Indus Valley Civilization GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

21.Which two towns of the Indus Valley Civilization were located on the bank of the Ghagghar River?

  1. Kalibanga and Banawali
  2. Rangpur and Surkotda
  3. Harappa & Rojari
  4. Harappa & Mohenjo Dero

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Correct Answer: Kalibanga and Banawali

Scholars have proposed a connection between the Ghaggar-Hakra River system, which flows through northwestern India and eastern Pakistan, and the ancient Vedic Saraswati river. This hypothesis suggests that the Ghaggar-Hakra River may have been the historical Saraswati river described in Vedic texts. Towns like Kalibanga and Banwali were located along these riverbanks, providing potential archaeological evidence for this theory. Additionally, Kalibangan is known for its distinctive fire altars and is recognized for having one of the world’s earliest documented ploughed fields, offering insights into the agricultural practices of the time.

22. Which site of the Indus Valley era is considered as the oldest “Ploughed field” in the world?

  1. Lothal
  2. Rangpur
  3. Harappa
  4. Kalibangan

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Correct Answer: Kalibangan

The Kalibangan archaeological site is renowned for its unique fire altars, which are significant structures associated with ancient rituals and religious practices. These fire altars provide insights into the spiritual and cultural aspects of the people who lived there during the Indus Valley Civilization. Additionally, Kalibangan is considered to have the world’s earliest attested ploughed field, indicating advanced agricultural practices and the use of ploughs for cultivation during that time.

23. Which site has provided evidence of the earliest recorded “Earthquake”?

  1. Surkotda
  2. Harappa
  3. Kalibangan
  4. Lothal

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Correct Answer: Kalibangan

According to B. B. Lal, former Director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the Kalibangan site shows evidence of an earthquake occurring around 2600 BC, which led to the end of the Early Indus settlement at the site. This is perhaps the earliest archaeologically recorded earthquake.

24. Which one of the following Indus Civilization site has an evidence of a dockyard?

  1. Mohenjodaro
  2. Lothal
  3. Harappa
  4. Rakhigarhi

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Correct Answer: Lothal

The site of Lothal, located in present-day Gujarat, India, offers substantial evidence of a dockyard within the Indus Valley Civilization. This dockyard is a crucial archaeological discovery that suggests the civilization’s involvement in maritime trade and commercial activities. It indicates their capacity to build and manage boats for trade along waterways, further highlighting their advanced urban planning and economic prowess.

25. Which statement is correct regarding Harappan Civilization?

  1. The Harappan Civilization was rural-based
  2. The inhabitants of Harappa grew and used cotton
  3. The standard Harappan seals were made of clay
  4. The inhabitants of Harappa had neither knowledge of copper nor bronze

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Correct Answer: The inhabitants of Harappa grew and used cotton

The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, was indeed known for its cultivation and use of cotton. This assertion is supported by archaeological evidence in the form of cotton fibers and textiles found at various Harappan sites. The civilization’s expertise in cotton cultivation and weaving is indicative of their advanced agricultural and textile production capabilities.

26. Among which of the following sites was an advanced water management system found at the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Kalibangan
  2. Lothal
  3. Alamgirpur
  4. Dholavira

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Correct Answer: Dholavira

The site of Dholavira, situated in present-day Gujarat, India, has revealed an advanced water management system. This system includes the presence of reservoirs, canals, and wells, showcasing the sophisticated water management practices of the Harappan Civilization. The ability to efficiently manage and distribute water resources played a crucial role in sustaining their urban centers and agricultural activities, emphasizing their advanced understanding of hydraulic engineering.

27. At which place the remains of wells have been found in houses that existed during the Indus Valley Civilization ?

  1. Kalibangan
  2. Lothal
  3. Harappa bras
  4. Mohenjodaro

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Correct Answer: Kalibangan

The archaeological site of Kalibangan has revealed the presence of wells within houses dating to the developed stage of the Indus Valley Civilization. This discovery provides important insights into the advanced urban planning and infrastructure of this ancient civilization. The wells were likely used to access and manage water resources for both domestic and agricultural purposes. Having wells within houses indicates a well-organized and water-savvy society that contributed to the prosperity of the Indus Valley settlements. It reflects the civilization’s ability to provide essential resources to its residents, further emphasizing its advanced nature.

28. Which site has provided evidence that the people of the Indus Valley Civilization were aware of tides?

  1. Lothal
  2. Kalibangan
  3. Suktagendor
  4. Surkotda

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Correct Answer: Lothal

Lothal, an ancient city with a well-preserved dockyard in the Indus Valley Civilization, demonstrates the inhabitants’ awareness of tides. The existence of a dockyard in Lothal suggests that the people living there were knowledgeable about the tidal movements in the nearby Gulf of Khambat. This awareness was crucial for maritime trade and navigation, ensuring the safe entry and exit of boats during different tidal conditions. It underscores the civilization’s maritime expertise and its ability to conduct trade across waterways.

29. The Harappans used intaglio seals, made mostly of carved and fired steatite, for:

  1. Amulets and charms to ward off evil spirits
  2. Marking their goods and property
  3. Exporting commodities
  4. Medium of exchange in place of coins

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Correct Answer: Marking their goods and property

The seals of the ancient Harappans were likely used for marking goods and bales of merchandise, similar to how seals are used today for signing letters or in commercial transactions. Therefore, option d) is correct.

30. The archaeological findings from Alamgirpur in Ghaziabad district showed the-

  1. Vedic Culture
  2. Gupta Period Culture
  3. Harappa Culture
  4. Mauryan Culture

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Correct Answer: Harappa Culture

Archaeological findings from Alamgirpur, situated in the Ghaziabad district, reflect the Harappa Culture, which was an integral part of the broader Indus Valley Civilization. These discoveries include artifacts, structures, and pottery that are characteristic of the Harappan culture. The presence of Harappan cultural elements at Alamgirpur underscores the extensive reach and influence of the Indus Valley Civilization in different regions of the Indian subcontinent. It offers valuable evidence of the spread and integration of Harappan culture beyond the major urban centers.

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