Economies Types Sectors Branches Thumbnail
Indian Economy : Economies Types, Sectors, Branches

Indian Economy : Economies Types, Sectors, BranchesIndian EconomyImportant Concepts in Micro & Macroeconomicsmcq testWhich type of economy has purely private ownership?A. Socialist economyB. Capitalist economyC. Mixed economyD. Traditional economyMCQ -1ArrowWhite…

Important Concepts in Micro Macroeconomics Thumbnail
Indian Economy : Important Concepts in Micro & Macroeconomics

Indian Economy : Important Concepts in Micro & MacroeconomicsIndian EconomyImportant Concepts in Micro & Macroeconomicsmcq testIf a commodity has more number of substitutes, the demand for this commodity will beA.…

Classification of Organisms Thumbnail
Biology : Classification of Organisms

Biology : Classification of OrganismsBiologyClassification of  Organismsmcq testWhich of the following Kingdom represents bacteria?A. ProtozoaB. MetazoaC. MoneraD. ProtistaMCQ -1C. Monera1010090908080707060605050404030302020101Which of the following is the lowest taxonomic division shared by…

Important Biologists Thumbnail
Biology : Important Biologists

Biology : Important BiologistsBiologyImportant Biologistsmcq testWho among the following is considered to be the father of antiseptic surgery?A. Robert KochB. Louis PasteurC. Dr. Linnaeus PaulingD. Dr. Joseph ListerMCQ -1D. Dr.…

Introduction Branches of Biology Thumbnail
Biology : Introduction Branches of Biology

Biology : Introduction Branches of BiologyBiologyIntroduction Branches of Biologymcq testHerpetology is the branch of science that deals with the study of which of the following?A. SnakesB. Amphibians and ReptilesC. FishesD.…

Indias Forest Wetlands Mangroves and Coral Reefs Thumbnail
Environment & Biodiversity : India’s Forest, Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs

Environment & Biodiversity : India's Forest, Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral ReefsEnvironment & BiodiversityIndia's Forest, Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefsmcq testWhat does "Chillai Kalan," occasionally mentioned in the news, refer to?A.…

Indias Biogeographic Regions Thumbnail
Environment & Biodiversity : India’s Biogeographic Regions

Environment & Biodiversity : India's Biogeographic RegionsEnvironment & BiodiversityIndia's Biogeographic Regionsmcq testHow many number of the Biogeographic zones are present in India?A. 4B. 8C. 10D. 15MCQ -1C. 101010090908080707060605050404030302020101The Andaman and…

Introduction to Environment Ecology Thumbnail
Environment & Biodiversity : Introduction to Environment & Ecology

Environment & Biodiversity : Introduction to Environment & EcologyEnvironment & BiodiversityIntroduction to Environment & Ecologymcq testWhich among the following crops would enrich the Nitrogen content in the soil?A. PotatoB. SorghumC.…

Wired Wireless Technologies Internet Browsers Apps Cloud Computing Thumbnail
Computers : Wired, Wireless Technologies, Internet, Browsers, Apps, Cloud Computing

Computers : Wired, Wireless Technologies, Internet, Browsers, Apps, Cloud ComputingComputersWired, Wireless Technologies, Internet,  Browsers,  Apps, Cloud  Computingmcq testWhat does ADSL stand for?A. Automatic Digital Subscriber LineB. Asymmetric Direct Subscriber LineC.…

Computer Networks Networking Technologies Devices Thumbnail
Computers : Computer Networks, Networking Technologies & Devices

Computers : Computer Networks, Networking Technologies & DevicesComputersComputer Networks, Networking Technologies  & Devicesmcq testWhich Microsoft-based technology was developed to link desktop applications to the World Wide Web?A. Active ChannelB. Active…