Rig Vedic Society, Economy, Polity Religion GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

11. Who was the priest of the Bharatas in the Battle of Ten Kings?

  1. Atri
  2. Bhrigu
  3. Visvamitra
  4. Vasishtha

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Correct Answer: Vasishtha

In the Battle of Ten Kings, the Bharatas, an ancient Indian tribe, were led by their priest Vasishtha. This conflict is a notable event in Vedic literature and history. It emerged from a rivalry between two prominent sages, Vishwamitra and Vasishtha, and eventually escalated into a full-scale battle. The decisive battle took place on the banks of the River Purushni, where the Bharatas, under the leadership of Vasishtha, emerged victorious. This battle is significant not only for its historical importance but also for its representation of conflicts and power struggles within Vedic society.

12. Which of the following rivers was known as “Drishadvati” in the Vedic Era?

  1. Jhelum
  2. Ghaggar
  3. Ravi
  4. Chenab

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Correct Answer: Ghaggar

The river referred to as “Drishadvati” in the Vedic Era corresponds to the Ghaggar River in modern times. The Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, mentions several rivers, and Drishadvati is among them. In ancient times, Drishadvati was an important and revered river in the region, but over time, its course changed, and it is now identified as the Ghaggar River. This illustrates the geographical changes that have occurred in the Indian subcontinent over millennia.

13. The term “Vitasta” in the Rigveda refers to which among the following rivers?

  1. Jhelum
  2. Chenab
  3. Indus
  4. Beas

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Correct Answer: Jhelum

In the Rigveda, the term “Vitasta” refers to the Jhelum River. The Rigveda contains hymns and descriptions of various rivers that were significant in the Vedic period. The name “Vitasta” used in the Rigveda is an ancient name for the Jhelum River, which is located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. This naming practice reflects the deep reverence and connection that Vedic society had with its natural surroundings, including the rivers that played a vital role in their lives.

14. As per Vedic rituals, which among the following is the divine messenger who receives the prayers and conveys them to the heavenly spheres?

  1. Varuna
  2. Indra
  3. Agni
  4. Soma

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Correct Answer: Agni

In Vedic rituals and religious practices, Agni holds a central and revered position. Agni is considered the divine messenger who receives prayers and offerings from humans and conveys them to the heavenly realms. Agni is often associated with fire and is regarded as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. It is one of the most important deities in Vedic tradition and symbolizes the transformative power of fire, both in rituals and in daily life.

15. Which among the following was the most important grain grown in the Vedic Age?

  1. Maize
  2. Rice
  3. Wheat
  4. Barley

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Correct Answer: Barley

Barley was the primary grain cultivated and consumed during the Vedic Age. It held immense significance in Vedic society, as it served various purposes. Barley was a staple food source, used in daily meals. Additionally, it played a crucial role in Vedic rituals and ceremonies, where offerings were made to deities. Furthermore, barley was used in the production of fermented beverages, highlighting its versatility and importance as a crop in the Vedic period.

16. In the Vedic Age, which among the following grains was referred to as “vrihi”?

  1. Rice
  2. Maize
  3. Barley
  4. Wheat

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Correct Answer: Rice

In the Vedic Age, the term “vrihi” was used to refer to rice. Rice cultivation and consumption became more prominent in the later Vedic period. While barley was the primary grain during the early Vedic era, rice gained importance in the later Vedic period. It held significant value as both a ritual offering and a staple food. Rice was often offered in Vedic rituals to appease deities and seek their blessings. As rice cultivation expanded, it contributed to the dietary diversity and cultural practices of the time.

17. What was the profession of Karmara in the Vedic Age?

  1. Ratha (Chariot) Maker
  2. Goldsmith
  3. Blacksmith
  4. Potter

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Correct Answer: Blacksmith

“Karmara” referred to the profession of a blacksmith in the Vedic Age. During this period, society was organized into various professions and occupations, each specializing in different crafts and skills. Blacksmiths played a vital role in shaping tools, weapons, and other metal objects essential for daily life, agriculture, and defense. They were highly skilled artisans who contributed significantly to the material culture of the Vedic society.

18. Which river was called Vipasa in Vedic India?

  1. Beas
  2. Indus
  3. Ganga
  4. Jhelum

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Correct Answer: Beas

In Vedic India, the river known as “Vipasa” corresponds to the Beas River. The Beas River is mentioned in the Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. In Vedic literature, rivers held great importance and were often revered as goddesses. Vipasa, which is now identified as the Beas River, was one of the sacred rivers that flowed through the ancient landscape of the Indian subcontinent, reflecting the deep connection between the natural environment and Vedic culture.

19. Who among the following is considered to have organized a confederacy of 10 tribes or kings against Sudas?

  1. Puru
  2. Agatsya
  3. Vashishta
  4. Vishwamitra

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Correct Answer: Vishwamitra

Vishwamitra is traditionally regarded as the organizer of a confederacy of ten tribes or kings who opposed Sudas in the Battle of Ten Kings, also known as the Dasrajan Yudha. This conflict is described in the Rigveda and is a significant event in ancient Indian history. Sudas, a Bharata king, led his forces against these opposing tribes, and the decisive battle occurred on the banks of the River Parushni. Sudas emerged victorious in this battle. The Battle of Ten Kings highlights the political and territorial struggles of the Vedic period and underscores the importance of alliances and conflicts among various tribes and kings.

20. Which among the following is incorrect regarding the early Vedic religion?

  1. The people used to worship for spiritual reasons.
  2. The Vedic gods were classified into three categories: Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Celestial.
  3. They didn’t believe in idol worship and believed in one supreme god indeed.
  4. None of the above

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Correct Answer: None of the above

The options (a), (b), and (c) accurately describe aspects of the early Vedic religion. During this period, idol worship was not prevalent. Instead, the focus of Vedic religion was on the worship of a supreme god or gods through rituals and sacrificial offerings. Vedic deities were classified into different categories based on their domains, and rituals were performed for spiritual and cosmic reasons, seeking blessings, prosperity, and divine favor. Idol worship became more prominent in later periods of Indian history, but in the early Vedic era, it was not a prominent religious practice.

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