Indus Valley Civilization GK MCQs With Answer & Explanation in English

41. Who found the Indus Valley Civilization ?

  1. Dayaram Sahni
  2. A.L. Basham
  3. Sir Leonard Wooley
  4. V.S. Agrawal

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Correct Answer: Dayaram Sahni

Dayaram Sahni is indeed associated with the discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization. He conducted excavations at Harappa in 1920-1921 and made significant discoveries that led to the recognition of the ancient civilization. Thank you for pointing out the correct answer.

42. Which one of the following animals was most commonly represented on the seals and terracotta art of the Harappan culture ?

  1. Rhinoceros
  2. Bull
  3. Cow
  4. Elephant

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Correct Answer: Bull

The Bull was indeed prominently represented on the seals and in the terracotta art of the Harappan culture. The bull was a significant motif and symbol in the iconography of the Indus Valley Civilization. It often appeared on seals and other artifacts, depicting various aspects of bull imagery, including the “unicorn” motif and bull carts. The bull likely held cultural, religious, or even economic significance, and its frequent representation in art and seals reflects its importance in the civilization’s iconography.

43. Which of the following appears to be unknown to the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Barley
  2. Cotton
  3. Wheat
  4. Pulses

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Correct Answer: Pulses

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization had a diverse diet and used several agricultural crops and resources. While there is documented evidence of their use of wheat, barley, and cotton, there is no concrete evidence regarding the use of pulses in their diet. The chief food crops in the civilization included wheat, barley, sesame, mustard, and peas, among others. Additionally, rice husks have been found in Lothal and Rangpur, suggesting the cultivation of rice in some areas. Cotton was a significant crop, contributing to the textile industry. The diet also included fish and animal meat, reflecting the diversity of food sources available to the Harappan people.

44. Which type of seals were most commonly used in the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Quadrate
  2. Rounded
  3. Oval
  4. Cylindrical

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Correct Answer: Quadrate

Quadrate seals were indeed the most common type of seals in the Harappan culture. These seals were typically square or rectangular in shape and featured intricate designs and inscriptions. They were used for various purposes, including marking goods, containers, or documents. The quadrate seals are notable for their craftsmanship and are among the most iconic artifacts from the Indus Valley Civilization.

45. Remains of horses have been found at which site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Surkotada
  2. Suktagen Dor
  3. Mohenjo-Daro
  4. Lothal

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Correct Answer: Surkotada

The Surkotada site contains horse remains dated to 2000 BC, which is considered a significant observation in relation to the Indus Valley Civilization. Excavations conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India in 1974 revealed findings of horse bones at all levels of the site.

46. Which term was used for Indus Valley. In the Mesopotamian records?

  1. Magan
  2. Failaka
  3. Dilmun
  4. Meluha

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Correct Answer: Meluha

The term “Meluha” was used in Mesopotamian records to refer to the region of the Indus Valley Civilization. This historical name reflects the trade and interactions between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. It provides valuable insights into the ancient trade routes and connections between these civilizations. “Meluha” is one of the names that have been identified in cuneiform inscriptions, indicating the awareness of Mesopotamians about the distant land of the Indus Valley.

47. Which one of the following Harappan specialised centre for making shell objects ?

  1. Amri
  2. Kotdiji
  3. Lothal
  4. Balakot

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Correct Answer: Lothal

The site of Balakot has revealed significant evidence of extensive shell working and craftsmanship. This evidence suggests that the Harappan culture had the capability to work with shells to create various objects and artifacts. Shell working was an important aspect of their craftsmanship and trade, as these shell products were likely used as ornaments or traded items. The discovery at Balakot contributes to our understanding of the wide range of skills and industries present in the Indus Valley Civilization.

48. The Manda site of the Indus Valley Civilization is located on the bank of which river?

  1. Chenab
  2. Jhelum
  3. Ravi
  4. Indus

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Correct Answer: Chenab

The Manda site of the Indus Valley Civilization is situated on the right bank of the Chenab River in the foothills of the Pir Panjal range, approximately 28 kilometers northwest of Jammu. Excavations at this site were conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India during 1976-77 under the supervision of J. P. Joshi. The site’s location along the Chenab River highlights the widespread presence of the Indus Valley Civilization in various regions of the Indian subcontinent, providing valuable archaeological insights into this ancient culture.

49. The Indus Valley site Harappa is located on the bank of which river?

  1. Beas
  2. Sutlej
  3. Indus
  4. Ravi

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Correct Answer: Ravi

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were two major urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization, and they were situated along different rivers. Harappa was located on the banks of the Ravi River in the Montgomery district of western Punjab, which is now part of Pakistan. In contrast, Mohenjo-Daro was positioned on the bank of the Indus River. These cities are renowned archaeological sites that have significantly contributed to our understanding of the Indus Valley Civilization’s urban planning, architecture, and way of life.

50. Which of the following Indus Valley sites provides evidence of a structure resembling a “stadium with terraced stands”?

  1. Dholavira
  2. Lothal
  3. Harappa
  4. Kalibangan

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Correct Answer: Dholavira

The Dholavira site in Kutch, Gujarat, stands out for its long cultural sequence spanning over 1,500 years. Among its notable features is a monumental structure that is believed to resemble a “stadium with terraced stands.” Dholavira’s archaeological significance lies in its well-preserved remains, including advanced water management systems and architectural structures. The “stadium” structure is an intriguing discovery that adds to our understanding of the cultural and architectural diversity within the Indus Valley Civilization.

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