Climatology – Atmosphere, Winds, Humidity, Clouds, Rainfall GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. What volume of the Earth’s atmosphere does carbon dioxide constitute?

  1. 78%
  2. 2.1%
  3. 0.3%
  4. 0.03%

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Answer: 0.03%

Carbon dioxide constitutes only 0.03% of the total volume of the Earth’s atmosphere. Green plants, through photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to manufacture food and carry out other bio-physical processes.

2. Due to which of the following winds, Central Europe enjoys a warmer climate?

  1. Chinook
  2. Foehn
  3. Zonda
  4. Bergwind

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Answer: Foehn

Foehn is a type of dry and warm wind that occurs in the lee of a mountain range. It contributes to a warmer climate in Central Europe.

3. What is “Tropopause”?

  1. Inner layer of Earth’s crust
  2. Atmospheric boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere
  3. Boundary between Equator and Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
  4. Outermost layer of Earth’s Atmosphere

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Answer: Atmospheric boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere

Tropopause is the atmospheric boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. It is the transition layer located above 10-18 km above sea level, depending on the location.

4. What is Appleton layer part of?

  1. Stratosphere
  2. Mesosphere
  3. Ionosphere
  4. Exosphere

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Answer:  Ionosphere

Appleton layer is part of the ionosphere. It is the highest region of the ionosphere, located from 90 to 600 miles from sea level. It contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission.

5. Which among the following is not a hot wind?

  1. Sirocco
  2. Chinook
  3. Mistral
  4. Loo

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Answer: Mistral

Mistral refers to the northerly or northwesterly (i.e., coming from the north) cold wind experienced on the shores of the northwest Mediterranean, mainly around the Rhone-delta. It is more intense during the winter when pressure is relatively high over the European continent and low over the western Mediterranean. On the other hand, Sirocco, Chinook, and Loo are hot winds.

6. Aurora are produced by the collision of charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere, which arise due to ___?

  1. Solar winds
  2. Ozone layer
  3. Radio waves
  4. Ionosphere

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Answer: Solar winds

Aurora, also known as polar lights (northern lights or aurora borealis and southern lights or aurora australis), is a natural display of lights in the sky in Arctic and Antarctic regions. It is caused when streams of charged particles from the Sun collide with particles from gases like oxygen and nitrogen present in the Earth’s atmosphere. Thus, the solar winds disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, leading the charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, primarily electrons and protons, to precipitate in the upper atmosphere. The resulting excitation and ionization of atmospheric constituents lead to the emission of light of varying color and complexity.

7. The winds which never change their direction are called?

  1. Katabatic wind
  2. Trade winds
  3. Permanent Winds
  4. Local winds

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Answer: Permanent Winds

Permanent winds blow from high-pressure belts to low-pressure belts in the same direction throughout the year. They never change their direction and blow over vast areas of continents and oceans. They are easterly and westerlies and polar easterlies.

8. How many parts of Earth’s atmosphere have been divided?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

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Answer: 5

The five layers of the Earth’s atmosphere are Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere, and Exosphere.

9. Which among the following is correct about Sirocco?

  1. It’s a warm & dry wind
  2. It’s a warm & moist wind
  3. It’s a cold & moist wind
  4. It’s a winter wind that blows in the Pacific Ocean

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Answer: It’s a warm & dry wind

Sirocco is a warm, dry, and dusty laden local wind which blows in a northerly direction from the Sahara desert over North Africa as a dry wind and picks up moisture as it crosses the Mediterranean. Since they carry red dust over the Sahara, the rainfall which they cause is called blood rain sometimes.

10. Where does the Buran wind blow across?

  1. Eastern Asia
  2. Western Europe
  3. Southern Africa
  4. Eastern Australia

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Answer: Eastern Asia

The Buran wind blows across eastern Asia, specifically Xinjiang, Siberia, and Kazakhstan. The buran takes two forms: in summer, it is a hot, dry wind, whipping up sandstorms; in winter, it is bitterly cold and often accompanied by blizzards.

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