Portuguese Empire GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

1. Which of the following was the main vision of Almeida?

  1. Creating Portuguese hegemony in the Indian Ocean
  2. Trading of Spices
  3. Killing the local rulers to have control of trade
  4. None of the above

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Answer: Creating Portuguese hegemony in the Indian Ocean

Almeida’s main vision was to establish Portuguese hegemony in the Indian Ocean. His policy was known as the “Blue Water Policy.”

2. Who was the first Viceroy of Portuguese possessions in India?

  1. Albuquerque
  2. Almeida
  3. Vasco Da Gama
  4. Cabral

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Answer: Almeida

Francisco de Almeida was the first Viceroy of Portuguese possessions in India. He focused on strengthening the naval power and implemented the “Blue Water” policy.

3. Where did Vasco Da Gama set up a factory when he came to India for the second time?

  1. Cannanore
  2. Kochi
  3. Masulipatnam
  4. Ernakulam

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Answer:  Cannanore

Vasco Da Gama set up a trading factory at Cannanore (Kannur, Kerala) during his second visit to India in 1501. He later returned to Portugal in 1503.

4. Vasco Da Gama died in which place of India?

  1. Mangalore
  2. Aurangabad
  3. Pune
  4. Kochi

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Answer:  Kochi

Vasco Da Gama died of Malaria in Kochi in 1524. His mortal remains were later returned to Portugal in 1539.

5. Who was the ruler of Calicut when Vasco Da Gama arrived in India with three ships?

  1. Zamorin
  2. Abdul Majid
  3. Cabral
  4. Adil Shah

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Answer: Zamorin

Zamorin (Samuthiri) was the ruler of Calicut when Vasco Da Gama arrived in India. He offered a friendly welcome to Vasco Da Gama.

6. Which of the following Portuguese Princes was nicknamed “Navigator”?

  1. Prince William
  2. Prince Henry
  3. Prince Carlos
  4. Prince Pedro V

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Answer: Prince Henry

Prince Henry of Portugal, also known as Prince Henry the Navigator, played a significant role in exploring the oceans and promoting Portuguese exploration.

7. The Asian empire of the Portuguese was divided into three independent presidencies. Identify the correct set of these presidencies from the given options:

  1. Goa, Mozambique, Malacca
  2. Goa, Madagascar, Mauritius
  3. Goa, Mozambique, Mauritius
  4. Goa, Reunion, Malacca

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Answer: Goa, Mozambique, Malacca

The Portuguese Asian empire was divided into three independent presidencies: Goa, Mozambique, and Malacca.

8. Which Portuguese Viceroy followed the “Blue Water” policy in India?

  1. Afonso de Albuquerque
  2. Francisco de Almeida
  3. Diogo Lopes de Sequeira
  4. None of them

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Answer: Francisco de Almeida

Francisco de Almeida adopted the “Blue Water” policy, aiming to make Portugal a powerful master of the Indian Ocean rather than focusing on territorial possessions in India.

9. In which year was the Cape of Good Hope discovered by Portuguese navigator Bartholomew Dias?

  1. 1465
  2. 1475
  3. 1487
  4. 1495

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Answer: 1487

Bartholomew Dias discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1487 while attempting to find a trade route to India.

10. Goa was captured by Albuquerque from the ruler of which among the following states?

  1. Bijapur
  2. Golconda
  3. Mysore
  4. Vijayanagar

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Answer: Bijapur

Afonso de Albuquerque, the second governor of Portuguese India, acquired Goa from Bijapur in 1510.

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