curzon
2. Lord Minto
3. Lord Irwin
4. Lord Chelmsford
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Answer: 1
Explanation: Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, initiated a new Police Commission in 1902 to thoroughly investigate the police system’s functionality and recommend improvements to personnel administration.
Q20: Which of the following was the result of the recommendations of the new Police Commission set up in 1902?
1. The village chawkidar was placed under the village headman.
2. The supervision and control of the village headman was the responsibility of the Collector or the Deputy Commissioner and his deputies
3. The post of Deputy Superintendent of Police was created.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 2 & 3
3. Only 1 & 3
4. 1, 2 & 3
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Explanation: The Police Commission of 1902 introduced changes such as placing village chawkidars under village headmen, with supervision from Collectors or Deputy Commissioners. The post of Deputy Superintendent of Police was also introduced during this period.
Q21: Which of the following were the functions of the army of the British regime in India?
1. It was the instrument through which the Indian powers were conquered.
2. It also defended the British Empire in India from foreign rivals.
3. It safeguarded British supremacy from the constant threat of internal revolt.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 2 & 3
3. Only 1 & 3
4. 1, 2 & 3
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The functions of the army of the British regime in India were as follows:
1. It was the instrument through which the Indian powers were conquered.
2. It also defended the British Empire in India from foreign rivals.
3. It safeguarded British supremacy from the constant threat of internal revolt.
Q22: Which of the following relieved the zamindars of their police functions and established a regular police force to maintain law and order?
1. Warren Hastings
2. Lord Cornwallis
3. Lord Curzon
4. Lord Dufferin
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Answer: 2
Explanation: Lord Cornwallis relieved the zamindars of their police functions and established a regular police force to maintain law and order. He also created the police system, which was one of the most popular strengths for the British rule in India.
Q23: A system of circles or thanas headed by a daroga, who was an Indian, was established by which of the following?
1. Lord Hastings
2. Lord Cornwallis
3. Lord Curzon
4. Lord Dufferin
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Answer: 2
Explanation: The system of circles or thanas, each headed by a daroga (Indian police officer), was established by Lord Cornwallis. Later, the post of District Superintendent of Police was introduced to oversee the police organization within a district.
Q24: The Indian Army was an informal collective term for the armies of which of the following presidencies?
1. Bengal Army
2. Madras Army
3. Bombay Army
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1. Only 1 & 2
2. Only 2 & 3
3. Only 1 & 3
4. 1, 2 & 3
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Answer: 4
Explanation: The Indian Army was an informal collective term for the armies of the following presidencies between 1858 to 1894:
1. Bengal Army
2. Madras Army
3. Bombay Army
Q25: In which of the following years, the Presidency armies were abolished, unifying the three Presidency armies into a single Indian Army?
1. 1895
2. 1897
3. 1900
4. 1902
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Answer: 1
Explanation: The Presidency armies were abolished with effect from 1 April 1895 by a notification of the Government of India through Army Department Order Number 981 dated 26 October 1894. It unified the three Presidency armies into a single Indian Army.