Demography Population Census Races Tribes Languages Settlements Thumbnail
Indian Geography : Demography, Population, Census, Races, Tribes, Languages, Settlements

Indian Geography : Demography, Population, Census, Races, Tribes, Languages, SettlementsIndian GeographyDemography, Population, Census, Races, Tribes, Languages, Settlementsmcq testIn which of the following only decade, India's Population had shown negative growth?A.…

Mountains Glaciers Mountain Passes Hill Stations Plateaus Thumbnail
Indian Geography : Mountains, Glaciers, Mountain Passes, Hill Stations, Plateaus

Indian Geography : Mountains, Glaciers, Mountain Passes, Hill Stations, PlateausIndian GeographyMountains, Glaciers, Mountain Passes, Hill Stations, Plateausmcq testIn which state or Union Territory is the Pir Panjal range located?A. Arunachal…

Parliamentary Committees Forums and Parliamentary Group Thumbnail
Indian Polity & Constitution : Parliamentary Committees, Forums and Parliamentary Group

Indian Polity & Constitution : Parliamentary Committees, Forums and Parliamentary GroupIndian Polity & ConstitutionParliamentary Committees, Forums and Parliamentary Groupmcq testWhich among the following is a correct combination of members in…

Preamble of the Constitution Thumbnail
Indian Polity & Constitution : Preamble of the Constitution

Indian Polity & Constitution : Preamble of the ConstitutionIndian Polity & ConstitutionPreamble of the Constitutionmcq testWhich of the following words is not included in the Preamble of the Constitution of…

Union and its Territory Thumbnail
Indian Polity & Constitution : Union and its Territory

Indian Polity & Constitution : Union and its TerritoryIndian Polity & ConstitutionUnion and its Territorymcq testThe makers of the Constitution of India chose the scheme of federation of India, as…

Agriculture Irrigation Water Resources Thumbnail
Indian Geography : Agriculture, Irrigation, Water Resources

Indian Geography : Agriculture, Irrigation, Water ResourcesIndian GeographyAgriculture, Irrigation, Water Resourcesmcq testWhich among the following states is the largest producer of Coffee in India?A. Tamil NaduB. Andhra PradeshC. KarnatakaD. KeralaMCQ…

Climate Climatic Regions Rains Monsoon Winds Thumbnail
Indian Geography : Climate, Climatic Regions, Rains, Monsoon, Winds

Indian Geography : Climate, Climatic Regions, Rains, Monsoon, WindsIndian GeographyClimate, Climatic Regions, Rains, Monsoon, Windsmcq testThe concept of differential heating was primarily given to explain which of the following geographical…

Geology, Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes Thumbnail
Indian Geography : Geology, Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes

Indian Geography : Geology, Tectonics, Earthquakes, VolcanoesIndian GeographyGeology, Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoesmcq testWhich among the following rock systems in India is also known as a storehouse of minerals?A. Archaean Rock systemB.…

Geology - Rocks Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Volcanoes Thumbnail
World Geography : Geology – Rocks, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes

World Geography : Geology - Rocks, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, VolcanoesWorld GeographyGeology - Rocks, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoesmcq testWhat is a major factor in determining the properties of rocks?A. CarbonB. HydrogenC.…

Development of Civil Services Thumbnail
Modern Indian History : Development of Civil Services

Modern Indian History : Development of Civil ServicesModern Indian HistoryDevelopment of Civil Servicesmcq testWhich among the following acts provided for the Public Service Commission in India for the first time?A.…