Indus Valley Civilization GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

31. Where was cotton for textile first cultivated?

  1. Central
  2. America
  3. India Egypt
  4. Mesopotamia

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Correct Answer: America

India is considered one of the earliest regions where cotton was cultivated for textile production. Cotton cultivation has a long history in the Indian subcontinent, dating back to ancient times. The Indus Valley Civilization, in particular, is known to have used cotton for textile production, as evidenced by archaeological discoveries of cotton fibers and textiles. This early cultivation of cotton played a significant role in shaping the textile traditions of the region, marking India as an early center for cotton cultivation and textile production that continues to be significant in modern times.

32. Where was the rock cut architecture in Harappan culture context found at?

  1. Dholavira
  2. Amri
  3. Kalibangan
  4. Kotdiji

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Correct Answer: Dholavira

Rock-cut architecture has been discovered at the site of Dholavira, providing evidence of the advanced architectural techniques employed by the Harappan Civilization. Dholavira, located in present-day Gujarat, India, was one of the major urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization. The presence of rock-cut architecture indicates the civilization’s ability to carve and shape stone for various purposes, including creating architectural elements such as steps, reservoirs, and other structures directly into solid rock formations. This showcases the engineering and construction skills of the Harappan people and their adaptability to the local environment.

33. Where is the first astronomical observatory of the Harappan Civilization located?

  1. Daimabad
  2. Dholavira
  3. Chanhudaro
  4. Ropar

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Correct Answer: Dholavira

The Dholavira site in Gujarat is believed to be the location of the first astronomical observatory of the Harappan Civilization. This identification was made by M. N. Vahia from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and Srikumar Menon from Manipal School of Architecture and Planning in 2012. They pointed to two circular structures at Dholavira, which were claimed to have been used for observational astronomy. While more research and evidence may be needed to fully support this claim, the possibility of ancient astronomical observatories in the Harappan Civilization highlights their interest in celestial observations and the development of early astronomy.

34. Which of the following statements about the Indus Valley Civilization is correct?

  1. Both Surkotada and Dholavira are located in the Kutch region of Gujarat.
  2. The Lothal site was located on the bank of the Narmada River.
  3. Both Harappa and Mohenjo-daro are located on the banks of the Indus River.
  4. Both Chanhudaro and Kalibangan were located within the boundaries of present-day Rajasthan.

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Correct Answer: Both Surkotada and Dholavira are located in the Kutch region of Gujarat.

The statement provides geographical information about the locations of some key Indus Valley Civilization sites. Mohenjo-daro was situated on the banks of the Indus River, Harappa was located on the banks of the Ravi River, Chanhudaro is now located in Pakistan, and Lothal was positioned at the mouth of the Gulf of Cambay (also known as the Gulf of Khambat). These geographical placements were strategic for trade, access to water resources, and connectivity within the civilization, showcasing the thoughtful urban planning of the Harappan cities.

35. Harappans did not know which one of the following things?

  1. Construction of Drains
  2. Construction of Arches
  3. Construction of Wells
  4. Construction of Pillars

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Correct Answer: Construction of Arches

The Harappan Civilization primarily employed post-and-lintel construction methods in its architecture and did not incorporate arches into its buildings. The absence of arches is a distinguishing feature of Harappan architecture. Instead, they used sturdy pillars (posts) to support horizontal beams (lintels) to create doorways and other architectural features. This architectural style was effective in constructing robust and durable structures, as seen in the well-preserved remains of Harappan cities.

36. What is the most common motif found on Indus seals?

  1. Rhinoceros
  2. Unicorn
  3. Elephant
  4. Bull

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Correct Answer: Unicorn

The most common motif found on Indus seals is the unicorn, a mythical animal with a single horn. This motif is significant as it represents a creature that has been traced back to the Indian subcontinent in ancient Greek and Roman sources. The unicorn symbolizes the rich cultural and artistic heritage of the Indus Valley Civilization. These seals, often made of clay or stone, were used for various purposes, including marking goods, containers, or documents. The unicorn motif reflects the cultural and artistic expressions of the civilization and provides valuable insights into their beliefs and symbolism.

37. The dockyard at Lothal was well connected with which river?

  1. Hiran
  2. Bhadar
  3. Tapti
  4. Bhogavo

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Correct Answer: Bhogavo

Lothal, an ancient city in the Indus Valley Civilization, is situated in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India. It is strategically located between the Sabarmati River and its tributary, the Bhogavo River. What makes Lothal particularly noteworthy is its well-planned dockyard, which was connected to the Bhogavo River. This dockyard is considered one of the most significant archaeological discoveries from the Indus Valley Civilization. Its strategic location and connectivity to the river system indicate the civilization’s advanced maritime activities and trade capabilities. Lothal’s dockyard played a crucial role in facilitating trade and commerce, further highlighting the sophisticated urban planning of the Harappan cities.

38. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization primarily traded with the people of which civilization?

  1. Mesopotamians
  2. Chinese
  3. Romans
  4. Parthians

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Correct Answer: Mesopotamians

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization engaged in trade with various regions, and one of their primary trading partners was the Mesopotamians. Dilmun and Makan are believed to have served as intermediate trading stations or intermediary regions between Meluha (an early name for the Indus area) and Mesopotamia. These trading connections are supported by archaeological findings, including seals and inscriptions, which provide evidence of the trade routes and interactions between these ancient civilizations. While other civilizations existed during this period, they were not directly linked to the Indus Valley Civilization in terms of trade networks.

39. Where was a copper chariot of Harappa times discovered?

  1. Daimabad
  2. banawali
  3. Kuntal
  4. Rakhigarhi

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Correct Answer: Daimabad

A copper chariot of Harappa times was discovered at the site of Daimabad.

40. Which one of the following is the sitefrom where the famous Bull-seal of Indus Valley Civilization was discovered?

  1. Lothal
  2. Rajgiri
  3. Harappa
  4. Chanhudaro

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Correct Answer: Harappa

The famous Bull-seal of the Indus Valley Civilization was indeed discovered at the archaeological site of Harappa. This seal is an iconic artifact that features a depiction of a bull in a distinctive style. Such seals were used for various purposes, including marking goods and documents, and are considered important symbols of the civilization. The bull, in particular, was a significant motif and may have held cultural or religious significance. Its discovery at Harappa underscores the rich archaeological heritage of this ancient city and its contribution to our understanding of the Indus Valley Civilization’s culture and trade.

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