Indus Valley Civilization GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

11. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. It is difficult to say to which race the people belonged
  2. The people knew nothing about agriculture Man
  3. The Indus Valley Civilization was an advanced urban civilization
  4. Iron was not known to the people

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Correct Answer: The people knew nothing about agriculture Man

Agriculture played a crucial role in the Indus Valley Civilization. The people were skilled farmers who cultivated various crops, including wheat, barley, peas, and cotton.

12. What is the local name of Mohenjodaro?

  1. Mound of the Dead
  2. Mound of the Survivor
  3. Mound of the Living
  4. Mound of the Great

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Correct Answer: Mound of the Dead

The name “Mohenjodaro” means “Mound of the Dead” in the local language. This name is attributed to the discovery of numerous burial sites and graveyards within the archaeological site of Mohenjodaro. These findings suggest that the city had a significant burial culture, and the name reflects the presence of these ancient tombs.

13. Where has a nude male torso been found?

  1. Harappa
  2. Lothal
  3. Mehergarh
  4. MohanJodro

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Correct Answer: Harappa

A nude male torso has been discovered at Harappa.

14. The Indus Valley Civilization was famous for?

  1. architecture
  2. craftsmanship
  3. town planning
  4. All of these

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Correct Answer: craftsmanship

The Indus Valley Civilization was renowned for its remarkable achievements in various aspects, including town planning, craftsmanship, and architecture. The advanced level of civilization reached by the people of that time is evident in their well-planned cities, intricate craftsmanship seen in artifacts, and sophisticated architectural structures.

15. Which of the following animals was known to the Indus Valley Civilization ?

  1. Elephant
  2. Giraffe
  3. Bull
  4. Horse

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Correct Answer: Horse

Bulls were indeed common animals during the Indus Valley Civilization. They held cultural and possibly religious significance and were often depicted in the artwork and seals of the civilization. The bull is considered an important symbol of this ancient culture.

16. What material was used for house construction in the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Wood
  2. Bamboo
  3. Stone
  4. Bricks

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Correct Answer: Bricks

Bricks made from fired clay were a primary construction material used in building houses and structures in the Indus Valley Civilization. These bricks were carefully crafted and arranged to construct sturdy and well-designed buildings within the cities of the civilization.

17. Where has an inkpot been discovered among the following Harappan sites?

  1. Kalibangan
  2. Chanhudaro
  3. Harappa
  4. Lothal

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Correct Answer: Chanhudaro

Chanhudaro is unique among the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization as it is the only one where a small pot, assumed to be an ink pot, was discovered. This finding suggests that the people of Chanhudaro may have had some form of writing or record-keeping, as the pot could have been used for ink in a writing system that remains undeciphered to this day.

18. The writing style in the Indus Valley Civilization, known as Boustrophedon, means:

  1. It was written left to right and right to left in alternate lines
  2. It was written up to down
  3. It was written left to right
  4. It was written right to left

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Correct Answer: It was written right to left

Boustrophedon is a style of writing commonly found in ancient manuscripts and inscriptions. In this writing style, each line of text alternates in direction, creating a back-and-forth pattern. This means that while one line is written from left to right, the next line is written from right to left, and so on. Additionally, the letters in each reversed line also appear in reverse order. Boustrophedon was used in various ancient cultures and is known for its distinctive visual appearance.

19.Which one of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley indicates the commercial and economic development?

  1. Boats
  2. Houses
  3. Pottery
  4. Seals

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Correct Answer: Seals

Seals played a significant role in the Indus Valley Civilization for administrative and commercial purposes. These seals featured intricate designs and inscriptions, often showcasing animals, symbols, and script. They were used to make impressions on clay or other materials as a form of identification and authentication. The presence of these seals provides valuable evidence of trade, commercial activities, and economic development in the Indus Valley Civilization, as they were used to mark goods and transactions.

20. Which one of the following cities is the the earliest city discovered in India?

  1. Sindh
  2. Mohenjodaro
  3. Harappa
  4. Rangpur

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Correct Answer: Harappa

Harappa is indeed considered one of the earliest and most well-preserved cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. It is renowned for its impressive urban planning, including well-organized streets, drainage systems, and well-designed buildings. Harappa, along with Mohenjo-Daro, represents the urban sophistication of this ancient civilization, offering insights into their architectural and civic achievements.

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