GK Scoop Thumbnail (7)
Ancient history : Rise of Buddhism

Ancient history : Rise of BuddhismAncient historyRise of BuddhismAccording to Buddhist traditions, who acted as the charioteer for Buddha?A. ChannaB. KanthakaC. DevadattaD. ChundaMCQ -1ArrowWhite Scribbled UnderlineA. Channa1010090908080707060605050404030302020101Which symbol represents the…

GK Scoop Thumbnail (5)
Ancient history : Later Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & Religion

Ancient history : Later Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & ReligionAncient historyLater Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & ReligionThe Satapatha Brahmana and Taitriya Brahmana are the Brahmana texts of which Veda?A. RigvedaB.…

GK Scoop Thumbnail (4)
Ancient history : Rig-Vedic Literature

Ancient history : Rig-Vedic LiteratureAncient historyRig-Vedic LiteratureWhich among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?A. SindhuB. ChenabC. SaraswatiD. GangaMCQ -1ArrowWhite Scribbled UnderlineA. Sindhu1010090908080707060605050404030302020101Vishvamitra, Atri, Gritsamada, Vasishtha, and Bharadvaja are…

Indian Culture and Heritage (10)
World Geography : Astronomy – Solar System & Planets

World Geography : Astronomy - Solar System & PlanetsWorld GeographyAstronomy - Solar System & PlanetsWhich of the following was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky…

Indian Culture and Heritage (9)
World History : Modern History

World History : Modern HistoryWorld HistoryModern HistoryThe process of Renaissance started at which of the following places?A. FranceB. GermanyC. BritainD. ItalyMCQ -1ArrowWhite Scribbled UnderlineD. Italy1010090908080707060605050404030302020101Which of the following were the…

Indian Culture and Heritage (8)
WORLD HISTORY : Medieval History

WORLD HISTORY : Medieval HistoryWorld HistoryMedieval HistoryWhich of the following periods is known as the Feudal Age?A. 9th to 14th century A.D.B. 7th to 10th century A.D.C. 4th to 7th…

Indian Culture and Heritage (7)
World History : Ancient History

World History : Ancient HistoryWorld HistoryAncient HistoryAround which of the following rivers did the Egyptian Civilization flourish?A. Congo riverB. Nile riverC. Niger riverD. Zambezi riverMCQ -1ArrowWhite Scribbled UnderlineB. Nile river1010090908080707060605050404030302020101"The…

Indian Culture and Heritage (6)

DefenceDefenceWho was the first Chief of Defence Staff?A. Admiral Karambir SinghB. Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh DhanoaC. General Bipin RawatD. Admiral Sunil LanbaMCQ -1ArrowWhite Scribbled UnderlineC. General Bipin Rawat1010090908080707060605050404030302020101How many…

Indian Culture and Heritage (5)
Indian Polity &  Constitution : Evolution of Indian Constitution

Indian Polity &  Constitution : Evolution of Indian ConstitutionIndian Polity &  ConstitutionEvolution of Indian ConstitutionWhich act created the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William?A. The Regulating Act 1773B. Indian…

Indian Culture and Heritage (4)
Indian Polity &  Constitution : Fundamental Duties

Indian Polity &  Constitution : Fundamental DutiesIndian Polity &  ConstitutionFundamental DutiesIn which among the following parts of the Constitution of India are enshrined the Fundamental Duties?A. Part IIIB. Part IIIAC.…