Economic Geography – Agriculture, Livestock Ranching, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming. Plantation Crop GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. What are large units where sheep are reared in Australia called?

  1. Sheep Cattle
  2. Prairies
  3. Sheep Station
  4. Pastures

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Answer: Sheep Station

Large units where sheep are reared in Australia are called sheep stations. The term applied to large animal farms in South America is estancias.

2. What are cowboys of the grasslands of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay called?

  1. Lahars
  2. Gauchos
  3. Caballeros
  4. Campos

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Answer: Gauchos

Ranching is the practice of raising herds of animals on large tracts of land. Ranchers commonly raise grazing animals such as cattle and sheep. Gauchos are cowboys of the grasslands of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

3. What is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously called?

  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Inter-cropping
  3. Precision Farming
  4. Share-cropping

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Answer: Inter-cropping

The practice of inter-cropping is the growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the field. For example, mustard or other oilseeds are grown between the rows of the primary crop, which is a common practice. This practice helps in increasing food production and maintaining soil fertility.

4. What type of farming is practiced in areas where there is no dearth of rainwater for the production of crops?

  1. Precision Farming
  2. Irrigation Farming
  3. Humid Farming
  4. Dry Farming

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Answer:  Humid Farming

Humid farming is practiced in areas where there is no dearth of rainwater for the production of crops. Problems of waterlogging and drainage and soil erosion are present in the heavy rainfall areas.

5. What is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people called?

  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Subsistence Farming
  3. Precision Agriculture
  4. Organic Farming

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Answer: Organic Farming

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It mainly relies on ecological processes, biodiversity, and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects.

6. Which among the following is the most primitive type of agriculture?

  1. Shifting Agriculture
  2. Subsistence Agriculture
  3. Dry land Farming
  4. Extensive Agriculture

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Answer: Shifting Agriculture

Shifting cultivation is believed to be the most primitive form of agriculture. It is carried on chiefly in tropical regions of Southeast Asia, Americas, and central Africa.

7. Which among the following types of farming is also called Mixed farming?

  1. Mediterranean Agriculture
  2. Commercial Grain Farming
  3. Shifting Agriculture
  4. Commercial livestock and Grain Farming

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Answer: Commercial livestock and Grain Farming

Commercial livestock and Grain Farming are also known as Mixed farming. It involves varying emphasis on crops and cattle or livestock depending upon the local climatic and human conditions. This type of farming is largely market-oriented, and the nature of the produce obtained is influenced by market demand factors.

8. In which among the following areas is Commercial Grain Farming dominant?

  1. North America
  2. South-east Asia
  3. South America
  4. Indonesia

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Answer: North America

Commercial Grain Farming is dominant in North America. Under this system, large production is obtained by bringing large areas under the plough with the help of machinery. The yield per hectare is generally low, but the yield per worker is very high due to a high degree of farm mechanisation.

9. What is shifting cultivation also known as?

  1. Dry land Farming
  2. Subsistence Farming
  3. Burn and Slash Farming
  4. Extensive Farming

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Answer: Burn and Slash Farming

Shifting Cultivation is a primitive form of utilisation of poor soils in the areas of tropical rainforest type of climates. It involves the use of fire and hand tools for clearing the ground and for simple forms of cultivation, which is why it is also known as burn-and-slash type of farming. This type of farming is still practised in parts of northeastern India, Indonesia, and the tropical forest regions of South and East Asia.

10. Which among the following is a commercial activity practised in areas environmentally similar to those of nomadic herding?

  1. Livestock Ranching
  2. Shifting Cultivation
  3. Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage
  4. Mediterranean Agriculture

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Answer: Livestock Ranching

Livestock Ranching is a commercial activity practised in areas environmentally similar to those of nomadic herding. The movement of stocks is confined to the ranches forming a permanent base for the animals. Cropping is limited and aims at the provision of fodder for periods of scarcity of natural grazing.

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