Sheikh Hasina Becomes The Prime Minister Of Bangladesh For The Fourth Term

Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, has clinched a remarkable fourth consecutive term, solidifying her political legacy as a part of today’s current affairs. The victory of the Awami League, the party led by Prime Minister Hasina, in the general elections marks a landslide triumph, underscoring the enduring popularity of the leader and the party.


The electoral process was not without challenges, as the main opposition party, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and its allies chose to boycott the elections. Regrettably, sporadic violence marred the proceedings, with incidents such as the setting ablaze of polling booths and schools.

This victory propels Sheikh Hasina to become the longest-serving Prime Minister in Bangladesh since the country gained independence. The win not only highlights the continued political dominance of the Awami League but also emphasizes Sheikh Hasina’s unwavering appeal among voters.

About Awami League

The Awami League is one of the major political parties in Bangladesh, founded in 1949. It played a pivotal role in the country’s struggle for independence from Pakistan in 1971. The party, currently led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has been a dominant force in Bangladeshi politics and has been instrumental in shaping the nation’s socio-political landscape.

Brief History of Bangladesh:

Bangladesh gained independence in 1971 after a war of independence against Pakistan. The country has since undergone significant economic and social transformations. Political dynamics have been shaped by a series of governments, with the Awami League and the BNP being two prominent political entities.

Indian Relations with Bangladesh

India and Bangladesh share a close and multifaceted relationship. The two countries have collaborated on various fronts, including trade, security, and cultural exchanges. Bilateral ties have seen strengthening through initiatives like the India-Bangladesh Friendship Agreement and joint projects for infrastructure development.

Recent Projects Between Bangladesh and India:

Several crucial projects have strengthened the ties between Bangladesh and India. 

  • On October 31, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina are set to jointly inaugurate three development projects on November 1, 2023, at around 11 AM through video conferencing.
  • The three projects include the Akhaura – Agartala Cross-Border Rail Link, Khulna – Mongla Port Rail Line, and Unit – II of the Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant.
  • The Akhaura-Agartala Rail Link, costing INR 392.52 crore, spans 12.24 km, connecting Bangladesh and Tripura with a Dual Gauge rail line.
  • The Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Line Project, with a total project cost of USD 388.92 million, establishes a 65 km broad gauge rail route between Mongla Port and Khulna, connecting the second-largest port of Bangladesh to the broad-gauge railway network.
  • The Maitree Super Thermal Power Project, financed by an Indian Concessional Scheme loan of USD 1.6 billion, is a 1320 MW Super Thermal Power Plant located in Rampal, Khulna Division, Bangladesh. It is a 50:50 Joint Venture between India’s NTPC Ltd and Bangladesh Power Development Board.
  • Unit II of the Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant, inaugurated on November 1, 2023, is expected to enhance energy security in Bangladesh.
  • These projects aim to strengthen connectivity and energy security in the region.


Sheikh Hasina’s historic fourth consecutive term victory is a significant milestone in Bangladesh’s political landscape. The election results not only affirm the continued influence of the Awami League but also emphasize the enduring popularity of Prime Minister Hasina. As Bangladesh moves forward, its relations with India and collaborative projects are expected to play a crucial role in the region’s socio-economic development. The triumph is a testament to the evolving political dynamics in the country and the leadership that has steered it through decades of progress and change.

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