Modern History GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English is designed to help readers enhance their knowledge of significant events, movements, and figures from the modern era. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of multiple-choice questions, offering detailed answers and explanations to aid in understanding key historical developments.
Perfect for students and enthusiasts alike, this article provides valuable insights into the major aspects of modern history.
1. The process of Renaissance started at which of the following places?
- France
- Germany
- Britain
- Italy
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Answer: Italy
The word ‘Renaissance’ literally means ‘rebirth’ of learning. In the 14th century, the process of ‘Renaissance’ started in Italy – a literary movement – and it spread fast throughout Europe.
2. Which of the following were the harbingers of the Renaissance?
- Peter Abelard
- Roger Bacon
- Dante
- All of the above
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Answer: All of the above
Peter Abelard, Roger Bacon, and Dante were the harbingers of the Renaissance. The book ‘The Divine Comedy’ of Dante was based on patriotism and love for humanity.
3. Who invented the printing machine?
- Marco Polo
- John Gutenberg
- Peter Abelard
- None of the above
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Answer: John Gutenberg
John Gutenberg invented the printing machine. The machine was modeled on the design of existing screw presses. A single Renaissance printing press was able to produce up to 3,600 pages per workday.
4. Who invented the Mariner’s Compass?
- Newton
- John Gutenberg
- Galileo
- None of the above
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Answer: None of the above
The mariner’s compass was created by the Chinese Han Dynasty in 206 BC approximately. To make it they used a naturally magnetized ore of iron known as lodestone. After that, the Chinese Song Dynasty adopted it and made needles out of iron by striking it with its ore lodestone.
5. Who declared that the Sun was the Center of the Solar system and that the earth and other planets revolved around it?
- Galileo
- Copernicus
- Aristotle
- Ptolemy
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Answer: Copernicus
In the field of science during the age of European Renaissance, Copernicus declared that the Sun was the Center of the Solar system and that the earth and other planets revolved around the Sun.
6. Which of the following invented the telescope?
- Galileo
- Copernicus
- John Gutenberg
- None of the above
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Answer: Galileo
Galileo invented the telescope. Galileo made his first telescope in the year 1609. It was modelled after telescopes produced in other parts of Europe that could magnify objects three times.
7. Who recorded his scientific theory in his book ‘Principia’?
- Galileo
- Harvey
- Newton
- Copernicus
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Answer: Newton
Newton recorded his scientific theory in his book ‘Principia’. In this book, he formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. These laws formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.
8. Which of the following is the work of Thomas More?
- The Histories
- Of Mice and Men
- Mona Lisa
- Utopia
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Answer: Utopia
Utopia is the work of Thomas More. It is a work of fiction and socio-political satire written in the Latin language and was published in 1516.
9. The age of Renaissance took the focus away from which of the following?
- The Church
- The Vikings
- The King
- Art and Literature
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Answer: The Church
The age of Renaissance took the focus away from the Church. The fundamental feature of the age of Renaissance was the wide diffusion of knowledge among the people and the new way of looking at the world and at life.
10. Mona Lisa was painted by which of the following?
- Da Vinci
- Van Eyck
- Donatello
- Michelangelo
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Answer: Da Vinci
Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. It is a half-length portrait painting and is considered an archetypal masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance.